Did all my summons, not sure if I should of, but I got:
-5* Bartz
-4* Cyan
-4* Sabin
-4* Shadow
-3* Bedile
-3* Penelo
2x -3* Fran
-3* Clyne
-3* Zidane
-3* Kefka
-3* Anzelm
-1* Tronn
Should I keep or re-roll? Was it bad I used all my lapiz and tickets? lol
You have a couple good units there, but given the fact that you can still re-roll with the 10 tickets for the time being, you could probably do better. I think most people have been settling in after pulling at least 2-3 top tier units. You have Bartz which is good, Kefka who is ok, but nothing else of note. Zidane's trust mastery is great, but you're a long ways off from that. Just my 2c.
I hate sitting on tickets and lapis, I just want to pull. I am going to be strong and wait until there's a really good unit, or a unit I just want because I like them (Locke). It's tough.