I GOT HER!!! I got Lightning!!! Now to hide the bank statement from my wife
All 3 units from the banner pulled. $200 spent. Total spent on this game $250. I'm ok with that.
That's what I'm wondering as well, maybe she got boosted to 1%?Damn!
So many Lightning pulls
Im starting to wonder if they gave her a standard pull rate as opposed to 0.5%
I might. But I really have zero interest in botting TMs. If a game's forcing me to do that to remain competitive, I'm just going to spend my time with games that respect user's time a little more.
That being said, a futureproof roster is more likely to eventually get TM the legit way (in say, a year or so lolol) so yeah.
So many Lightning pulls
Im starting to wonder if they gave her a standard pull rate as opposed to 0.5%
Current reported rate is 1,5%, we'll see how it goes in a few days.I'm thinking 2% myself. Everybody seems to have her.
I GOT HER!!! WHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now to hide the bank statement from my wife. All 3 units from the banner pulled. $200 spent. Total spent on this game $250. I'm ok with that.
Sorry lol. Too much excitement which lead to poor typing, I pulled Lightning.
Current reported rate is 1,5%, we'll see how it goes in a few days.
Close enough. That's a nice rate to make her a rare treat but not at all impossible to receive if you're willing to go all in and open your wallet if need be.
Current reported rate is 1,5%, we'll see how it goes in a few days.
Close enough. That's a nice rate to make her a rare treat but not at all impossible to receive if you're willing to go all in and open your wallet if need be.
Yep, that's why it's better to wait a few days for real rates if one want to buy some lapis.Using reddit to estimate pull rate doesn't work because the people who didn't get anything are obviously not going to bothere reporting their pulls while the people that do get her will head to that thread ASAP and brag.
I WILL have my Dual Wield with 2 Excaliburs Orlandu with an Exceed Ring. That is my only mission. All the other units fall by the wayside. It's a long term project.
The reporting bias is so real.
Good luck, you deserve to get some tank after all that time.I'm going to try rolling an alt account for Lightning and a tank. Nothing else to do but TMR anyway on my now primary one.
Wish me luck!!!!
I'm going to try rolling an alt account for Lightning and a tank. Nothing else to do but TMR anyway on my now primary one.
Wish me luck!!!!
I refuse to understand biases. Everything reddit reports is truth.
I refuse to understand biases. Everything reddit reports is truth.
Don't do it. Then you'll have to invest twice the amount of time to the game. Also, Add me when you get her plz. lul.
Using reddit to estimate pull rate doesn't work because the people who didn't get anything are obviously not going to bother reporting their pulls while the people that do get her will head to that thread ASAP and brag especially in the first 2 hours of all things.
The reporting bias is so real.
trial seems impossible without FullBreaker.
wonder it is possible to use edgar to do this.
Nice, Vaan is amazing for this fight with Full Break + Focus for Utlima.Trial wasnt easy, cleared it first try tho. At first turn bastard confused Lenna & Vaan, later knocked Cecil away. Full Break helps to eat those Meteors & Ultima. In the end I killed it with Blizzara since I was out of mana for Blizzaga.
Nice, Vaan is amazing for this fight with Full Break + Focus for Utlima.
How does re-rolling work, would I lose all my units, progress, etc. forever?
Rerolling is just a fancy word for creating a brand new account over and over again until you get the units you want.
Can anyone top wolf's 93 pulls no Lightning?
I had 34 no Lightning myself.
I'm starting to see a lot of Lightning on my FL too.
9/130 got her as their leader.
Suddenly a random at rank 33 bahahahah
Not to mention 93 pulls and no 5 stars whatsoever. That's what blows my mind so much.
I still can't redeem my letters that have lapis in them. I'm tempted to email support and beg for another 11 roll as compensation for this madness.![]()
Celes can use Sealing Blade to negate Ultima
Assuming you can eat a Meteor is should be doable
csorrentini on Reddit did:
12 pulls of 11 and 30 single pulls = 162 pulls no Lightning. That's the record I've seen so far.