Bartz is great and Edgar is solid with poison and AoE def ignore. The AoE def ignore move he learns at max level tears up EXP dungeons. I always use him or Exdeath as a friend when I am trying to solo powerlevel.Not sure where the tier list is but I pulled:
Bartz - 4*
Sabin - 3*
Vivi - 4*
Galuf - 3*
Edgar - 4*
Miyuki - 5*
Maria - 3*
Rydia - 3*
Bedile - 4*
Rest are dupes. Worth keeping? Can someone link me to the tier list?
Do not do that
Did a reroll...
Is this better:
Not sure if Cecil > Bartz...
Just clear things, at rank 40 its couple days due to having awaken materials ready and 50nrg cap. At lower levels and in start it will take longer than 2 days. Depending how much you use energy. But rarity is still not a problem to get the card is the problem.Everything I've read says it's very easy to go from 3* to 5*. A day or two is what it sounds like. What is very hard however is rolling ExDeath who seems to be the consensus best character in the game.
I can't compare them directly, but I can say that Cecil, Rain, Lasswell, Fran and Krile was my team for half or so of the Soft Launch and I enjoyed it (Fran replaced Bedile). Cecil + Krile make a good combo when you need some quick AoE healing, while Krile dishes out some nice hits using Dualcast.
For JPN players: Krile eventually will get 5* right? Does she get any significant new toys with it?
I can't compare them directly, but I can say that Cecil, Rain, Lasswell, Fran and Krile was my team for half or so of the Soft Launch and I enjoyed it (Fran replaced Bedile). Cecil + Krile make a good combo when you need some quick AoE healing, while Krile dishes out some nice hits using Dualcast.
For JPN players: Krile eventually will get 5* right? Does she get any significant new toys with it?
As I said a few posts back.. No, tied to your main FB account like forever
So does the game actually have a final boss? Also whats the deal with friend points again?
So I've just started the game for the first time and my first pull (the 500 lapis you get in the Tutorial) got me a 3* Bartz. From what I've been reading, it seems he's pretty desirable. Something that isn't clear to me though, is there any difference between a Bartz you get at 3* and awaken to 5* vs. a Bartz you summon innately at 5*?
I have 1000 lapis and 10 tickets after the pull. Should I save these at this point?
So does the game actually have a final boss? Also whats the deal with friend points again?
So I've just started the game for the first time and my first pull (the 500 lapis you get in the Tutorial) got me a 3* Bartz. From what I've been reading, it seems he's pretty desirable. Something that isn't clear to me though, is there any difference between a Bartz you get at 3* and awaken to 5* vs. a Bartz you summon innately at 5*?
I have 1000 lapis and 10 tickets after the pull. Should I save these at this point?
Guess I'll make another fb page and keep both
I assume data is still saved in the app until I link it?
No difference at all. You need probably a week to reach maxed 5* from 3* though. Definitely keep that Bartz and save your lapis.
Anyone got the chills seeing this is a Gumi game.. the power creep for their games is real ..
No final boss yet as they're still going through the story right now.
Friend points are used for Friend Summons. Right now it gets you some generic 1-3 star units but they'll do a Super Friend Summon that'll give you Metal Cactuar/Jumbotaurs and Gil Turtles eventually.
There's no real difference between the Bartz except the fact that you have to evolve the 3 star Bartz to 5 star yourself.
The game has "final bosses" kinda. The story is still going. There are secret bosses that you should not attempt until you have a good leveled team (white dragon), and there are bosses that you shouldnt even speak of or they will kill you (europa in the Colosseum), and then there are the espers you have to battle to acquire and level them up. It only gets harder from there. But there is no "end" to this game.
Friend points allow you to do standard summons (max are 3 star units mostly unique to brave exvius).
Gumi doesn't make this game, they just are handling the Global versions of it. Not that there won't be power creep, as I've heard Brave Frontier suffered from that bad and this is made by the same people (Alim).Anyone got the chills seeing this is a Gumi game.. the power creep for their games is real ..
So I just got 3, trust master rewards now and I was wondering:
How many times can you get the SAME trust master reward? Say, like Fira? Can I take that 100% mage with fira and combine him with a 0% mage and get ANOTHER fira?
Definetly option 2, Exdeath & Vaan, great units.okay, so I have two potentials that I could move forward with and save to my main FB account. Need some opinions on which I should keep:
Pulls from Option 1:
Three Stars
-Maria x1
-Sabin x3
-Fran x2
-Cyan x2
-Bedile x1
-Bartz x1
-Russel x1
-Celes x1
Four Stars
-Shantotto x1
Five Stars
Pulls from Option 2:
Three Stars
-Vivi x1
-Panelo x1
-Krile x1
-Kain x1
-Edgar x1
-Fran x2
-Cyan x1
-Anzelm x1
-Exdeath x1
-Vaan x1
Four Stars
-Shantotto x1
-Anzelm x1
Five Stars
I don't mind taking the time to awaken all of the potentials and I think I'm leaning toward option 2, but they both seem to have lasting value. Any suggestions?
Doesn't work. The 100% unit will get absorbed into the 0% unit with 0 Trust change.
Cool, sounds like something to look forward to then.
One more thing, is there a reason for multiple parties aside from just having different character combos at a whim, or does the game go into that later?
Good to know. So then should I try using a few of the 10 tickets to get a full "Party"?
at the moment I only have the two story characters, and the 1* black mage I pulled during the tutorial.
With Terra, Exdeath and CoD as my first 3 rolls.. Should I continue to roll for my remaining 7 tickets?
Gumi doesn't make this game, they just are handling the Global versions of it. Not that there won't be power creep, as I've heard Brave Frontier suffered from that bad and this is made by the same people (Alim).
The "Mage's hat" I unlocked through INT colosseum implies that it increases success rates (status effects)? Anyone from jp know if this works like that?
Because it takes 12hrs to craft. So I know it has to have a hidden ability...
I need a detail answer regarding troll process
I already linked a main fb acct and planning to make a dummy acct for rerolling.
So the first step is login on to main acct and farm 500 lapdis
Then log off main and into the dummy acct to roll?
Repeat till desired roll then link to main fb acct?
You know, new craft slot (2nd) costs only 100 Lapis, then its 200 and 400.
Hero's Ring costs 72 hours to craft. I dont know if it has ability or not. Jus craft it and use it if you dont have better hats.
Good luck for rerollingThe quest for Exdeath/CoD + another useful member continues...
Vaan / Cecil / Krile / Firion / CoD. Aim is to get Firion to max level then to continue doing Phantom Forest - Exploration dungeon (2nd Island), good dungeon to get materials & rank & unit exp & magicites for espers.
Wow, Cecil, Vaan, Firion AND Cod? Nicely done man!Good luck for rerolling. My aim when I started was only to get one of the 5 Best charcaters, after 30ish rerolls I got Vaan. I havent used tickets we got in release. After 1½ months of playing, this is my party now.
Vaan / Cecil / Krile / Firion / CoD. Aim is to get Firion to max level then to continue doing Phantom Forest - Exploration dungeon (2nd Island), good dungeon to get materials & rank & unit exp & magicites for espers.