Yu Narukami
Pulled Anzelm with my free daily login ticket. Smh...
Pulled Anzelm with my free daily login ticket. Smh...
Got him too, he is nice to have, Ra spell for AOE, poison all is nice, Cura too.
Been farming Colo A2 for heaven's ash, could get 1 in 2 point from stealing the birds.
Really need some Thunderaga spell for this S tier colo final boss.
Where do we get those Litrocks? I've farmed enough Sacred Crystal and now i short of Litrocks. Tried awakening BGN INT ADV but very low drop rates.
Any suggestions where to farm?
ID: 978,822,141
Need to fill up friend spots.
I should have a maxed 5* Vaan and Garland soon enough.
Grandshelt castle steals gave me a ton
Thanks. Managed to get the last few Litrocks to awake both Lasswell and Rain![]()
Why cant BE have somekind of pull fest now. There is one in PAD going on (PCGF) and one in GBF too (LegFest). Got Crystals (5150), could use some new unit instead of Lasswell but the rates arent so hot.
@Visceir You got fr.
Is that a new acc. ? I already added but i will have to check again.ID: 978,822,141
Need to fill up friend spots.
I should have a maxed 5* Vaan and Garland soon enough.
Edit: I'll keep Garland as leader for now since he has more powerful attacks and can use the white dragon katana.
Yeah from now on i will look up what the different units drop to decide if its worth the struggle to steal.Yeah my max level 5* Vaan can fail 10 times in a row. Kinda frustrating when you get one Rainbow Needle or some other crap. They say that Colo steals wont affect to trophy so that sucks too
Also in the next maintenance (tomorrow) hopefully they fix the lag (2-5s) when you swipe right in order to do use units skills / abilities.
Yup hoarding Lapis. Good thing that we have so little content, there is no real urge to pull now. But everyday I get atleast 50 Lapis & running all the non daily quest nrg to Catacombs Exit.I think it's best to hoard energy right now in case those upcoming packs can be bought with Lapis.
Japan had a 10k lapis pack during NYE that included +30% atk materia that I didn't manage to buy and I still kinda regret not having that, haha.
Edit: I doubt any of the packs would cost more than 1000 - 3000 lapis though.
When i first started the game i didnt have the swipe to left lag issue - just recently it started popping up. I also read that some people have had longer loading times when the game goes into Stand-By and tries to reconnect to Google Play or something.
Well..guess thats what soft launches are for heh.
Yup hoarding Lapis. Good thing that we have so little content, there is no real urge to pull now. But everyday I get atleast 50 Lapis & running all the non daily quest nrg to Catacombs Exit.
That +30% atk materia tho. My Vaan obviously needs it
Is that a new acc. ? I already added but i will have to check again.
PS. White Dragon Katan ? Is that a Colliseum reward ?
I recommend you stop that right now. Details below:3 stars ExDeath is not so great, magic based character without damaging magic, hahaha.
Gotta awake him ASAP for the -aga spells.
Got Ifrit on my first day playing, now farming red magicites to unlock is 2* fight, then I'll be able to grind rank levels.
Hope the official launch is close so I can buy some stuff.
As has been mentioned before the second Island has much better magicite locations.In regards to what WarAdept said earlier:
Basically you don't go for Ifrit round 2 at this point of the game as getting the shards to level Ifrit puts you far behind in rank compared to running Granshelt Catacombs Exit over and over and over again. Looking at altema (http://altema.jp/ffbe/keikenchikourituichirann-2859) the only things better than Granshelt Catacombs Exit for rank are only about 7% better. I'm sure for anything else one can do the improvements are more so from that perspective upping rank would be the best thing to do now.
Finally got what I wanted from the friend point pull. Biggs and Paul.
I recommend you stop that right now. Details below:
As has been mentioned before the second Island has much better magicite locations.
As has been mentioned before the second Island has much better magicite locations.
ID: 978,822,141
Need to fill up friend spots.
I should have a maxed 5* Vaan and Garland soon enough.
Edit: I'll keep Garland as leader for now since he has more powerful attacks and can use the white dragon katana.
So where can I farm for Spiritsand and Heaven's Ash besides Vortex?
How is damage calculated in this game? I just tried with and without Power Wrist vs. Ghoul and the difference was 250 more damage lol. Thats huge for a difference of +5 ATK.
Pulled a 5 star Kuja, is he worth starting with because he's 5 star? Or will he become worthless and I should just keep going until I get one of the top tiers?
I pulled My third Rydia...is she the corby of this Game?
And i'm currently Stuck in the s4 endboss Stage
Went stupid and all out. Pulled sabin and Terra. No Regrets i Love Terra....i guess she will get a 6* in the Future.
This isn't available on the US Itunes, right?
How is damage calculated in this game? I just tried with and without Power Wrist vs. Ghoul and the difference was 250 more damage lol. Thats huge for a difference of +5 ATK.
i need friends with ifrit 2 stars equip. please add me if you want a Vaan maxed with full break please add me 866 176 087
We have the GAF member ID Google Doc linked in the OP - forget to write down your IDs there as well.
We have the GAF member ID Google Doc linked in the OP - forget to write down your IDs there as well.
Someone please stop me from pulling! Or at least tell me shantotto or cyan are good![]()
Is there an ifirit level 3?