I mean, really, Exvius has a moving goalpost as to what constitutes abuse.
Botting will get you banned in virtually any sane ecosystem but is A-OK here.
Frustrated today..
Daily got me a Charlotte. So now I have everyone but Lightning. It tempted me to try and keep pulling but i think I'll resist.
What's the furthest anyone got in the maze? I got maybe 5. Wondering crazy stuff is at the furthest rooms.
Is there a tier list for TM and Burst? Trying to figure out who I should put on a TM farming team and where to put the pots I farm today.
I got to the end once. Before the final room there's only two choices. AFAIK one leads to 3 cactuars that drop 1 quartz each, the other is a gigantaur. Apparently LB pots show up as enemies rarely towards the end.Daily got me a Charlotte. So now I have everyone but Lightning. It tempted me to try and keep pulling but i think I'll resist.
What's the furthest anyone got in the maze? I got maybe 5. Wondering crazy stuff is at the furthest rooms.
I got to the end once. Before the final room there's only two choices. AFAIK one leads to 3 cactuars that drop 1 quartz each, the other is a gigantaur. Apparently LB pots show up as enemies rarely towards the end.
Try again when Cecil's banner comes.
Starting to get pissed with this game. My main cannot draw a tank to save my life, and I'm seriously considering dropping it if things don't change soon. I have nothing to spend all these LB pots on either. I'm using the maze to upgrade my secondary account, but getting tired of this.
Think I may need a break. I'm not spending another dime on this until we get those guaranteed minimums like Japan, so for at least not six months. If they were smart, people would be more inclined to spend if they went ahead and implemented it now. Nothing worse than five star Raksasha. Or just get rid of those peasant four star max units completely.
Frustrated today..
What's this maze thing? I saw that it's open, but I have no idea what it is or what it's about.
I think people should spend money on what brings them joy, and like a lottery ticket, you're spending money on WHAT IF, not a one in a billion chance of a lot of money. if spending money on this game brings people joy or they want to support perhaps SE's best product since FFX, they should. So get upset about Lightning rates all you want, but maybe not suggest the game isn't worth spending on or shit on the people that do so?
(FTP here, fwiw)
Lightning having a ridiculous rate is not the problem. The problem is pulling a rainbow crystal (which is supposed to be a once in a lifetime opportunity) and getting Rakshasa out of it. That's just ridiculous and a complete mockery of the rating system. The fact that they don't differentiate between how good and bad a unit at max rating is just adds to the problem. Anything that comes out of a rainbow crystal should be nothing but the absolute best.
I can go log in into Love Live right now, do an Honor Scout and chances are I'll get something useful even if I don't pull a UR. The SRs are so much better than the Rs that I don't feel like I wasted my gems even if I didn't get what I wanted.
If you do the same in this game, you'll get something completely worthless out of it like a 4* Bedile. That's where the frustration comes from.
I'll probably try to get Tilith the first time she'll be featured (with dailies and tickets the last day) but she almost won't be used until her 6*, don't really want to wait until the second banner, Vargas would drop the rates even more.
Really hope Cecil will be featured, in the Japanese version it was only Dark Knight Cecil/Kain/Rosa.
Lightning having a ridiculous rate is not the problem. The problem is pulling a rainbow crystal (which is supposed to be a once in a lifetime opportunity) and getting Rakshasa out of it. That's just ridiculous and a complete mockery of the rating system. The fact that they don't differentiate between how good and bad a unit at max rating is just adds to the problem. Anything that comes out of a rainbow crystal should be nothing but the absolute best.
If you got nothing else to do, yes.If I already maxed out Cecil .. is it still worth the time levelling Charlotte?
Also, what does the the star (with a number) beside items mean?
Sorry, returning player .. realise tons of new stuff now
Yes I agree with you. In Chain Chronicles, once you pull an Ultra Rare (5* in ffbe), it's almost always a great unit. Even Super Rares (4*) are noticeably better than Rares (3*).
I hope this gets implemented in Global sooner than later.
I wasnt exactly happy when I got Mimu, useless unit
Are any of the chests a good value? I'm wanting to spend money but I don't know if I should get one of the bundles or just straight lapis.
Mythril Chest - $24.99: 3600 lapis, 1 ticket, 60 nrg, 2 keys, 9 quartz
Adamantite Chest - $47.99: 5000 lapis, 5 tickets, 100 nrg, 5 keys, 19 quartz
Crystal Chest - $74.99: 10,000 lapis, 9 tickets, 150 nrg, 9 keys, 29 quartz
I don't much care about the nrg, and I'm also not sure what the value on keys and quartz are. I'm leaning toward just buying lapis.
Why: I'm enjoying the game and want to support it, I also want to use some of the lapis to add equip/unit/material slots and to bank for more daily rolls and to use on future banners. I'm not going to use them on current banner.
Yeah and then you pull the bad one...
I wasnt exactly happy when I got Mimu, useless unit.
Anyways, good thing in BE is that there are alot awesome base 3* units. Sadly getting them is really tough.
Are any of the chests a good value? I'm wanting to spend money but I don't know if I should get one of the bundles or just straight lapis.
Mythril Chest - $24.99: 3600 lapis, 1 ticket, 60 nrg, 2 keys, 9 quartz
Adamantite Chest - $47.99: 5000 lapis, 5 tickets, 100 nrg, 5 keys, 19 quartz
Crystal Chest - $74.99: 10,000 lapis, 9 tickets, 150 nrg, 9 keys, 29 quartz
I don't much care about the nrg, and I'm also not sure what the value on keys and quartz are. I'm leaning toward just buying lapis.
Why: I'm enjoying the game and want to support it, I also want to use some of the lapis to add equip/unit/material slots and to bank for more daily rolls and to use on future banners. I'm not going to use them on current banner.
So which units get 6* first? I'm assuming Lightning and maybe a few others like Chizuru and CoD?
With 100 dollars you get 18.000 lapis, and you can summon 39 times (3 times 11 sumon, and 6 single summons) thats 2,56 dollar per summon.
With Crystal chest you can summon 31 times (2 times 11 summon and 9 single summons), thats 2,42 dollar per summon.
The difference is marginal, but with the 100 dollar 18.000 lapi you get 3 guarantee gold crystal, and with the crystal chest you only got 2 guarantee gold crystal.
Take that info to get your conclussions.
P.D: CCIE, cheer up gal. Most of trials can be done with a friend, and if you dont have a tank yet at that time, just ask here if one of us can put a tank as friend so you can use it and have better options. Thats why we are a community.
If we follow the JPN scheudle, First is Lightning, then Ramza and Delita, then Snow, then Dark Knight Cecil, and then Cecil would be the first legacy unit that will be upgraded to 6star
Legacy, I don't like the sound of that. lol.
Any deals to make purchasing thru Google or something for play credit?
In last comicon, the producers of the game said that currency will be available soon in amazon store, and from there, you can buy lapis cheaper (just like in brave frontier that buying gems was cheaper if you do that via amazon store)
If we follow the JPN scheudle, First is Lightning, then Ramza and Delita, then Snow, then Dark Knight Cecil, and then Cecil would be the first legacy unit that will be upgraded to 6star
Hello, and welcome.
And Garnett basically gets a Summon every other round as a mid-range 4*
And that is exactly why I want one of her. There are so many shenanigans I can think of between her and Rydia working together.
Also, Garnet gets an additional haste effect (High Tide) to increasing her summoning speed in her 5* form as well to further speed things up.
WTF I didn't know she had High Tide...her 6* is gonna be a beast isn't it?
Plus Charlotte is cute