New event soon "Let's go global".
"Release Celebration!"
Looks like it's going to release next week, but we'll likely miss the last bonus milestone.
Another 10 Tickets would have Been To good...
New event soon "Let's go global".
"Release Celebration!"
Looks like it's going to release next week, but we'll likely miss the last bonus milestone.
Yes!!! Another TM Get
My Vaan is looking better and better
Now really, lets go for Shantotto's MAG+30%
I think you can't with friend list, but if he appear before a quest you can hold his character to see his equips.Damn, congrats man. That's some serious dedication this early in the game.
As a sidenote, I have a friend Vaan with 302 attack. He must have whaled or grinded his ass off for multiple TM's. Is there any way to check equipment of a friend unit?
My body & my team is ready for global.
I think you can't with friend list, but if he appear before a quest you can hold his character to see his equips.
I'm going to away from the 27th June until July 15th so I hope this isn't going to be like "oh you're been here since the start buuut since you didn't log in within 14 days of launch fuck you no 10 tickets, no magitek terra"New event soon "Let's go global".
"Release Celebration!"
Looks like it's going to release next week, but we'll likely miss the last bonus milestone.
New event soon "Let's go global".
"Release Celebration!"
Looks like it's going to release next week, but we'll likely miss the last bonus milestone.
Yeah, everyone should try to get and keep 10k lapis for when the +30% attack materia bundle (hopefully) drops.AND I SAVED ALL MY LAPIPI FOR NO REASON??!!
edit: nah, Im sure I will find some use for 7.2k lapipi :3
New event soon "Let's go global".
"Release Celebration!"
Looks like it's going to release next week, but we'll likely miss the last bonus milestone.
How the hell do you have so many summons!?
99% on the 10 million milestone!! maybe in 2 week we'll hit the 15 million and it'll release!
or theyll just add another goal because "gumi isnt ready"...
JP got his next nico stream announced for the 27th, they've got an official timer and all, must have something important being announced.
People are also predicting a Dragon Quest collab event.
Did 5 pulls today.. The result:
1. Terra
2. Vaan
3. Anzelm
4. Celes
5. Bedile
I think I won't do another pulls for quite some time.
As for now I have:
5* units: Cloud of Darkness, Roselia, Vaan, Terra, Celes, Xiao, Kuja, Miyuki
Decent 4* (or good TM) units: Rydia, Edgar, Krile, 7x Kain, 3x Shantotto, 3x Luna
My body & my team is ready for global.
I know Golbez isn't amazing but I'll try to get him with some tickets when his rate up banner drop since I just love his sprite.
Also hope I'll get another chance to buy the early bird bundle for the global release.
I know Golbez isn't amazing but I'll try to get him with some tickets when his rate up banner drop since I just love his sprite.
Also hope I'll get another chance to buy the early bird bundle for the global release.
Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger collaboration would be amazing.
Maybe this should be in the OP? This is YOOUGE. Im gonna wait till terra and bartz drop rate up!
Holy shit I was not prepared for how easy Ifrit 2* was to fight. I've been spending time leveling up Cerius for the Ga level bar spells, and Leo for Blade Bash, then I got bored grinding xp so I decided to give it a try with my main team + Vaan helper.
After Full Break, he was doing 47 damage to my Cecil per hit
Hellfire did ~500? to the group.
Well shit then.
TL;DR - 2* Ifrit is piss easy.
So if I do a second registration and tie it to my dummy Facebook account then at release I should have ten summons to work with for re-roll to get a good character, then tie that to my real facebook after with 10 more summons... Is that correct?
New event soon "Let's go global".
"Release Celebration!"
Looks like it's going to release next week, but we'll likely miss the last bonus milestone.
Finally! Every time I see this thread, I check to see if it's been released in the US.
I did my Lumber runs in LoP BGN. But since its gone best place is Earth Shrine explo.So, where is the best place to farm lumber and/or copper ore?
My Krile is almost max level but her stats still look so weak. Am I missing something? Her spells don't seem to do much damage either.
Medius had Frost ring & Angel Ring, Black chocker was on CoD. Krile's Dualcast was life saver, Cecil being support healer. When someone got confused Vaan usually was the one who hit confused unit (did lowest damage).
I wanna make sure I am reading this correctly: that doesnt say the game is releasing 6/27? It just says "in the coming days".
Meaning we are right back where we started. Not knowing what their "soon" means.
Brute forcing my way thru Colosseum, no Paralyze, no Barblizzara.
Medius had Frost ring & Angel Ring, Black chocker was on CoD. Krile's Dualcast was life saver, Cecil being support healer. When someone got confused Vaan usually was the one who hit confused unit (did lowest damage).
All units are max level. should rearrange CoD and Medius. Cod is blocking Medius' akimbo swag.