2 Hero's Rings now and two more being made! Not sure how many I should make haha, 6?
Anybody know if the customer support is any bit reliable in this game? Bought some lapis but it timed out and didn't go through but my iTunes credit still got taken.. Sent a bunch of emails to their support and have been harassing th in game live chat and I have yet to even get an automated response from them..
So I'm a very, very sad zidaneless person right now![]()
When did this happen? I mean send 1 email & chat message more and if if you dont get answer within 48h. I would contact to Appstore and explain situation. They should refund you and (just my opinion) you wont lose your account.
Let's see how grindy this event is... Got 24 energy pots saved up for it. Hoping that's enough. That shield looks good for my exdeath, 4 def less than current one but it gives magic. I'm in.
Banner looks good but not for me. I already have Locke and Leo and no use for celes and terra.
Sounds like an idea.
Which TM is the best atm to lvl anyway?
24 like 24 times 30 energy? DAMN.
I've got 4 energy vials saved up.
If you have Garland, sticking another doublehand on him with the excalibur will be incredible. Once he hits 6* he gets ability slots AND a bonus when equipping greatswords..he will be unstoppable!!! Bahaha
Yeah Cecil will get the shield, his defense goes through the roof at 6* anyway so it'll make him even stronger.
If we look at the Japanese version, it's only 10 tickets and 1 trust moogle per event.
But as always, Gumi might have changed that, even more that this event is exclusive to Global.
Hey guys just have a party composition question... my current party is:
I have a Locke and Leo, would it be worth replacing anyone in my party with either/both of them? I have been unable to beat the chimera (only have tried it a couple times to be fair though) so far with my current party... have gotten it close to dead but just cant quite kill it.
My recently acquired Bartz has replaced Firion on my team. I like him and all, but he's not as useful as he probably should be. Ironic, then, that I'm still keeping Rakshasa around because she actually does more work than Firion has been,
So the question, then, is do I level up Vaan as well and use him as a replacement for Rakshasa? I know he's ranked higher than her and all, but...
Current party is
Everyone is at 5* and maxed level 80 except Bartz, who is sitting at level 71 or so right now (been taking advantage of the experience chamber, of course).
Also, just for shits and giggles, I have a Leo and Kefka who I haven't really touched...
I'm trying to avoid overoptimizing my party but I'm thinking if I use the party feature to build parties for situations (boss killer, for example) and leave my main party with the characters I like to use for whatever reason.
Need some input on this.
The grinding will be outrageous . But for 10 tickets and a shield that gives MAG, im in
Make as many as you can. They are used as ingredients in future, better, rings. NEVER STOP
Well I guess it's time I finally show my face instead of lurking this OT.
I don't really post on GAF anymore but this place seems calm and amicable enough, so if things go well maybe I'll start to be more active again!
I started playing at launch but decided to reroll towards the end of June as I was fed up with having dismal units. Currently sitting at a rank of 35.
Managed to grab my 3rd Kuja on the half pull this morning from the current banner. At least it's not a Lani I guess?
And on that note...hello everyone!
My recently acquired Bartz has replaced Firion on my team. I like him and all, but he's not as useful as he probably should be. Ironic, then, that I'm still keeping Rakshasa around because she actually does more work than Firion has been,
So the question, then, is do I level up Vaan as well and use him as a replacement for Rakshasa? I know he's ranked higher than her and all, but...
Current party is
Everyone is at 5* and maxed level 80 except Bartz, who is sitting at level 71 or so right now (been taking advantage of the experience chamber, of course).
Also, just for shits and giggles, I have a Leo and Kefka who I haven't really touched...
I'm trying to avoid overoptimizing my party but I'm thinking if I use the party feature to build parties for situations (boss killer, for example) and leave my main party with the characters I like to use for whatever reason.
Need some input on this.
What's the fastest way to max level up characters? Just save energy for Cactaur vortex, or are there better/comparable ways while I wait for them to come back? And when are they set to return?
Also, I'm rather new to the game, and wondering how my team stacks up:
These are my only 5* capable characters, though I'm obviously lacking a tank. Is it better I remove Celeste and put in a lesser star cap character for any tanking abilities they may have? Thanks!
That's because he's not 78 yet. Once he gets barrage, he's a weaker Chizzy. But still far above Firion and Garland.
Excited that my first Hero ring gets done today. Going to start on 2 soon.
I'm farming Barrage for Firion, who is superior to Bartz in every way, especially at 6*. Now, that said, I have two Bartz that I run from time to time as well. I will not whale for Locke, but I will spend a few tickets and some 1/2 pulls.
What's the best (non-TM) weapon for Bartz? I've got Ogrekiller (atk +36) on him right now, which only brings him up to (what feels like a very weak) 146 atk. Meanwhile Chizuru with 1* Ifrit, Murasame (atk +61) and atk +10% is at 263 atk.
Or you can have a companion that has refia.In order to use the Refia combo, you have to be able to pull her. Since I actually want her, I'm doubtful I will do so![]()
*TRIGGERED*I'm farming Barrage for Firion,who is superior to Bartz in every way, especially at 6*.
Enhancer sword from the latest trial is his best non-TM weapon atmWhat's the best (non-TM) weapon for Bartz? I've got Ogrekiller (atk +36) on him right now, which only brings him up to (what feels like a very weak) 146 atk. Meanwhile Chizuru with 1* Ifrit, Murasame (atk +61) and atk +10% is at 263 atk.
What's the fastest way to max level up characters? Just save energy for Cactaur vortex, or are there better/comparable ways while I wait for them to come back? And when are they set to return?
Also, I'm rather new to the game, and wondering how my team stacks up:
These are my only 5* capable characters, though I'm obviously lacking a tank. Is it better I remove Celeste and put in a lesser star cap character for any tanking abilities they may have? Thanks!
Tellah is an under-appreciated mage. He has a move that allows him to use magic EVERY single round (4MP), even on explorations. Hence, I would argue unless dealing with bosses, he is superior to both Kefka and ExDeath. Granted, I don't have ExDeath but I have every other mage
This will change when 6* forms come to Global - but for now the old man rocks
What's the fastest way to max level up characters? Just save energy for Cactaur vortex, or are there better/comparable ways while I wait for them to come back? And when are they set to return?
Also, I'm rather new to the game, and wondering how my team stacks up:
These are my only 5* capable characters, though I'm obviously lacking a tank. Is it better I remove Celeste and put in a lesser star cap character for any tanking abilities they may have? Thanks!