First we need to think: "Are we able to equip 2 Auto-Limits in Global"?
I have 2 CoDs too![]()
Well even if its just one it still might be a good idea to farm two of them
ya know... for science
First we need to think: "Are we able to equip 2 Auto-Limits in Global"?
I have 2 CoDs too![]()
Comparing our testruns, your Golbez prolly critted?
Yeah, I dont have Ramuh yet. That explains why in my testruns I had Garnet + Shiva doing 469 - 496k (or something).Imperil from Terra (Ramuh), so add 20% to your number.
Also, kind of like physical weapons, Espers have a damage range. But, unlike weapons, espers seems to have just a "low" number and a "high" number, with nothing in between. Seems random which one the game picks on a summon. The difference is relatively small percentage-wise (1-2%), but can translate to tens of thousands of damage at 700-800k and higher.
So 654066 * 1.2 = 784879
The game likely rolled the "low" damage result on that cast instead of the "high" one in my screenshot.
Got some more sweet Clyne action this morning on the daily pull. I really need to finish up the rest of the story content, I've been throwing all my energy at the maze for the time being, trying to get the star quartz, screamroots, and limit pots. I am glad we had this event now instead of another longer exploration based one. I'm having a hard time keeping up with depleting my stamina as is.
Golbez / Golbez / Rydia (5* ofc) / Garnet / Rydia?
The Golbezs are probably irrelevant.
For the system to work, the only thing that matters is that limits bars are filled and the summon bar gets fully filled each turn.
Hard to say without testing, but I think 5* Rydia + 5* Garnet might be sufficient on their own to do this. A safety measure can be added by bring Bartz for Entrust if for some reason RNG trolls the player on LB crystal distribution.
The strangeness in all of this (and hence the reason I smell smoke here) is that when you look at the kits given to 5* Rydia and 5* Garnet, that they are almost mirrors to each other, in the same way that Cecil is a defensive tank while WoL an the offensive tank.
At 5* Rydia is the more powerful summoner over Garnet, as she ends up with EVO MAG +60 (compared to Garnet's +40). On the other hand, 5* Garnet wins in pure summoning speed with High Tide and fills her LB bar twice as fast as Rydia.
If Reddit's Wiki is correct (it is quite wrong on everything summon related in general), then at max LB skill, Garnet only needs 5 LB crystals to max her bar (skilling her LB gets her cost down to 10, and High Tide counts all incoming LB crystals twice for credit, so effectively 5 are needed).
The possible design flaw here is that both of share a common resource that they add to, the summon bar, that can leveraged for probably unintended benefits and synergy.
So ultimately, min/maxing would suggest chaining Garnet's much faster LB into Rydia's more powerful summon for maximum damage. 5 LB crystals should be rather easy to obtain per round in a full party of 5* or 6* units.
I had always some issues to use "Hero units" (Story chars), cause they dont have TM at all. Thus for me using Story Char was that they steal TMCurrent party, although sometimes Garnet gets replaced with Rain.
The Golbezs are probably irrelevant.
So ultimately, min/maxing would suggest chaining Garnet's much faster LB into Rydia's more powerful summon for maximum damage. 5 LB crystals should be rather easy to obtain per round in a full party of 5* or 6* units.
I dont have BartzFuck now I wish I had a Garnet
Rydia should be fine though
Definitely not me. I didnt write maths in High School finalsAlright, now many of you are math majors!??!
Yeah, but sometimes I need the extra damage and to break the enemies' attack. I just got both Garnet and Rain up to that level. Garnet's actually super useful, since she fills the summon gauge with her LB which she gets very quickly due to high tide (or whatever).I had always some issues to use "Hero units" (Story chars), cause they dont have TM at all. Thus for me using Story Char was that they steal TM. If its possible, try to run with Garnet as much as possible and use Rain only when its absolutely required. Obviously Rain 6* in future will be good (Iam not going to use it).
Urgh....so I've maxed out all the standard summon points I can get. It's such a chore using them, then having to enhance each of them. Already got the TMs for most of them. What are you all doing? Just selling your standard dupes straight away? Or switching to getting Crysts?
Urgh....so I've maxed out all the standard summon points I can get. It's such a chore using them, then having to enhance each of them. Already got the TMs for most of them. What are you all doing? Just selling your standard dupes straight away? Or switching to getting Crysts?
Yeah I have been in 99999 FP over week. So long from last friend point event (had 0 FP after last), I havent claimed FP that my friends have sent to me.
If I could, I would change all 99999 FP to one LB pot or something. Kinda worthless outside FP event (then its Cactuars Iam after).
if they overhaul anything, let it be the unit management system. why when i click on view unit can i not sell / enhance / awaken from that screen? why does the sorting system suck so bad? why does my party stick to the top when i'm looking for dupes?
Just spending and selling 90% of the units straight away. Only keep a few for TM grinding. Once I get the FP gold achievement I'll probably just let them rot.
Question for the board. No Cecil.. Should I throw all my LB pots into Lenna #2 at 3*, then max her later on - fuse the current 5* into her? No damned idea what to do with them.
Oh Chilly, have I mentioned that I ended up getting so many Ludmille's that I reached 100% TM? :/ don't kill me (Charlotte too). *Hides*. No Lightning, Chiz or Cecil here though.
You have to remember all the baking that I did on the last event. I bought every damned thing of value and sold the leftover cakes... There were a bunch of LB pots from that alone.
So my main account has become absolutely ridiculous with damage dealers, but no tanks. I pulled Golbez the other day, and now he is maxed as well. I have every single MAGE unit in the game, and every major damage dealer except for Lightning. And NOT ONE SINGLE TANK... It's almost unbelievable at this point. I even maxed Kain, Rydia, and Krile in anticipation of their five star forms.
I'm maxing second Kefka, just because right now. The third one will combine with number two in order to get a second ribbon faster, I think.
On my alternate account, I have Lightning, Vaan, Charlotte, and Garnett. The lack of damage dealers just plain sucks, but then again I haven't done any daily pulls on that account to date since I have all of the units from the current banner. And I am forced to use Shantotto as a mage, because I have no-one else right now. Bottom of the totem pole sucks, but I should have some major lapis to throw at daily pulls and good banners soon on account #2. However, cannot clear White Dragon with current setup, which is pathetic. Only Lightning and Charlotte close to max at this time
Question for the board. No Cecil.. Should I throw all my LB pots into Lenna #2 at 3*, then max her later on - fuse the current 5* into her? No damned idea what to do with them.
Nah. There are 2 choices at the end. Choosing the correct one gives you the 3 minutuars that drop star quartz and screamroot, choosing incorrectly gives you the metal Gigantuar as usual.This is a dumb finding about the The Enchanted Maze but it's real: if you max out your unit inventory and get to the last stage of the map, they'll be green cactuars instead and will spit out either star quartz or scream roots. Huh.
Nah. There are 2 choices at the end. Choosing the correct one gives you the 3 minutuars that drop star quartz and screamroot, choosing incorrectly gives you the metal Gigantuar as usual.
Would the masses be upset if they extended the current banner another week? Just curious.
So what are they giving new players for the moment in terms of tickets/lapis for starter rolling purposes? Thinking about doing a few rerolls for a possible alt account. If it's less than an 11 roll though not worth the trouble.
Would the masses be upset if they extended the current banner another week? Just curious.
Where do I go in Dilmagia to advance the story after the Wind Shrine?
You don't!
Would the masses be upset if they extended the current banner another week? Just curious.