Rain/Laswell/Fina/Vivi/Magitek Terra (lol) here
When I hit a wall I'll just put down the game till lower boundary power creep lets me beat it again. Not nearly as invested in the game at this point.
I thought the main characters are ranked pretty high anyways, so that's 3/5 slots covered.
I've got a Vaan on my friends list that has nearly 380 attack. It's nuts. He has Barrage, Gungir or that 101+ attack knuckle weapon and doublehand. Must be someone who used macros for trust masters. Hope they never delete me from their friends list.I honestly wouldn't count the main quest as wall content at this point. Any hard boss just trot out GuardianSoul friend summon and he solos everything. Rest of the party could be lv1.
edit: To be fair, his friend summon rotates between a 250+ attack Laswell and Rain, so that power level kinda is obtainable anyway with some effort hahahaha.
Yeah, wish I could bring in friends for the Colosseum. I'm to the INT S fights and some of those bosses are getting tricky, but I haven't been having too much trouble yet. Frost Dragon in S5 will probably be a big wall for a while once I get there.just remember guys that you cant use friend units in the Colosseum (which gives some unique items and recipes) as well as some "secret" bosses.
You cant rely on friend units forever to carry you. You're gonna get exposed and then bodied at some point.
That's the end of the story content for now until the next island is available.I think I've done every story quest in the game so far but there's still a big NEXT floating over Grandport on the map. Is there someone I'm not realizing I need to talk to there? I beat the Lanzelt Ruins and everything.
I probably wouldn't use lapis for energy. Maybe once I'm sitting on like 100 energy in the future I'd think about using lapis to refill, but right now it doesn't seem worth it.is it worth using Lapis to buy Energy back?
Kuja will learn thundaga
Fira is obtainable via fp Tm and blizzara is craftable.
Kuja is the male version of terra, both are underwelming.
For those who have been playing a while, how many slots would you recommend having for materials, equipment, etc.? I started playing less than a week ago, and I've already maxed out my materials, and I can't really thin the number because I don't know which I really need. Thanks in advance for advice.
For those who have been playing a while, how many slots would you recommend having for materials, equipment, etc.? I started playing less than a week ago, and I've already maxed out my materials, and I can't really thin the number because I don't know which I really need. Thanks in advance for advice.
For those who have been playing a while, how many slots would you recommend having for materials, equipment, etc.? I started playing less than a week ago, and I've already maxed out my materials, and I can't really thin the number because I don't know which I really need. Thanks in advance for advice.
whats the reason for them to not let us play as much as we like?
thanks for the info, didnt know that.
Yeah its sad. whats the reason for them to not let us play as much as we like?
is it worth using Lapis to buy Energy back?
is it worth using Lapis to buy Energy back?
So I've been re-rolling for a few hours now and have gotten terrible luck with summons but this most recent one I pulled a 3* Bartz and 3* Cecil. Think I should stick with it or keep on re-rolling?
Also is it best to just use all 10 tickets or should I save some of them for events and such?
Depends on circumstance really. When Trust Moogles are introduced and you need to guarantee you'll get one or something like that, it's worth it. 5 star Trust Moogles are 10% Trust Mastery when fused into a character so they're worth at least 1000 Lapis if not more because it can be used on anyone.
How are the Trust Moogles gained btw? I'm really looking forward to them. Is it a special stage like the cactuar and gilsnapper stages, or is it through random FP summons like the events running now?
Ok so once you have "enough" slots for things is the only major use for lapis unlocking vortex chambers and new units? I'm sitting on 3500 lapis mostly because I'm afraid to spend it and I'm sitting on a solid team (as far as story content goes).
Ok so once you have "enough" slots for things is the only major use for lapis unlocking vortex chambers and new units? I'm sitting on 3500 lapis mostly because I'm afraid to spend it and I'm sitting on a solid team (as far as story content goes).
To capitalize upon players' impulsive desires.to keep playing the game. There is technically an alternative to waiting for stamina. You can pay 100 lapis for a full energy refill if you want. Literally, it is the 2010's version of the 1980's arcades "Insert Coin to Continue".
The developers are banking that people are too impatient to wait for stamina refills and will instead cough up the lapis to keep playing. They are usually right on that matter, as abundant time (or patience) is not a resource that most people have to trade for a energy refill.
Ok so once you have "enough" slots for things is the only major use for lapis unlocking vortex chambers and new units? I'm sitting on 3500 lapis mostly because I'm afraid to spend it and I'm sitting on a solid team (as far as story content goes).
The psychology goes even deeper than that. For people who wouldn't consider e.g. spending Lapis on a stam refill, it still sets an expectation of the relative value of Lapis, for all its other uses (which also determine its intrinsic 'value' in a way, and is often compared to spending Lapis on e.g. stam refills or inventory management to weigh what gives the most bang for the buck)
Long story short though, no, it's very, very rare when a game's economy/balance/design rewards refilling stam in the first few months, maybe even half a year.
You're never going to have enough Lapis for summons. Trust me.
It's in the developer's best interests in terms of business model to continually release gacha updates that entice even the most hardcore of spenders with fully kitted out teams to keep spending. That simple business model framework trickles down all the way to even F2P considerations.
i know its terrible but you should wait until friday when new units arrive.
Shizuru is top tier and a beast damage dealer.
I started this last weekend, and I'm not really interested in min/maxing, as that usually takes the fun out of the game for me. I have (what I think is) a pretty decent team:
Magitek Terra
Is it even worth it to continue playing the game? Worried about hitting that free-to-play wall.
Also what's the deal with metal cactuars and Gil snappers?
Good stuff, thanks yo!The wall will always exist in some form, regardless of how beast of a team you roll. I personally would re-roll that team, but I'm nowhere near an expert.
Metal Cactaurs = big exp. Gil snappers = sell for dat cold hard gil.
My experience is for non pvp oriented game, the pay wall is very high and you should have no problem clearing most content.I started this last weekend, and I'm not really interested in min/maxing, as that usually takes the fun out of the game for me. I have (what I think is) a pretty decent team:
Magitek Terra
Is it even worth it to continue playing the game? Worried about hitting that free-to-play wall.
Also what's the deal with metal cactuars and Gil snappers?
The friend management is severely lacking in this game. I have 35+ invites and no good way of getting through them. Some people I try to accept and their friend list is full so I need to scroll back to them and hit remove and go through a confirmation before that one request is handled.
Just give me a reject all button pls. And auto reject ones who's friend list is full.
So how should I be skilling up my esper? I have it attached to exdeath so mag up?
The friend management is severely lacking in this game. I have 35+ invites and no good way of getting through them. Some people I try to accept and their friend list is full so I need to scroll back to them and hit remove and go through a confirmation before that one request is handled.
Just give me a reject all button pls. And auto reject ones who's friend list is full.
So how should I be skilling up my esper? I have it attached to exdeath so mag up?
So how should I be skilling up my esper? I have it attached to exdeath so mag up?
The friend management is severely lacking in this game. I have 35+ invites and no good way of getting through them. Some people I try to accept and their friend list is full so I need to scroll back to them and hit remove and go through a confirmation before that one request is handled.
Just give me a reject all button pls. And auto reject ones who's friend list is full.
So how should I be skilling up my esper? I have it attached to exdeath so mag up?
Dont really like the new units, already have couple good mage, and a melee is meh. Just more to crowd summon pool to deter from what i would want. ( i really want a vaan lol )
And i dont wanna waste tickets before friday either :/
Had no idea about summons so I just went wherever path I wanted...fuck
But I increased my friends list to like 125, getting FP out the ass. Going to wait till after the snapper event to spend it all to get that good good trust mastery. Is there a cap to friend points btw?
But but but....
Best 5* mage, decent mage and one of the best physical attackers.