Where does it say a rate up anywhere?Surprised we get rate up so soon after global launch, well then, good luck re-rollers.
STEALTH EDIT: Shit I see it my fault
Where does it say a rate up anywhere?Surprised we get rate up so soon after global launch, well then, good luck re-rollers.
I got golbez from this new banner. Is he good?
Woo, got Kefka!... Is he any good?
Got Kefka on my 2nd ticket. Not sure if I should continue or not. Still have 10.
edit: 2 Kefkas now lol
Is Kefka all u got? Go for a physical like Bartz or CoDGot Kefka on my 2nd ticket. Not sure if I should continue or not. Still have 10.
Phoenix downs are RARE. U can buy them with star quartz, stop using them. Merge units that are the same for trust mastery but if u summoned them through lapis or tix then just wait on it bc its not worth it for awhile. U can merge at lvl 1 it doesn't matter, its about the trust level and they will merge regardless, +5%Any tips/beginners guides?
Like.. I can't seem to buy phoenix downs anywhere?
Should I only merge units who are exactly the same for the bonus? Should I only merge units who are max level?
Is this game basically just Destiny of Spirits?
Is Kefka all u got? Go for a physical like Bartz or CoD
Oh well shoulda mentioned that. You're an extremely lucky man, congratz. ExDeath is better than Kefka bc of dualcast and he has no 6* in JP at the momentI'm not rerolling. It's my main account with Exdeath, Vaan and Roselia. So I just pulled Kefka and Chizuru. I'm satisfied.
Rate up for specific characters only right? Doesn't this make rerolling far more painful? Means you get way lesser chance to get other characters.
FYI, I saved up 10 tickets and got 5 Golbez and 1 Kefka .. rest were trash!
I got mostly shit:
12 Tix used: 3* Clyne 3* Penelo, 4* Penelo, 3* Clyne, 3* Edgar, 3* Shantotto, 4* Fran, 3* Rydia, 3* Bedile, 3* Bedile, 3* Golbez(!), 3* Sabin
Got Golbez and thats it. Out of Lapis & tix.
Kefka: Rank 7
Golbez: Rank 13
Chizuru: Rank 1
All on Global version
Oh well shoulda mentioned that. You're an extremely lucky man, congratz. ExDeath is better than Kefka bc of dualcast and he has no 6* in JP at the moment
With Kefka, Kefka, Kefka, Kefka and Kefka I got a pretty good mage team
You need to keep all of them for some hilarious screenshots.
Episode 1, the team is born!
Who can prevent the Kefkas from bringing this world to its destruction?!
(to be continued...)
But now Shadow and 1 new's something right?
(Keeping in mind I already got 2 Shantotos and 2 Vivis)
2 Shantotos
1 Vivi
2 Golbez
1 Kefka
Guess this game really wants me to go mage meta (RIP Fina)
Oh also got a Kain and Edgar.
Several tiers above my complete garbo start-off, no-reroll pulls.
Well I started new hobby that will take time. Outside of daily Vortex (prolly 10 int version) I decided that all my nrg what I use will go to earth shrine.Episode 1, the team is born!
Who can prevent the Kefkas from bringing this world to its destruction?!
(to be continued...)
The drop rates for Kefka and Golbez seem absolutely crazy. On par with some worse 3* units. Chizuru is understably harder to pull because she is base 4*
So this is my main account
And I only have 1 ticket from the daily bonus
And I got this
Edit: Somehow imgur won't upload it to my album. Weird
Is Kefka all u got? Go for a physical like Bartz or CoD
Phoenix downs are RARE. U can buy them with star quartz, stop using them. Merge units that are the same for trust mastery but if u summoned them through lapis or tix then just wait on it bc its not worth it for awhile. U can merge at lvl 1 it doesn't matter, its about the trust level and they will merge regardless, +5%
Amazing - thanks for this.
By the way - before I start using my summon tickets - do they restock every X days? Or are they paid only?
I currently have 10.
Nice, Chizuru.
What does your team look like now?
Chizuru, Exdeath
Fina, Vivi and Rain LOL
Very mediocre other than the top 2
One of the best fighter and the best mage, I think you're set lol.
Ok, so when we got the 10 free tickets, I did a reroll as mentioned in an earlier post and got Exdeath, Cecil, Roselia, Terra and Shantotto.
I wanted to use my original team (CoD, Cecil, Lasswell, Vivi, Fina) since they were completely maxed out and I was at INT S rank Colosseum.
I had about 10k Lapis, so did the 11 tickets exchange and got Galuf, Maria, Shantotto x3, Vivi, Golbez, Luna, 4* Shadow (such a tease getting a 4* with rate up), Fran, and Rydia.
So, in other words, pretty crappy for 11 tickets.
I logged back into my elite team (exdeath team) where I haven't got very far and only had about 1100 Lapis. Of course, first pull, I get Chizuru. The game is outright YELLING at me to switch to that team.(I know some of you hate me right now for the luck)