Whenever I feel like my day is starting to go bad, all I need to do is just turn to Reddit. After a few minutes, I don't feel anywhere near as bad anymore.
Pray sir or madam, can you tell me if some random 5* base that won't be released for at least 4-6 months in Global will be future proof?
Which Altema 95+ rating unit is the best to save up for, because that is the only unit I want to pull in this game and I need to save up all my tickets and lapis to pull that unit only!
My mathematically convoluted way to perform <action> is marginally more efficient than the standard method everyone for obtaining <thing>, therefore everyone else is an idiot and bask in my superiority!
I swear at this point, I think at least half of Reddit is just trolling everyone who asks the first two questions for the laughs.
The last point is equally laughable. Grats to the person who found out that yes, the Beach in Dirnado can be used as superior powerleveling zone for units because it is easy. But, of course, fully clearing an exploration takes 15-20 minutes versus 30 seconds in ADV Vortex or Cactaur Dunes. Several pages of arguing ensued.
If I was still younger, I'd weep for humanity. Nowadays, nah. Where's that kermit sipping tea gif?