Well, I disregarded advice and kept rerolling like an idiot, and I just got 3* Firion and 5* Exdeath back-to-back, so I think I'll save the last 3 tickets and stop there. Can't believe my stubbornness paid off for once in my life!
I know for sure that Exdeath and Firion will be 2 of my staples, but I'd like some advice (that I'll actually take) for my 3 other spots. The other characters I drew are:
3* Shantotto (x2)
3* Cyan
3* Miyuki
3* Anzelm
3* Clyne
3* Russell
I've read that Rain and Lasswell are pretty good characters, but I see that Shantotto, Cyan, and Miyuki are all listed in the "Useful" tier
in this guide. Should I use Shantotto, Cyan, and Miyuki for my remaining 3 slots, or will Rain and Lasswell ever be good enough to surpass them? Also, should I keep my 2 Shantottos as separate units or fuse them? Thanks in advance for any advice.