I have a 5* exdeath in this reroll and just got CoD too. I still have 7 tickets left but I may stop lol. Definitely keeping this one regardless. Two top tier units sounds good.
How far can you go in this game without paying anything? Is there a wall you hit no matter what you do?
Any of the standard summoning units are worth summoning? I have 38 summons to do. Should I save?
Any of the standard summoning units are worth summoning? I have 38 summons to do. Should I save?
I have a 5* exdeath in this reroll and just got CoD too. I still have 7 tickets left but I may stop lol. Definitely keeping this one regardless. Two top tier units sounds good.
How do you see limit burst levels? I wasn't aware that was a thing.
You fuse them for EXP/Trust Bonuses; Units of the same job get a boost in trust, whereas you get extra EXP when they're fused. You can either level the different instances individually then fuse, or fuse from the get-go.This is the best roll I've had. I'm pretty tired of re-rolling, so might be going with this:
Bartz (5*)
Kain (4*)(3*)
Roselia (4*)
Krile (3*)
Edgar (3*)
Fran (3*)
Rydia (3*)(3*)
Clyne (3*)(3*)(3*)
Anzelm (3*)
Rizer (1*)
And what do I do with the multiple repeats? I got those 3 Clynes one after the other.
Does anyone know where a good place to farm far plane dew would be? I've done the awaking dungeon at least a dozen times now with zero luck and that's all I still need to awaken exdeath
I'll try as best as I can:
1. Create dummy FB account
2. Play FF BE until you can access "HOME" button (upper right)
3. Click the Envelope icon beside the Menu
4.Click Claim all
5. Click Summon (you can summon 13x with tix + Lapis)
6. If you're not satisfied with your rolls, Click Home, then Options, FB Log in then log out. Make sure your FB is logged in to the dummy account.
7. Repeat step 1 to 6
Good luck
Just had one drop from a Cactaur in Zadehl Westersand/Exploration
Try signing out of all Facebook accounts in your phone browser and trying again. It "saves" the last login you used, so you need to sign out of both the game and the phone browser to switch between accounts.So, I ran into this issue with the game and can't seem to figure it out. I gave my ipad to my niece last night so he could play the game, however he linked the game with his mom's FB account. Now, whenever I try to log in the game with my own facebook, it prompts the other FB account log in and not mine. Any idea how I can fix this? I already unlink the game from his FB, but still no luck.
Second account is better, IMO.Hi guys, I have an account before the launch and tried rerolling so I have these two accounts. Which should I use?
Main: Cecil, Terra, Garland, Rydia, Kain, Cyan, Krile, Shantoto
2nd Account: Bartz, CoD, Krile, Cyan, Shantoto
Try signing out of all Facebook accounts in your phone browser and trying again. It "saves" the last login you used, so you need to sign out of both the game and the phone browser to switch between accounts.
Not a problem, glad to hear it all worked out.Oh, I didn't think about that. Thank you!![]()
When you attempt to escape from a battle, it says you lose the gains from your fights, but the one thing that stood out to me was units.
Is there any way (yet) to get units from battles? That seems like a weird thing to put in there if it isn't possible.
Ah, Metal Cactuars. I wasn't even thinking about that. Thanks.I think there was/is a dungeon in the JP version with Metal Cactuars that could drop when defeated.
Ah I missed one little step haha. Thanks!
Phantom Forest Exploration 2nd Island. Do story so much you reach that place. Steal there from every enemy. You get tons of materials (Heavens ash, Earth cores, Gods reliquary...). Sacred Crystal is very rare boss drop. Good exp (max 20k units), 8 nrg / 172 rank xp, 3 nodes that give Green Megacites, use those to your espers, dont mind colour, just use them. Bring highbie friend. CoD LB skill nukes boss ohko. Just go there, Its not long in 2nd Isle.Thanks!
I'll work on grinding that one once I unlock it (shouldn't be long now, since I no longer have to water energy on the EXP vortex runs).
Second account is better, IMO.
Cecil is great, but apparently he only truly shines when he hits 6* (which is a decent ways off for us). Terra is fine, but isn't among the "Top 5" currently available.
Second account has both CoD and Bartz, two "Top-Tier" characters.
Shall I swap in Fina for Krille? Krille mostl my does whitemage duties and attacks when there's a chance.
Yep, that's a great group to start with.
I've switched accounts so I've updated my info on the spreadsheet and sent friend requests from memory. Feel free to send me one if I forgot you.
Shall I swap in Fina for Krille? Krille mostl my does whitemage duties and attacks when there's a chance.
Krile is stuck at 4* while Fina can go up to 5*. Also she will learn Cheer that is one of the best abilities in the game (party wide atk + def buff) and entrust (pass limit gauge to other char).
got a terra and exdeath in 5 pulls and decided to stop, i lurk around a little during the soft launch and i heard the best way to spend your lapis is to max out friend slots? why is that?
Yes you do get FP when you use other players units and they use your leader.
Next week we have FP event, where you get 50 FP everytime someone uses your leader or you use theirs.
This means there is 2 ways to do this (after dailies are done)
1. Spam Earth Shrine 1 nrg quest for FP & TM
2. Spam Grandshelt Catacombs - Exit, 3 nrg quest for FP & TM & rank exp
^^ Iam going to option 2.
This 2 weeks event is one reason why you want to max friendslots (130 is max, you can add 100 slots). 100 Lapis is 5 friendslots.
Another reason is, the more you have active friends, the faster you get those Gold trophies 3x500 Lapis.
Third reason is that you get steady & nice amounts FP daily, even outside of special FP events.
Fourth reason is, you have huge pool of friends to choose helper to tough quests. No need to refresh flist by logging out or doing 1nrg quest.
(On mobile, sorry about typos).
Edit: Then you use these Friend Points to summon FP units and you fuse same units ie. fuse Rizer to Rizer, rarity doesnt matter. When Rizer has TM 100% you get its ability +10% hp (from Base stats". There are good TM units and a lot of bad which you can sell, no need to fuse bad TM units. Reddit has a list about these. After you have got TM from unit, you can sell that FP unit, or use it to get guaranteed extra TM chest after every quest (doesnt work in Colo nor Vortex). I personally sell those FP umits.
I saw this before, cant quite remeber. Something about make sure not to rank up a character before a limit is gained or something?
Basically asking, when should i rank up a character at max level or just when i have all abilities?
I saw this before, cant quite remeber. Something about make sure not to rank up a character before a limit is gained or something?
Basically asking, when should i rank up a character at max level or just when i have all abilities?
Quoting you my earlier post from yesterday. Bolded some key points.
You dont need to go haywire asap. But yeah spend some and gradually increase it to max.oh thanks, so i should spent all my lapis on friend slots now.. anyone wanna be friends? planning to be active in this game
ID: 998,918,875
oh thanks, so i should spent all my lapis on friend slots now.. anyone wanna be friends? planning to be active in this game
ID: 998,918,875
Hey guys should I leave the two main characters in my party or do they suck?