So with this banner I've pulled 4 Jugglers (4 of them! one of them was 5*!) and now I've pulled a 5* Thief.
Why would you do that when a way better banner is right around the corner? Fencer shouldn't be worth 20 pulls no matter what. Is a half naked bunny girl really that big of a deal?
Of course, she's a half naked bunny girlWhy would you do that when a way better banner is right around the corner? Fencer shouldn't be worth 20 pulls no matter what. Is a half naked bunny girl really that big of a deal?
troll yellow crystal turned into a rainbow crystal, but it was a juggler
From what I'm reading the unit not that good?
Gumi's fault for delaying base 5* units so muchThis games gatcha is kind of weird to me. Ever since I acquired a team that will eventually 6* I haven't cared to pull. I just don't see needing anymore units. I don't tm grind so the TM rewards aren't even intriguing me either. Until a unit comes along that inherently is more powerful than mine, I don't feel the need to pull.
This games gatcha is kind of weird to me. Ever since I acquired a team that will eventually 6* I haven't cared to pull. I just don't see needing anymore units. I don't tm grind so the TM rewards aren't even intriguing me either. Until a unit comes along that inherently is more powerful than mine, I don't feel the need to pull.
Another fucking Kain! I swear this has been my worst banner of the game!
Curious if the event is going to drop a ton of mats or if it'll be gravity rod levels of bad again. It being 4 days long is bizarre given the requirements. Was the old land of plenty event exploration events?
Wait, Bartz' auto-potion doesn't count towards the item use trophy? What the heck? It definitely uses up potions.
Another fucking Kain! I swear this has been my worst banner of the game!
Man, not sure what to do. I want Fencer, don't really need her though. I have 7500 Lapis and 8 Tickets. I won't be pulling during the FB banner, since I have all but WoL. I do want to save Ticket for FFT though, not to mention the Tlith banner (and Lightning).
Yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards (or trying to, anyway), but Fencer hits two of my weaknesses: dark-skinned and bunny girl.Save it
Yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards (or trying to, anyway), but Fencer hits two of my weaknesses: dark-skinned and bunny girl.
The sooner this banner leaves the better, so I don't need to be tempted anymore.
I...never considered this, haha.You'd get Fran a lot. No worries.
I...never considered this, haha.
I'm probably the only one excited to have a tank sword. After only a day of on and off farming the Earth Shrine I have probably 75% of the materials I need to craft one. Might make two. Still need to get Dragon Scales for the HP+15% though...
I had 8 Tickets and told myself that I would use a few up and end on 5, to try for Fencer a few more times. It just seemed like a nice number to end on.
Ticket #8 gave me Edgar.
Ticket #7 gave me Shadow (of course it did).
Ticket #6 gave me...
I...I actually did it? Bunny Waifu obtained. \o/
Thanks. I honestly can't believe it, I never expected it to work out I just felt like I needed to try. That makes both Fencer and Juggler obtained, which means both unique TM too. Should be fun.Congrats!
Must.... not... pull...... /babbles incoherently
That's a good idea. I will have to work into my TM grind schedule.Lanzelt Highlands is your best friend for that. I still need farm Light Megacrysts to finish off my remaining HP +15% abilities.
I had 8 Tickets and told myself that I would use a few up and end on 5, to try for Fencer a few more times. It just seemed like a nice number to end on.
Ticket #8 gave me Edgar.
Ticket #7 gave me Shadow (of course it did).
Ticket #6 gave me...
I...I actually did it? Bunny Waifu obtained. \o/
Thanks!Congrats Chrono! I am waiting for the FB banner to do a few pulls. Probably a daily, and a ticket each day for a couple of days to see what I can get. I would like to get WoL, or CoD, but dupes aren't too bad for TM farming. My Kains have almost produced Gugnir in very little time. My first decent TMR is probably a week or so away depending on the event and the amount of time dedicated there
I think I'm going to run Shrine Exploration the next few days to get ahead on lumber - I have no need for the Gigantaurs unless I pull one of WoL or CoD. You need by my count 480 lumber for the new sword. I already have 180 lumber, so may not be too bad. All I know is that the HP+15% crafting requirements may simply be too high. I'll go ahead and craft the Stonra Blade, because I have everything, and can get rid of those mats. But the megacrysts and dragon scales for HP+15% are starting to piss me off a little.
Thanks!Nice! Congrats on pulling and actually snagging her.
Thanks. I honestly can't believe it, I never expected it to work out I just felt like I needed to try. That makes both Fencer and Juggler obtained, which means both unique TM too. Should be fun.
If it helps, what changed my mind were the summon statistics on Reddit. It was just under 5% or so for Fencer (the other two sitting at something like 4%), so not entirely terrible. Having seen quite a few in here pull her, as well as on Reddit, made me give in and do a few more pulls. Maybe set a number in your head (preferably low) like I did and see how things work out?
There's a positive side to everything!Gave it a few more tries...
All 4* max units.
Welp, I tried, without busting the bank. Wasn't meant to be. At least as a minor consolation prize, I now have all the 4* max units. Yay?
I had 8 Tickets and told myself that I would use a few up and end on 5, to try for Fencer a few more times. It just seemed like a nice number to end on.
Ticket #8 gave me Edgar.
Ticket #7 gave me Shadow (of course it did).
Ticket #6 gave me...
I...I actually did it? Bunny Waifu obtained. \o/
Congrats Chrono! I am waiting for the FB banner to do a few pulls. Probably a daily, and a ticket each day for a couple of days to see what I can get. I would like to get WoL, or CoD, but dupes aren't too bad for TM farming. My Kains have almost produced Gugnir in very little time. My first decent TMR is probably a week or so away depending on the event and the amount of time dedicated there
I think I'm going to run Shrine Exploration the next few days to get ahead on lumber - I have no need for the Gigantaurs unless I pull one of WoL or CoD. You need by my count 480 lumber for the new sword. I already have 180 lumber, so may not be too bad. All I know is that the HP+15% crafting requirements may simply be too high. I'll go ahead and craft the Stonra Blade, because I have everything, and can get rid of those mats. But the megacrysts and dragon scales for HP+15% are starting to piss me off a little.