This list is nuts! What u NEED to do is put the whale disclaimer there bc u don't NEED 2 of each of these. That's just simply not true
And you could finish the game with only rain lasswell fina lid and a Fran if you want.
There's no whaling in the things i said, most people here are getting 2+ zidanes, and in the next event if they pull, unless gumi do some scam again (i hope not) they will have a bunch of leos without pulling.
We are talking here about OPTIMAL EQUIPMENT. Yes, TMs are irrelevant, but you will cry blood for past them. If the people are asking which TM should prioritize, why tell them "get all the gungnirs you can!!!" That would be tell people to spend their fucking time in nothing.
And the thing is, TM farming is optimal NOW because there no fucking events that require fight the boss again and again and again for currency for king mog / level up on ranking for prizes. There you wont have NRG for the events and TM farming at the same time.
For me, i will save all the trust moogles i can get in all the events for Raijin Scroll, because i can see there's no way in hell i can grind my orlandu and do events at the same time.
Yes, TM are not mandatory, as well as your ExDeath/Chizuru/WoL that one spend 5 hours rerolling to get the perfect summon. But THE POINT OF CONVERSATION HERE IS TM PRIORITY. I only give my point of view. Shouta have another point of view and is equal (or even more for the time playing the game) respectable.
Any of you have bartz with dual wield? I will begin my TMs and wondering what to start with.
Thinking doing tellah for mp 30%, kain for gungnir, exdeath for holy, shantotto for magic 30% and zidane for dual wield. I'd do Luna for barrage but garland can't equip abilities yet or bartz for dual hand but dual wield is probably better for bartz? I don't think my WoL needs any of these.
DISCLAIMER: This is filthy whale talk only. Players without whaling powers do not read.
I saw once a bartz with excalibur and doublehanded and 2 hyper wrist with about 400atk.
Dual Wield is more versatile than doublehanded, because doublehanded depends totally of the equip you put on your character, while dual wield, even if you equip with free weapons, you get a considerable upgrade in damage.
Now if you only have bartz for TM, obviously is a very good TM (a gamechanger if you dont have much more to choose), but if you have a zidane and a bartz, and want to grind TM, give priority to Zidane.