I do plan to go "all-out" on the Cecil banner, though. Him being a 3* base gives me hope in obtaining him, as long as they don't flood the banner with a bunch of other unnecessary units.
The FFIV banner will probably be as big as the FFIX one.
Goblez, Tellah, Cecil for sure.
Good chance to bring in 5* Kain and Rydia too.
With Edge, Rose, and Dark Knight Cecil being on it.
I think it will be a two week event. New characters for one week, then adding the old ones in the next with new forms.
Remember people, RNG, RNG. Just because you didn't get something, also means you're probably sitting on a lot someone else didn't get. I still have yet to get a CoD, ExDeath, Vaan, Firion, Terra, and a bunch of others. While I managed to get Kefka, WoL, Chizzy, Cecil, Buttz, Leanna, Garland, etc. It's the reason why some people are sitting on 4 Zids and others have zero.