Holy mother of moogles.
I'm almost crying in tears over that Facebook banner poll. This is the trappiest trap that ever was trapped in this game of traps.
And the best part of it all, is that Gumi can just point at the playerbase and say, "well you voted for the rarest of the rare cards, so don't come complaining when the rates are atrocious."
Looking at the groups, each group is clearly designed to have a specific pre-determined winner. And already, each of the pre-determined winners already have runaway leads in each group.
Now for the absolutely delicious kicker: Can anyone point out anywhere in the announcement where it specifically says that these five units will be the only units in this special banner? Good luck

Reddit is completely missing this tiny little detail completely at the moment.
If Gumi is generous, the banner remains at 5 units (2 4* + 3 3*), the draw rates on the 4*s are predicted to be ~1.3% because 2 4* bases exist at the same time.
However, if Gumi throws in a single 4* max troll unit (like Lani) into the mix and creates a 6 unit banner (with 5 rare units, 2 of which are 4* base, competing for a 5% total draw pool), then the rates fall to Lightning tier levels. Won't the dumpster fires be glorious then?