Should I continue the daily pulls? Or should I save up and try and go all in on Cecil? I have every unit off this banner except for WoL (because he is a tank), and I've gone from having no CoD to three in just a few days... I actually have two maxed for PvP play down the road (cactuars), because I'm going full on nuke until the game deigns to give me a damned tank. CoD should rule PvP because of +75% against humans at 6*. My PvP team will probably be Chiz, CoDx2, Garland w/Barrage (also +% against humans), and ExDeath. Who needs a healer for now.. Maybe bring an OP friend unit if allowed.
Besides, Vaan with Provoke makes a pretty decent tank substitute for now.
Grinding Lumber SUCKS... ES exploration is pretty mindless though. Will be glad when its over so I can go back to TMR farming - run a script, and I don't have to do much of anything except monitor it from time to time
The new material needs to come out if for no other reason than to alleviate boredom