I completely understand your point. However, what element of this game is online? Is it just leaderboards etc.. or are there PvP elements? I haven't/can't play for long enough to find out yet. The impression I got prior to release was that it was an RPG designed specifically for mobile. I was fully expecting this to be an offline, pay once and play game.
Are there friend point events or should I just spend them as soon as possible? Is there any reason to hold on to the 1-3 stars or should I just use them for EXP right away?
Just started this now that I got myself a new tablet. Plesently surprised that this is mostly just Brave Frontier with FF sprites, loved Brave Frontier though it was and still is a buggy mess with great ideas. Should I draw soon as I get 5000 or is it best to save or something?
Some interesting info for those who are making Hero Ring.
Can I max out all the esper's upgrade?
Started the other day because my husband mentioned I should. Pleasantly surprised at it being fun and enjoyable. My first few summons were pretty good. Ended up with, in order: Garland, Kuja, Maria, and today I got Shadow. First three are in my party and keep Garland as my leader.
I know the whole thing is a social thing, but most you can have is 10 friends, right? Or does it go up as you progress? I just know I have a ton of friends request every time I go to play so I just pass on them all.
You can use Lapis to increase your maximum number of friends.
You live! \o/
I tried to send a FR but you are full. Add me when you get space: 176560599.
Embarassingly brought my TM farm party to this.
More embarrassing is the fact that you have Rain in party that doesnt have any TM at all.
I kicked idle players off from my friend list. I now have 8 empty place.
RixGAF 147,899,569
I've been moving pretty slowly through this game. I have a bad habit of trying to finish all the quests I pick up before moving on. I haven't even gotten to the second island yet. I thought I was pretty ahead of the game difficulty, but Fulan Pass nearly destroyed me by petrifying my Exdeath at the very beginning of the exploration map. I'm using all of my energy on EXP quests instead of actually progressing through the levels.
More embarrassing is the fact that you have Rain in party that doesnt have any TM at all.
I kicked idle players off from my friend list. I now have 8 empty place.
RixGAF 147,899,569
Youre welcome, steal isnt necessary there, it just helps you get more stuffI know I'm a bit late, but thanks for this information. I'll do as you say and press on to the second island.
I don't have the "Steal" ability, though. What's the easiest way to get it? FP, I assume?
Added. Raz with 4*exdeath
Both added.added, dennism
I just need 1 more elemental tear to craft hypno crown.
I regret I gave 3 of my elemental tears for quest.
Can you find in PF? Doing it in adv 3 times only gave me 1.
Yes those Green elemental units drop them / steal, not always tho. Forgot the name of those star like units that like to osmose your mp(So I kill them first always)
Ahhh I am trapped in re-roll hell! I ditched my rank 29 Exdeath account and was aiming for something better over the past few days.
Currently sitting on
A) 1 Cecil, 2 Bartz, 1 Garland ...then lots of low Tier Units
B) 2 Cecil, 1 CoD, 1 Garland, Celes, Kuja, Krile, some other Units I don't remember right now..
I know B is the (much?) better pull but I just like Bartz so much :/ just one more roll....
Question regarding standard summons... is there any point in keeping or fusing any of the regular 2* or 3* units? I've been selling everything except Metal Cactuars.
Some units has ok Trust Mastery (TM), for example Rizer has +10% hp ability.
- Pull 21 Rizers from FP and fuse them to one Rizer
- Every fuse increase TM by 5%
- When TM is 100% you get the ability
There are others too, for example "xxx killer", or Camouflage and so on.
There are also a lot of bad TMs that arent the worth & effort.
where can I get the materials
Wind Cryst
Demon tail
Seems to be no place that sticks out as a place where it drops frequently
Ingame mail announcing that on July 8th, Kefka, Golbez, and Chizuru will be available.
All of my 3* characters finally reached mx level. How long does it take to the that last set of items needed to awaken them to get the next ranking? I don't have a single one of those so I'm assuming they're rare :/
Outside of Sacred Crystals & Holy Crystals (Awaken Int Vortex). You get everything else from 2nd Island (and they are fairly common in 2nd Isle). Just run Phantom Forest - Exploration.
One step closer to Lightning's release.Ingame mail announcing that on July 8th, Kefka, Golbez, and Chizuru will be available.
One step closer to Lightning's release.
*rubs hands together*
Nice, next event banner should be a rate up, hopefully.Ingame mail announcing that on July 8th, Kefka, Golbez, and Chizuru will be available.