Can someone be kind enough to summarize what I should be doing for this event and the best way to go? Just woke up and am super confused
Can someone be kind enough to summarize what I should be doing for this event and the best way to go? Just woke up and am super confused
Basically run any of the new island exploration you'll get a lot of material for 8 hr recipe. Pretty much just run through each zone and max out the battle encounters.Also, are you guys running through explorations until enemies stop spawning ? I saw a post somewhere that one of you is already crafting the 8 hour one in every slot you have. Where do you get the hundreds of flour for that?
Also, are you guys running through explorations until enemies stop spawning ? I saw a post somewhere that one of you is already crafting the 8 hour one in every slot you have. Where do you get the hundreds of flour for that?
I'm confused; bought the premium cake recipe but don't see it as an option in any of the Forge menus. Do I need to do something to be able to activate it?
I'm confused; bought the premium cake recipe but don't see it as an option in any of the Forge menus. Do I need to do something to be able to activate it?
I'm confused; bought the premium cake recipe but don't see it as an option in any of the Forge menus. Do I need to do something to be able to activate it?
Using Locke leader - 622 464 324
Lots of space still
Ummmmm.... Can someone explain to me why when I go to fuse units for TM bonuses those units aren't showing up?
Ummmmm.... Can someone explain to me why when I go to fuse units for TM bonuses those units aren't showing up?
why use Locke?
Has a passive skill at max level that can increase chest drops.why use Locke?
why use Locke?
Ummmmm.... Can someone explain to me why when I go to fuse units for TM bonuses those units aren't showing up?
Yeah I'm an idiot >,< too tired.
So let me see if I have this right. Fusing three units with 29% trust is enough to boost it to 100%?
Request sent, though I see a firion as your leader
- Crystal rarity determines which base rarity you will get; Gold will always give base 4, Rainbow will always give base 5
- Everything has been super simplified. No more typing such as common, rare, or several different kind of bases
-Yes, that means Vivi and Cecil have same rate
- Featured unit rate seems to have been decreased to around 25%
- What is interesting is the guaranteed pull chance (the +1 summon you get from 5k Lapis pull or using special ticket), which has ~51% chance to pull a featured unit, 47.5% of which are base 4
- For this banner that means Setzer has 47.5% rate on a guaranteed pull, and 4.75% rate on a normal pull. That's almost a guaranteed Setzer on 10+1 summon
If I just need a ton of Flour, what should I run? Doing Miranda Coast got me a little lopsided.
You should get enough for one full 8 hour recipe if you farmed every creep.
Make sure you farm all of them on the first and second zone. XP should be a teeny bit over 60k when you complete the map.
How much are the ingredients worth if you sell them? Could be a source of gil after you're doing getting cakes, lol
Woo! Sounds good to me.So, about the new summon gate in JP...
From Reddit:
We can't re-use the ingredients the next time we have this event?
Have they ever re ran an event? I thought I read they didn't so in that case you would just be holding on to something that will never be used more than likely.
From what I read here from the jp players, it seems like they have had this event more than once.
The currency changes every event.
The premium recipe still looks better from a materials standpoint. A yield of 32 times the standard yet you need less than 32 times the ingredients.
Yup. The Premium recipe saves 4 Sugar, 36 Eggs, 33 Paste, 116 Flour per craft vs crafting 32 with the Standard recipe. Plus, there is the bonus of them giving you enough mats with the recipe purchase to make it once.Better for your sanity and if you max out your crafting slots you can do 4K every 8 hours assuming you get enough mats
Not bad at all