Yeah I've gotten quite a few like that, it surprised me.I need a full premium 100% TMR team already :/
Sacred Crystals are raining like candy from trust rewards all over the place in the new content.
Sorry, removed some more inactive people. Guess I should expand a bit more, tooI have ~10 slots open for anyone who wants to add me: 176 560 599
"The user has reached their capacity."![]()
tanks are pretty pointless right now.a fullbreak unit is enough
tanks are pretty pointless right now.a fullbreak unit is enough
You'll rank up quickly enough, you seem determined. It'll be interesting in seeing how each account ends up. Please tell me you managed a tank on your second account, your poor luck in that department couldn't possibly have migrated its way over there too...Well, primary account has the first real TMR - Gungnir. Secondary account at Fulan pass, and I don't even need to pull dailies from it because I'm running Vaan, Charlotte, Lightning, Shantotto, and Garnet. Pulled Ludmille and Celes as well with the initial pulls. Wierd starting at the bottom rung of the ladder though. Need to get rank up quickly so that I don't have to babysit my secondary account. Daily pulls and tickets from both accounts probably from now on.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted, but there's no way I could manage both accounts. I'd probably be able, if I didn't already play more gatcha games, but as it is, one account is enough. Just have to hope for the best. >_<I'm pondering about whether I should make a secondary account. i do want to at least go through the story without skipping all the dialogue...
From what I've heard, Japan will be receiving a daily rainbow crystal summon. Not sure what that entails, but maybe it's something to make it a little easier to obtain one?I'm sure at a point in time, all of us will eventually get one 5* unit.
From what I've heard, Japan will be receiving a daily rainbow crystal summon. Not sure what that entails, but maybe it's something to make it a little easier to obtain one?
Shh, let me dream a while longer. ;_;Just because its happening there, does not mean it will happen here. If I recall, they did get in trouble due to legal issues, we don't have those here.
I don't see why anyone would want to run a second account or restart after a certain point. You'll eventually make progress to the point where it will take months to recover and splitting between two seems like too much effort.
Like with all RNG, you're going to win some and lose some regardless.
I'm sure at a point in time, all of us will eventually get one 5* unit.
All those grinding for mogcakes, espers and lumbers.
I don't even know if I'd play this game in the next few months.
I was so into hearthstone, even spent money to buy adventure cards, now I don't even play it anymore.
Without a tank or full break, how are people beating the latest trial?
Even with duel wield and some other good shit, that was a tough fight. That RNG was not playing around
can you even tank ultima without some break + guard?
Yeah I was seriously considering taking a considerable break after today but, I think I'm over my disappointment lol
You'll play what you enjoy, whether its a full fledged game, or a simple phone game. I personally do all my daily runs right at the start of the reset, than I run for tm's while playing ps4. I can keep an eye in case things go wrong, and I play more ps4 win/win~
Long rant
I don't even know if I'd play this game in the next few months.
I was so into hearthstone, even spent money to buy adventure cards, now I don't even play it anymore.
The problem is I got bored too easily with everything. My hearthstone playing record is 3 months. And FFBE is going on 4 months and I had few burns out with the events and the thoughts of this game would take years to be"finished" already bored me.
I don't even play console anymore cuz I got bored. I bought FF VI, Tactics, Fire Emblem and never finished it :\
So I saw a few pages back that the general consensus is that Charlotte is the best 5 star tank at the moment. Can someone explain why? I'm leveling her up and not seeing what makes her so much better than my Amarant, but I'm probably just missing the obvious.
And when people draw a better unit, do you tend to keep the old one or fuse them into the new, "better" unit? What would be a reason to keep the old one outside of collection purposes?
To be honest, FFBE is more of a single player MMO-style game with gacha trappings. As such, there's never really going to be an end to the game until the servers get turned off. There will always be a need to continually build stronger and stronger teams as the content in the game continues to be increase in difficulty forever and ever.
For example in PAD, good damage when the game launched was measured in thousands of damage. Nearly four years later, "ok" damage is now measured in millions of damage per unit per turn, with end-game dungeons requiring tens of millions of damage per turn to beat bosses.
So, part of the game is continually building new teams to get stronger and stronger and discovering new techniques to exploit. Otherwise, a player is going to definitely get bored with this style of game.
Honestly, the best way to view all this is temporary entertainment. The whole concert vs CD analogy.
Because as invested as you are, once the servers go offline, it's al kapoof anyway.
I wouldn't say I get bored, but I do like several games/genres that sometimes if I don't beat fast enough I get a backlog and well >.>;; we know how it is getting back to them. For me 6/tactics came soooooo long ago in a time when I was too young to get more than like 2 games a year~ So, I easily obliterated them, fire emblem is a bit trickier cause I don't know which you're talking about, awakening? fates? before that? /shrug
I was more like "Can't this game release the new content sooner. I've been doing this same stuff for weeks."
So has anyone here resisted the temptation and managed to stick to their "one-daily-per-say" rule for the Lightning banner? If so, you're a stronger person than I!
This is so accurate, haha. The right mindset to take towards the game too.Until then, just enjoy the ride, celebrate the unexpected wins, and endure the inevitable salty tears from bad RNG runs at the gacha.
I'm relieved to see your no-tank curse didn't spread to your alternate. Also, you got Gungnir already? HOW!?Well, I'm starting the second island on account two... And the reason I kept the account was because of Lightning and Charlotte. Ludmille, Vaan, Celes, and Garnett were just a bonus. Shantotto is the only Mage at this time, though I expect that to change. My primary is still my main (have to pull Charlotte), but the secondary has a LOT of promise. And already more than 3K lapis saved up. Still, brutal starting over so unless this account is blessed it will remain secondary - for now.
Lightning is okay, but I think Fencer is a better unit at 5*
On account #1 Gungnir get!!!
Well, I'm starting the second island on account two... And the reason I kept the account was because of Lightning and Charlotte. Ludmille, Vaan, Celes, and Garnett were just a bonus. Shantotto is the only Mage at this time, though I expect that to change. My primary is still my main (have to pull Charlotte), but the secondary has a LOT of promise. And already more than 3K lapis saved up. Still, brutal starting over so unless this account is blessed it will remain secondary - for now.
Lightning is okay, but I think Fencer is a better unit at 5*
On account #1 Gungnir get!!!
I was just thinking, it's funny how the Lightning banner changed people. Prior to the banner, myself included, was fully adamant about doing one single daily pull per day, and then using my tickets at the end of the banner, depending on how things were. Despite this, as soon as I was able to log in, I did my daily pull, blew through all of my tickets, and then a 10+1 summon in addition. I regret nothing, since I received a few units I was desperately after (Warrior of Light, Cecil, Charlotte, multiple Ludmille, and Locke), but it's humorous how my intent not to beyond my daily pull was demolished the second Lightning became possible, haha.
I even thought about maybe purchasing the 10k Lapis bundle, since people were having so much luck, but when I looked at the $100 price, as well as having memories of Chain Chronicle and it abruptly shutting down, my want immediately subsided. When I first started this game I made a vow not to go beyond what I could earn for free in the game (Lapis/Tickets-wise), while giving myself the opportunity to purchase Lapis if cheap/valuable bundles came around. $100+ definitely wasn't cheap, so I couldn't validate its worth to me.
Of course, I'm not saying Brave Exvius will suffer the same fate as Chain Chronicle (it seems to be doing very well, and with Square Enix behind, the game should have a very long and healthy future). I was merely relating the feeling of having all of my hard work (and money) essentially thrown away, when Gumi closed the servers for CC. I'll never forget the sense of regret I felt, knowing that my money was wasted, even more saddening when I had so little time with the new characters I had just earned. If Brave Exvius ever closes its doors (let's face it, nothing lasts forever, but it likely be a LONG time). the worst I'll have to worry about is the time spent. As I said, I'll spend money (as I did the Beginner's Bundle when it was offered), but not to the extent it will likely cost me to pull Lightning. I will never chase that specific unit, as that's a deep, dark hole that I'm really not interested in crawling into. Nope! I'm sticking to my belief, despite how difficult it is right now. >_<
So has anyone here resisted the temptation and managed to stick to their "one-daily-per-say" rule for the Lightning banner? If so, you're a stronger person than I!
It might sound like salt, but I really am happy to see so many here manage to get Lightning. I was afraid this place would be filled with despair, but thankfully, it's lacking in that department.tldr... just kiddingSeeing all the luck made me swing for the fences, and glad I did. Secondly, you cut me deep bringing up CC, I thought that game had a lot of promise and it just poof vanished one day T.T. Seeing how far ahead the JP server was, I didn't imagine it going down... not like that anyways~
It might sound like salt, but I really am happy to see so many here manage to get Lightning. I was afraid this place would be filled with despair, but thankfully, it's lacking in that department.
Sorry for bringing up CC, it's a sore subject for myself as well. Lots of history with that game, so having it suddenly shut down was, needless to say, depressing. It was doing so well too! Version 2 had just launched, along with new areas to explore and characters classes.![]()
I used magic break through Shivas 2* (I think?) and defend and all my units survived.Mages can with just defend. Non-casters either need a SPR buff (Focus) or a lot of HP (2500+) to survive an Ultima with only a defend. Needless to say, double healing is pretty much mandatory after facetanking an Ultima.