Ran the Pro version all day and have enough for two of the top swords. Now, to farm lumber all week long I guess. Best place to do it?
Also, here was my method to easily farming the stage (with top tier chars of course)
CoD (the Man eater skill works on both hill gigas and ogre)
WoL (provoke the ogre, Full break everything every turn)
Lenna (Curaja and Cheer)
Kefka (Escape all enemies. Hyperdrive and Blizzaga)
Tella (Raise just in case. Blizzaga)
friends Kefka (just like my own)
These are the skills and strats I used every run so I could turn off my brain and do it quickly and easily.
Run from every fight with the Kefka escape skill.
Ameoba boss, CoD barrage, WoL full break, Lenna Cheer then whatever, Kefkas Hyperdrive, Tella Recall.
Use ethers and Turbo ethers if needed.
Hill Gigas, CoD barrage, Wol Full break(very important so Mag 8 doesnt hit to hard), Lenna Curaja, 3 magic users chain Blizzaga.
Use Tent.
Ogre, CoD barrage, WoL first turn Provoke then Full Break the rest of the fight, Lenna Cure WoL, 3 magic users chain Blizzaga.
Did this every run without fail