Fina. Maria or Krile for healer?
Krile for double cast or Fina for better stats and cheer if you use physical team. Both have uses.
Fina. Maria or Krile for healer?
I wouldn't neccessarily say beaten. I have Roselia and shes great dont get me wrong but I'd trade cheer for curaja any day of the week in global atmFina. She is pretty great once trained up, beaten only by Roselia
Fina. She is pretty great once trained up, beaten only by Roselia
Fina. Maria or Krile for healer?
The first character I summoned was Clyne 4*. I leveled him up to ~30 right away and he has cure and cura. Plus he attacks like a truck. I guess I lucked out.
Guys, this game isn't that much of a min-max type of game. It's not like you won't be able to beat all content if you don't have a full stable of top tier people. You guys are nuts![]()
Isn't Cheer alone just too strong to pass up?
Isn't Cheer alone just too strong to pass up?
I've been evaluating cheer for quite some time now... and I can safely say "no".
Cheer's main problem is its mp usage (a whopping 48mp per cast). While it lasts 3 turns, you have to ask yourself: could that have been spent in a better way? For long battles, you'll want fina's role to be that of a healer, not a buffer. (Unless you give her some bar spells)
In the Colosseum, this doesn't matter as battles aren't consecutive. But in boss fights that last longer than 3 turns... well mp is better off saved for cura.
Cheer: 40% atk/def, right? Sounds good? No. Not imho. Most bosses that give you trouble aren't going to be doing so with physical damage output - it will be with elemental damage (example: the white dragon). This will not mitigate magic damage.
All that's left is the 40%atk buff. Attack song has the same effect for less than half the mp (8mp). Then, you have to factor in this only helps with physical attack damage anyways.
I just don't think it's worth it. IMO.
I'd take a secondary healer if healing is the issue, would still not pass up on Cheer.
I disagree. I feel like cheer would really only benefit a physical attack based party. Forget healing for a second. It just seems like a waste of mp. There is no need to fill another slot with another healer, when that person could be contributing to DPS somehow. I could use armor break, or even better, full break and get nearly the same effect for 14mp. (30% debuffs across the board while doing damage).
Party composition plays a big role I suppose in getting the most out of cheer. I just don't see it.
FYI guys,
Because it seems many people still don't know about this
If you are currently leveling your low-level units or farming TM, you can select your default party/leader, so that your friends aren't stuck with your 3* Vaan while actually you have a 5* Exdeath for example..
That is why I'm rolling a new team tomorrow for Chizuru. My current team I am keeping is going to annihilate high level bosses because of Vaan, Fina, and Cerius. But it lacks OOMPH. I think I agree this game in its current form is built more for attacking units than high level mages.
But I have a lot of high-level Ex-Death friends on my list, and the guy seriously kicks ass. Makes my little Shantotto look pretty pathetic in comparison. Though she is approaching that -GA level with her spells now, so hopefully she will be able to keep up soon enough
Fuse "Friends Gacha" units together. Only fuse units with their duplicates: that way, you will slowly but surely unlock their Trust Mastery reward.
Example: fuse all your Gimlee together.
You will need 20 fusions of the same unit to unlock their reward.
Do NOT fuse Rare Units from "Lapis Gacha", at least not right away. For those, it is better to keep them, in order to farm Trust Mastery with them (something which takes a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time), then only fuse them to the main one. Your TM gain will be (TM Main unit) + (TM fused unit + 5) + (TM fused unit + 5) + etc.
Example: Let's say you have 3 Rydia. Farm Trust Mastery by using all three of them. Once you reach around 30 Trust with each, fuse them together to unlock her Trust Mastery Reward (30 + (30+5) + (30+5) = 100).
Any idea where's the best place to get "beast meat" and "heaven's ash"?
Is 99 the max for FP summons? I'm going to have do a few summons to keep from hitting the max soon, though I didn't really want to do so
I gave up rerolling after 3 hours and only one 4 star characters(The 2nd to worst one).
Should I use my lapris on summons? and should I spend my tickets now to get a good summon?
So the fact that Kefka and Golbez have a *** version means that we can get them from FP pulls right?
Non-FF character? absolutelydisgusting
So the fact that Kefka and Golbez have a *** version means that we can get them from FP pulls right?
If there is a rate-up for the new characters that would be great, but I've seen nothing about that. Just that they will be added. My current team has a ton of Lapis and currently nine tickets, but I'm waiting for rate-ups to improve it
So I shouldn't worry about the little counter for the Summons? I want to wait until after the event so I can fuse the crap out of the little guys...
Rearrange them and put the tall ones in the back... ExDeath is kind of big
This is a mobile game, you should expect nothing less from a F2P game. All things considered, a lot of people would actually say they balance this game incredibly well compared to alot of other gachas. The main characters u get for free are all incredible units on their own meritSo why do some characters go up to 5* and some max out at 4*? I hate this sorta shit they pull. It makes for a real disparity between characters in the long run.
So I did a more careful inventory of my current roster:
Fran 4*
Anzelm 4*
Penelo 3*
Edgar 3*
Firion 3*
Shantotto 3*
Cyan 3*
Clyne 3*
Bedile 3*
I would use Edgar, Firion, Shantotto, and Anselm from that list. Put Lasswell with them. Later on some will get surpassed as always, but that would be my priority. Firion is your best unit
Jeez.. that curse followed you to this game, huh?
... I just got to that point, and keeping in mind you get one guaranteed 5*:
FFRKGAF probably having a laugh at my expense.
I guess it's generally the barrage skill that makes the physical units a much better choice at this point. A skill that does 320% dmg, coupled with the katana 60+ atk katana you get (or the upcoming next 82 atk sword) and adding in the +40% dmg from cheer can deal massive damage. Mages will have a tough time competing at that point.
Meanwhile with Kefka and his hyperdrive skill (230% ST Magic Attack + Ignore 25% MND) and everyone getting access to +10% int by second continent and hopefully the trial that gives you the +72 int rod mages will finally be able to keep up damage wise.
I guess it might be worthwhile to keep in mind that elemental chains do have a much higher modifier and if you have a team of Vivis dual-casting the same elemental spell then you'd also be able to deal massive damage.
No, if thats what you have then that's a perfect setupHey guys, so this is my main party:
and these are the other units I have that aren't garbage:
Any advice on what I should change? Should I replace one of the units i my party with one of the ones I have shelved?
First off, isn't it MP MAG and SPR in this game? He might be talking about the 2nd reward for trophiesWhat do you mean exactly when you say "access to +10% INT by 2nd continent"?
Also if you need a Cura ASAP, you can get a staff with inbuilt Cura from trading Star Quartz at the last/hidden town in island 2.
Although if you did get far without a healer I salute your friend summon list