6 million download celebration: 5 ticket and 100 lapi daily for a month (3000 lapi total).
Im not gonna fall gimu, that tickets and lapi are going for tactics event.
5 tickets every day for a month? or only 5 for a month?
Can't check, doing quest
we got the 5 tickets right now once.
We got 100 lapi everyday for a month for a total of 3000
What about the other daily lapis event? The one with NRG. Is it over?
Nice!6 million download celebration: 5 ticket and 100 lapi daily for a month (3000 lapi total).
Im not gonna fall gimu, that tickets and lapi are going for tactics event.
the 100k facebook friends celebrations ends 08/31, and this event says starts right now 08/26, so, unless theres some typo here, between 08/26 and 08/31 we are getting 200 lapi, and from then to 09/30 100 lapi
the 100k facebook friends celebrations ends 08/31, and this event says starts right now 08/26, so, unless theres some typo here, between 08/26 and 08/31 we are getting 200 lapi, and from then to 09/30 100 lapi
Can confirm I got 200 free lapis today, 100 from both events.
Can confirm I got 200 free lapis today, 100 from both events.
Can also confirm cactuar dunes sucks, with 10 runs netting me only one bonus giant cactuar. Damn you RNG!
okay, in reddit im reading a flood of zidane pulls in the new banner.
Just for the lolz, i did the 250 pull.... Zidane
That doesnt mean anything. Wait for the early summon poll result to see how the rates are.
What is the difference between the 5, 10 and 15 stamina cactaurs dunes runs?
And 5 is a gamble? And from experience what do you think is best to do for stamina use?You'll 100/% get gigantuars in 15
And 5 is a gamble? And from experience what do you think is best to do for stamina use?
And 5 is a gamble? And from experience what do you think is best to do for stamina use?
You're horrible. Used a ticket and pulled another galuf.
Daily half price pull yesterday: 4* Lani
Daily half price pull today: 3* Lani
I thought this could not get any worse.
How about giving me some of your luck or lapisBUT I TOLD YOU TO WAIT, I CAN TAKE RISK BECAUSE I AM A WHALE
Game crashed on both accounts when I did the half summon pull. Luckily I still got my awesome new units, galuf and panelo.
Very generous of Gumi! Love the rewards. Almost offsets the pain of continuously turdy pulls.
Slight upgrade and at least she looks cool.wow i thought it only happens to me.
suck to be you though, what a poor unit
meanwhile i got Rydia. LOL
I can understand being lucky on one account, but two? What kind of witch craft voodoo ouija board madness is this?Game crashed also on me when I pulled on my second account then logged back in to see a kefka sprite and NEW besides it![]()
Freya's Reis Wind, isn't that the best heal move in the game right now?
And Garnet is rank 1 now because curaja + Raise?
still prefer Curaja + Cheer though.
So I did a daily pull.
It gave me Chizzy Chan.
Yesterday was WoL.
I'm pretty sure you're all sending me your luck like this.
I shall pull one more time with a ticket to test my luck. I await the bedille
It was an Analzem
People, listen to the whales, the whales will set you free!!!
Where is the gloom spider quest? I'm burning energy on the cactuar event to level up Bartz #2 to max - he's at L60 right now and climbing, but I want to make sure I get that quest unlocked in time to do it the easy way in the Abyss before it ends.
Gumi is being generous with Lapis right now - if I had to guess, it is so they can see if people will pull off the new banner or not. I'm not falling for it - just hoarding them for a new banner.
And only daily pulls from now on for me, though I've pulled nothing but shit for now on those
Valentus - you did seven hundred pulls?