So I feel like I have a decent team put together (although I would still really dig a dedicated physical attacker). I have (all maxed):
In the wings I also have maxed out Fina, Laswell, Rain, and Locke.
I put cura on Exdeath to act as my "healer" in battle, which seems to serve me well enough. My main problem right now is facing the Frost Dragon in the top tier colloseum level. It just destroys me. I once got its health down to 20% (give or take), but that's definitely the closest I've come.
I also noticed that when I compare my stats to my friends when I pull them along, I feel like I'm nowhere close. Granted, I haven't done any of the TM thingamajigs and the only equipment I have is what you can buy or find in chests, so I know I'm probably under-geared. But is there some other reason that my Kefka has a magic stat ~225 but the people on my friends list have him almost 100 points higher? I feel like I'm missing something basic and I'm not sure what it is.
Oh, and I basically ignored espers until recently. I'm slowly building them up and have Siren and Ifrit at 2 star, albeit lower level since I just evolved them, so maybe that's something else I could work on.
My main problem right now is facing the Frost Dragon in the top tier colloseum level. It just destroys me.
Do you have to forge the sword during the event? I have the cavern ore but I'm missing some other ingredients.
No, you have the recipe forever. You just need to get all the cavern ore you're going to need before the event ends.Do you have to forge the sword during the event? I have the cavern ore but I'm missing some other ingredients.
So right now I'm way over the cap of NRG, will I lose all that when maintenance hits if I were to keep it that way? (I know it's wasting NRG to do that but not working towards anything atm). It'd be nice to have all that NRG stored to tackle the story missions like crazy when they hit.
double check if they are using mag+10% as well, we can get that recipe out of a silver chest recently, so that extra helps, and maybe they have a capped t2 esper?
In addition to what tuffy already said, look into getting started crafting Hero rings. If you don't already have the recipe you need to finish 30 achievements. Then the recipe to craft is 10 ice and fire megacrystals + 3 days crafting.
For the Ice dragon it may be worth bringing Fina for Cheer and extra healing.
In regards to the FD have you tried inflicting any status effects on it? Blind / Silence / Paralysis? I struggled with the fight at first and then people here recommended me trying to prevent the FD from attacking me. Also as mentioned above me bringing Fina can be useful as she has cheer and can cure as well. I ended up trying not to burst through the fight and made it through okay once I landed some status effects on it.
Anyone? I want to know if I need to burn all that NRG before maintenance when I get out of work. If it will remain though I'm ok with taking a hit and being able to spam all the story missions tomorrow.
Anyone? I want to know if I need to burn all that NRG before maintenance when I get out of work. If it will remain though I'm ok with taking a hit and being able to spam all the story missions tomorrow.
Ah, that could be a huge difference. I actually don't know how to look up their equipment. How do you do that?
Thanks everyone for the tips! Can't wait to explore the other half of the map and get really disappointed with my ticket pulls.![]()
I can't believe I put off the White Dragon in Farplane for so long. Triple Biora and with Roselia to heal made it pure easy mode.
In case anyone missed my post from before, I'm starting over due to losing my phone and stupidly not linking my account. Please add me if you have room. I gift every day.
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Does anyone remember if iron ore dropped in spades from the LoP pro exploration? I still need some more and the regular explorations are trolling me. Been rotating between PF, Kolobos, and Dirnado and getting 0-2 each run. 😑
I can't believe I put off the White Dragon in Farplane for so long. Triple Biora and with Roselia to heal made it pure easy mode.
In case anyone missed my post from before, I'm starting over due to losing my phone and stupidly not linking my account. Please add me if you have room. I gift every day.
154 211 436
For frost dragon, i paralyzed with golbez and he didnt attack for 5 turns. It was a long paralyze, dunno how i got it that long but gave me time to burn with golbez kefka tellah and leo. Fina was there just to be a cheerleader.
If you find someone you're curious over, click them once to add to party, but don't depart, click on them (or click and hold whichever), and it'll bring up their information, gear, spells, heck even what THAT units trust % is at
So the maintenance is for 8 hours?
Does anyone remember if iron ore dropped in spades from the LoP pro exploration? I still need some more and the regular explorations are trolling me. Been rotating between PF, Kolobos, and Dirnado and getting 0-2 each run. 😑
If we're lucky, it's only 8 hours..
Chilly - congrats on Ultima!!!! I'm now 3% from Gungnir... So close I can taste it
That means us East Coasters wouldn't be able to play until around 11!!!
Grats, so close!!
The maintenance is 2 hours earlier than usual. CMIIW, I don't understand your time region Americans.
That means us East Coasters wouldn't be able to play until around 11!!!
Grats, so close!!
So its at 0100?!?!
Notice says 23:00 PDT, which would equate to 2:00 AM EDT on the East Coast.
So, 2 AM -> 10 AM (lol) would be the expected downtime.
At least, it is an excuse for me to get out of the house in a timely manner for the very important things I need to do tomorrow. /gulp
You asshole you didn't congratulate me on my Ultima!
I got more Dirnado than anywhere else actually.
Cheap Iron Ore: Run Westersand in Lanzelt.
Isn't tomorrow your big day?
Big big life changing day? lol
It's a long ride. Started 5 days ago and just around 9% for Medius, Terra, Luna, and Fencer...
Been letting it run non-stop today and probably went up about 3% with the characters.
Gunna let Fencer go all the way to Lv.15 with her LB too.
So are you guys all doing the 10+1, or do daily summons and then roll the remaining lapis on the last day?
+1, but minus the 5k rolls.Dailies until the last day then I will decide what to do with tickets/5k rolls.
I don't see why it would erase your NRG just because of maintenance.
I don't see why they would take away your energy, I mean there are time restrictions on unredeemed energy in your mailbox but, they don't have a reason for taking away energy already in your bar, above "max" or otherwise.
So are you guys all doing the 10+1, or do daily summons and then roll the remaining lapis on the last day?
Dailies only, too rare to spend tickets on her for my first account.So are you guys all doing the 10+1, or do daily summons and then roll the remaining lapis on the last day?
Daily, 10+1, all tickets and then rage quit this game.
How many times have you raged quit and rerolled now? I've lost track...
Errr wrong person?
Never raged quit, rerolled just like 5 times in 1st day.
Thought you were joking? My bad, then.
So, what time should I get up and pull Lightning tomorrow?
2 more tickets gone...
2 more Clouds of Darkness...
I'm about to quit.
Yeah, yeah it is.
As you said you were are on the East Coast, I'll present the situation using NFL analogies.
Tomorrow is essentially Draft Day. I get up to 3 hours to make elevator pitches to the top companies in the country to see if I have any value left in these aging bones. Then, after the event, the draft happens behind closed doors. In anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, I should know my fate.
On one hand, the school expects me to be picked early in the first round. On the other hand, that would be the equivalent of taking Peyton Manning (minus the injuries and scandals) in the top 10 of the first round in his mid-30's. I'm really skeptical of this outcome occurring. Age discrimination is a very real thing, especially when some of my competition is almost half my age. Also equally damning is my combination or racial and gender attributes. Not a good look for me in the 21st century professional workplace.
On the other hand, I've gone un-drafted at several of these annual events in the past before to date. Supposedly, I've "corrected" all the deficiencies in my depth chart at this point through massive extracurriculars that mean nothing more than resume talking points. I'll believe it when I see it. As they say around here, show me the receipts.
So, yeah... I really need to draw a real life rainbow crystal tomorrow.