I feel like the game is registering only like 10% of my facebook friends, if that. Any way to fix that?
All of your facebook friends play the game ? I dont how it works but i would assume it only adds/shows people playing the game.
Well the facebook account I made was specifically for the game, and it is in a couple of groups dedicated to the game. So I assume they all play the game, but who knows.
The A3 boss is pretty hard compared to all previous bosses.
I read poison and blind can help. I don't have a blind unit though. Guess I gotta start using more FP.
My current team is 5* 41/80 Cecil, 4* MAX Lasswell, 4* MAX Rain, 4* MAX Krile, 4* MAX Bedile. I can't beat the A3 boss. His AoE blind completely decimates me and the team's magic is too weak to kill him.
Hmm, it's surprising there's no party cost limit in FFBE.
First time i've played a gatcha game without it. Is this also the case with Brave Frontier?
Ehh something is wrong. I'm tempted to just quit this game now, because I think something is somehow bugged.
So, all my main team is maxed out. I'm bored, and want to experiment with some new units. i have over about 2500 lapis and decided, why not? And before anyone says blah blah don't spend your lapis, yeah, I get it. But if I ran out of in-game currency and liked the game, no problem, I just buy more currency. I'm that kind of player.
Preface this by saying my very first lapis pull was Kain and he's been my main unit on this account.
So, I do a 500 lapis pull and it gives me a Kain. Annoying, and I figured it was just bad luck.
Frustrated a bit, I say fine, I'll just pull again. Gives me Kain again.
At this point I just close the game. But then I thought, hmm, would the game really give me the same unit... AGAIN? what are the odds?
Third pull. Another Kain.
Well, fuck.
That's really not something I care about doing at this point. I wanted something new. It's really disheartening to me that it would happen 3x in a row. And for a unit I already had.You should grind their trust master to get gungnir then!
That is Gacha game.That's really not something I care about doing at this point. I wanted something new. It's really disheartening to me that it would happen 3x in a row.
Not even a hint of empathy? The stockholm syndrome is strong.
I think I am reacting justly, thanks. It's clearly broken.
I've seen worse pulls on reddit, too. But the mods have removed some of the images showing really bad pulls due to "low quality content"... right
This game is still in softlaunch mode so there is no need to overreact. Then again if 3 unlucky pulls outside of an event are already bothering you this might not be the game for you.
Ehh something is wrong. I'm tempted to just quit this game now, because I think something is somehow bugged.
So, all my main team is maxed out. I'm bored, and want to experiment with some new units. i have over about 2500 lapis and decided, why not? And before anyone says blah blah don't spend your lapis, yeah, I get it. But if I ran out of in-game currency and liked the game, no problem, I just buy more currency. I'm that kind of player.
Preface this by saying my very first lapis pull was Kain and he's been my main unit on this account.
So, I do a 500 lapis pull and it gives me a Kain. Annoying, and I figured it was just bad luck.
Frustrated a bit, I say fine, I'll just pull again. Gives me Kain again.
At this point I just close the game. But then I thought, hmm, would the game really give me the same unit... AGAIN? what are the odds?
Third pull. Another Kain.
Well, fuck.
Third pull. Another Kain.
Well, fuck.
I mean it's all random... the same way a f2p will be able to pull 2 Top Tier units in 4 pulls the a pop whale might not pull a single food unit in +20 pulls. It sucks of course but that's the game, we know what we signed up to.Not even a hint of empathy? The stockholm syndrome is strong.
I think I am reacting justly, thanks. It's clearly broken.
I've seen worse pulls on reddit, too. But the mods have removed some of the images showing really bad pulls due to "low quality content"... right
GieF me 10% of your Lapis thank youhope global catches up fast. jp is pretty fun, after the first island i had 5000k lapis and got cecil ;<
PS. I think you would be more pissed of you had pulled someone like Bedile... Kain will be getting a nice 5* version down the line.
Not even a hint of empathy? The stockholm syndrome is strong.
I think I am reacting justly, thanks. It's clearly broken.
I've seen worse pulls on reddit, too. But the mods have removed some of the images showing really bad pulls due to "low quality content"... right
Not even a hint of empathy? The stockholm syndrome is strong.
I think I am reacting justly, thanks. It's clearly broken.
I've seen worse pulls on reddit, too. But the mods have removed some of the images showing really bad pulls due to "low quality content"... right
Heh yeah - Cyan is probably not the dupe you wanna pull...xDI decided I could use another gacha unit instead of Lasswell, thus having 5 gacha units in team to collect TM. Pulled once. Got Cyan (dupe), yeah not adding second Cyan for team. Oh well rng is rng and I still got over 5k Lapis (baseline for me atleast til we get official release).
We could ship your 3 kains with My 3 rydias. It really is rng, nothing more than that. I'm a vet optc player since day 1 And it Took me over 460 days to get My First legend. So far i pulled Every sugo at least one or two namis. Your pulls could really be worse, you Should be happy.
Soon we are getting 10 summon tickets, once the game launches. And there would be events with rate ups and stuff. Wait until then!
Not even a hint of empathy? The stockholm syndrome is strong.
I think I am reacting justly, thanks. It's clearly broken.
I've seen worse pulls on reddit, too. But the mods have removed some of the images showing really bad pulls due to "low quality content"... right
You guys think we'll actually hit that milestone?
About to encounter Europa (i think).
Any think i should prepare for ? The last couple bosses all were immune to poison, paralyze/sleep etc. - i guess it the same with her.
Oh wow...just tried and got destroyed real quick. Not even 1/4 of the HP down. Ouch....
Heh yeah - Cyan is probably not the dupe you wanna pull...xD
On my team he has been quite the MVP with Blade Bash though - really helps out to dominate/manage the mobs.
If leveling units wasnt such a drag i probably wouldnt mind another attacker with Blade Bash.
At least here you actually can use dupes in your team - in OPTC you only can have a single version of a character in your group ...making it quite worse.
...yep, thats the main point as well - no matter how much you screw up yet we all are getting 10 free Premium Pulls down the line anyway. If you really get nothing useful after that 10-pull during an event...okay yeah than you probably should be pissed xD
I defeated europa with this lineup:
Vaan lvl 80
Terra lvl 75
Cyan lvl 60
Edgar lvl 60
Kuja lvl 37
Kuja used barthundara and thundaga
Cyan spammed blade bash
Edgar used sunray and chainsaw
Terra used firaga the first turn and then just cura lol
Vaan with the full break and raging fists
I was very lucky but barthundara and full break made europa attacks not devastating.
I was very lucky but barthundara and full break made europa attacks not devastating.
Yes, I want to finally be able to make purchases, I'm sad I missed the early bird bundle, I even looked for some Sweden iTunes gift cards but no luck.Game needs to laaaaaunch
Yes, I want to finally be able to make purchases, I'm sad I missed the early bird bundle, I even looked for some Sweden iTunes gift cards but no luck.
Hoping for a launch promotion.
By the way, I heard colosseum is getting replaced by PvP down the line, so we should rush it to get everything?
Oh I see, thanks, I worried for a bit.Colosseum is still there. Just when you tap on the Colosseum icon you'll get pvp first and then have to tap another icon to get to colosseum.
All this talk about pulling make me want to.
Gonna do a single pull right now.
Got a second Edgar who came in as a four star. I got all excited for a moment. Do I combine them or level another to put two in my team?
Lmao did three more pulls because whatever I don't care any more. Got Sabin, Fran and......... Another Edgar!!!!
Help who should I work on next?
Terra 5. lvl55
Shantotto 4 Max
Rosellia 4. Lvl 37
Kain 3 lvl 37
Anzelm 3. Max
Rain 3 max
Laswell 3 max
Rydia 3 lvl1
Bedile 3. Lvl1
Galuf 3. Lvl1
Penelo 3 lvl1
Really should have stopped wasting all these free lapis.
you should farm with a team of the 3 of them to get his TM
Try to max terra. Graviga and Raise are nice pulls, and she could be a nice magic damage user with firaga.
Then if you only have that units, max Laswell. He with Murasame and Ifrit should be your main nuker (210+ atk).
Your team could be a solid Terra, Laswell, Roselia, Kain, Shantotto.
What's a good place to farm God's Reliquary and Scripture of Time?
It's all I need for my first 5* character, Medius :$