Mine works, boot computer, use another browser, try with mobile?
highlighted on PC and ipad, but not iphone. really strange.
Mine works, boot computer, use another browser, try with mobile?
highlighted on PC and ipad, but not iphone. really strange.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I might just do daily pulls until the final day, and then use my tickets (depending on if I can get Ludmille/Charlotte earlier). I'd rather save the bulk of my Lapis, to do a 10+1 pull, when they incorporate the crystal change, since then you're at least guaranteed a 4* base character (at the very least) with it. Right now, that gold crystal could literally be anything...
I'm not aiming for Lightning, I know I won't get her. Just focusing on the other two right now.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I might just do daily pulls until the final day, and then use my tickets (depending on if I can get Ludmille/Charlotte earlier). I'd rather save the bulk of my Lapis, to do a 10+1 pull, when they incorporate the crystal change, since then you're at least guaranteed a 4* base character (at the very least) with it. Right now, that gold crystal could literally be anything...
I'm not aiming for Lightning, I know I won't get her. Just focusing on the other two right now.
Customer support made good and I got my lapis today...
And then lightning. Still bummed on buying, and 99% sure I won't get anything on banner (didn't get anything from Last week, thoug I did pull the three 3-stars from this banner (already have them).
Doesn't mean I won't try for her.Chrono - you realize Charlotte is a tank, right?
Logout and login with Iphone?
You know, the more I think about it, the more I might just do daily pulls until the final day, and then use my tickets (depending on if I can get Ludmille/Charlotte earlier). I'd rather save the bulk of my Lapis, to do a 10+1 pull, when they incorporate the crystal change, since then you're at least guaranteed a 4* base character (at the very least) with it. Right now, that gold crystal could literally be anything...
I'm not aiming for Lightning, I know I won't get her. Just focusing on the other two right now.
I agree.daily pull has actually become the greatest part of this game.
will always looking forward to what we get tomorrow.
Hoping to pull 5 Ludmille and 1 Charlotte
Cmon RNG gods you know you want to
You'll get Fran and you'll like itHoping to pull Anzelm, Clyne and Russell on the Lightning Banner.
You'll get Fran and you'll like it
daily pull has actually become the greatest part of this game.
will always looking forward to what we get tomorrow.
I always thought they should give you just enough Lapis each through Dailies, Logging in, and Events to do a daily pull each day. It would be good for retention.
Is this new banner better than the current one as far as wasting a 11-pull goes? I only got trash from the tickets I used so far![]()
And there she is...
Lightning -.-
We all know you will get 1 with your crazy luck.
PSA: Maintenance before new banner will be ~8h long!
Personally I would make 11 pull now (or the last day of this banner before maintenance).
Lightning banner is good for the people that already has most / all of Players Choice banner units.
What have you got sofar? Rarity doesnt matter, its the unit that does.
Unit > Rarity
PSA: Maintenance before new banner will be ~8h long!
ahaha, this is the guy I talked to at PAX West. Had no idea he could speak decent English.Around 10 minute video of updates in Global BE
Lighting Batch, Chamber of Crystals and Enchanted Maze
Not so great:/.1x Xiao (it is 5*)
4x Lenna (one is 4*)
2x Fran (one is 4*)
2x Kefka
1x Vivi
1x Luna
1x Lani
2x Sabin
How bad is that? :x
It is like a funeral in here. You have to be excited for Lightening even if the chances are slim for getting her. If this doesn't excite you, why keep playing the game. Future events will be grinds just like every other one, 6* will come and go with your existing characters. Get excited! Pull. Enjoy the gamble
Not so great:/.
4x Lenna (one is 4*) Dont fuse / sell these
2x Kefka Dont fuse / sell these
1x Luna Dont fuse / sell this
Since you have just started, you dont need so many Lennas & Kefkas. But dont lose them. There is a reason for it, if you later get interested to farm Trust Masteries (TM). The more copies you have the better. Also Luna has great TM called Barrage.
Others in the list, I would keep one copy and fuse same named units.
Fuse Sabin to Sabin to get 5% to TM. Fuse Fran to Fran.
Depending what else you have your party could be:
Xiao / Kefka / Kefka / Lenna / Lasswell
Xiao / Kefka / Lenna / Rain / Lasswell
Lenna is great healer (at the moment best in global BE), she might get 6* version in JP in the future, has great TM.
Kefka is great mage and gets 6* version somewhere in the not so near future, to have 2 is good, has nice TM.
Xiao is your damage dealer (no 6* announced), has nice TM.
Rain is meh at 5* but beast when he gets 6*
Lasswell is nice 5* but not so great as 6*
Understood, by the end of the event I'll probably pull the trigger and buy a 11-pull. Right now I'll focus on these characters you mentioned.
I'm doing that that XP event that nets 31k XP whenever I can, as well as proceeding with the story (I'm about to go after the wind crystal). Is there anything else more important to do that I should focus at this point?
1x Xiao (it is 5*)
4x Lenna (one is 4*)
2x Fran (one is 4*)
2x Kefka
1x Vivi
1x Luna
1x Lani
2x Sabin
How bad is that? :x
Hoping to pull Anzelm, Clyne and Russell on the Lightning Banner.
Around 10 minute video of updates in Global BECode:【FFBE】FF BRAVE EXVIUS UPDATES! #1 【Global】
Lighting Batch, Chamber of Crystals and Enchanted Maze
So, Lightning has come to purge this great game eh? Going to be interesting in seeing all the rage and joy that is going to be happening.
Depression GAF will be in full effect come friday
I weep for all of your future pulls
Pull of the day... Cloud of Darkness!
This HAS to be a bug in the Matrix.
I can't... I can't... what... how???