But but but....
Best 5* mage, decent mage and one of the best physical attackers.
Kefka is better than Exdeath?
But but but....
Best 5* mage, decent mage and one of the best physical attackers.
Kefka is better than Exdeath?
man this game is overwhelming as fuck.... playing on ipad mini 2 man i wish you could play it in landscape mode... really liking it but havent really got the hang of all the options and stuff.....
cant believe its free...
is there a list of friend codes.. for easy adding???
Dope. Man this game is much easier with Roselia with cura. She can heal like almost any status ailment and got MP for days. I just need a strong hitting mage like ExDeath, then I can use Bartz to entrust and give him my limit and bam status ailment after status ailmentI think friend point cap is 99,999. Not 100% positive on that though.
Noob question but at what point does team composition really come into play? Thus far, I've just been rolling what feels go with reckless abandon but I'm really yet (just got Siren).
Also, what are the recommendations (I haven't been able to read through the whole thread yet) regarding Lapis usage?
Yes, they bug. If I try to collect all, game crashes. So its kinda slow to tap manually one by one but it works (I have 130 friends).
If you linked your account to Facebook you should be fine.
again i dont do FB do you get anythang for logging in with one????
God I love going at INT Awakening Vortex 29842342389 times in a row without getting a single fucking earth core.
I feel you, bruh. I'm on that litrock hustle right now and it's a struggle. Just got Rain to 4*, and now I gotta do the same for Laswell. I have no idea if I'm better off doing 5xBGN, or 1xINT and 1xADV. Haven't really noticed one way or another.
Question about Explore Mode - do encounters just stop happening after a bit? I was grinding earlier and then the fights just stopped. I was a little worried I maybe had a connection issue, so I left to preserve what I'd gained up til that point (I had an issue a few weeks back where I couldn't leave after a similar experience).
[b]Place NRG Unit Exp Unit/NRG Rank Exp Rank/NRG Elemental Crystals[/b]
Temple 3 150 50 13 4 Light, Fire, Earth,Ice
Forest 4 700 175 52 13 Wind, Lightning, Water, Dark
Cave 4 2200 550 62 16 Water, Earth, Light, Ice
Underground 5 5700 1140 101 20 Dark, Fire, Wind, Lightning
Passageway 6 11200 1867 127 21 Light, Earth, Dark, Wind
Swamp 8 15000 1875 172 22 Dark, Wind, Lightning
Desert 9 16000 1778 224 25 Fire, Earth
Valley 10 15000 1500 281 28 Wind, Light
Ice Mountain 11 26000 2364 307 28 Water, Ice
Ruins 12 33000 2750 333 28 Earth, Lightning, Fire, Light
God I love going at INT Awakening Vortex 29842342389 times in a row without getting a single fucking earth core.
your data is linked to your FB account, so if you lose your device, or save, then it'll sync with your FB.
I have a few more questions that I just cant seem to find a decent answer to.
Re rolling:
I have played many hours in this game now, my account is a quest account, i have not yet linked it to my facebook.
If I want to reroll as many seem to do. Can somehow start a new game and reroll till I get the characters I want, then transer them to my current save which I have played many hours on?
Or do I have to start from the beginning of the game again ?
I know I'm setting myself up for utter pain. It will not be easy, I will spend many hours. I am okay with it. Lightning-sama is worth it."The joy of rerolling with 500 Lapis" and trying to get base 5* unit. Will be fun to see how many rerolls its needed to get 1 Lightning cause no rate ups
Iam good to go with my units what I have pulled so far. Not saving tickets, but will prolly just pull when ever I get one. Chizuru would be über to get...
That's what I want to know.Wonder if Kefka will beat out X-Death as a mage...
Oh, that's right. Terra will probably get a 6* evolution too.we will know in a distant future when he and terra gets their 6star forms
Start from scratch. You can't alter accounts after they're up and running for good.
That's what I want to know.
I like Kefka more as a character than Exdeath, but I can't overlook Exdeath's 6* evolution. If Kefka gets an equally-impressive one as well...
Choices will have to be made.
Can I get my 3 star to go to 4 star and above ?
How would I get them to go to a higher star rating?
Once a unit hits max level (for 3*, it's Lv 40), you can "Awaken" them in the Unit menu. It requires certain materials (different for each character) and a little bit of gil.
Once you awaken them they start back at Lv 1, but they have higher stat growth.
yes, I have done that with Fina.. but she stayed at the same 3 star...how do I get fina or sabine to 4 or 5 stars ? is that even possible?
Fina started at 2*, not 3*.
Same thing, get them to max level and awaken again.
ah ok cool. thanks for the help.
I need sacred crystals.... they wont drop for me![]()
I checked my data usage on my phone and it's less than 70 MB since global launch and I played a lot
Takes an eternity but it will go up by .1% every few full battle runs. Besides that, fuse a duplicate unit for +5% or there are like these trust units that give 10% we will get in a future upsate.while we are at it.
Trust mastery. I have noticed that this is something to lvl..whats the most effective way to do that and why should I do it?
I feel ya. Looking for the same material with no luck. Did manage to get all the materials for several other character awakenings though.God I love going at INT Awakening Vortex 29842342389 times in a row without getting a single fucking earth core.
The only real problem with my party is that I don't have Cura. Krile is only 3*, so she hasn't learned it yet.
Where does the white magicite drop from in Fulan Pass?
Where does the white magicite drop from in Fulan Pass?
Collection points. Kinda low chance though - I averaged maybe 1 per run (3 points)
They also dropped from Wolfsfang Peak for what it's worth, but that's much further on.
That yellow spot. There are 3 spots