My daughter has Roselia, and doesn't even have to heal herself anymore, since the LB does it all automatically, and removes statuses to boot. Yeah, Roselia is DEFINITELY the best available healer. I'll have to make do with Fina myself
Had her, shes an amazing healer but rerolled and lost her :/ made the game so easy so she will be missed. Finas cheer will be a godsend when I max her thoMy daughter has Roselia, and doesn't even have to heal herself anymore, since the LB does it all automatically, and removes statuses to boot. Yeah, Roselia is DEFINITELY the best available healer. I'll have to make do with Fina myself
Do we know the dates the 5* got their 6* form in japan?. Just to know an aprox date for their 6* buff in global.
They all rerolled for Chizuru :xI need more OP Mage friends...where are all the Kefkas and Ex-Deaths ? lol the final two exploration stages can be nasty for low level units unless paired up with a strong mage.
They all rerolled for Chizuru :x
My brother has the same problem, he can use my Exdeath every few hours but all his other friends are so weak.
Why are Ice Megacrysts so frigging rare? Lanzelt is a fracking glacier for crying out loud....
I need more OP Mage friends...where are all the Kefkas and Ex-Deaths ? lol the final two exploration stages can be nasty for low level units unless paired up with a strong mage.
Useful link: JP vs GL Update Schedule
Wow, It is a LOT of grinding to level these characters if you don't draw a 5* version. I am currently grinding for sacred crystals and need 42 total. The good news is that I currently have 36, so hopefully I will be down when the Awakening Vortex is finished in six hours or so.
OTOH, now I need to level Garland as well. Used a maxed out Garland unit this morning, and he's definitely under-valued. Really good stats for both attack and magic. TMR is crap, though.
Currently using Chizuru, Lass, Celes, Terra, and Kefka. Thinking about subbing Garland in for one of the above - thoughts? Training up Fina on the side, because I know I'm going to need a healer soon enough
Really, take out Lasswell, huh? I figured he'd be good against the White Dragon. But I don't have a tank, and it looks like Garland can double as one. Will do
Wow, It is a LOT of grinding to level these characters if you don't draw a 5* version. I am currently grinding for sacred crystals and need 42 total. The good news is that I currently have 36, so hopefully I will be down when the Awakening Vortex is finished in six hours or so.
OTOH, now I need to level Garland as well. Used a maxed out Garland unit this morning, and he's definitely under-valued. Really good stats for both attack and magic. TMR is crap, though.
Currently using Chizuru, Lass, Celes, Terra, and Kefka. Thinking about subbing Garland in for one of the above - thoughts? Training up Fina on the side, because I know I'm going to need a healer soon enough
Got to the part where it says too be continued. What should I do now?
Wow! Which level do you grind at for the sacred crystals?
Purged half my friends list since they stopped playing.
If anyone wants to add me, my id is 389,676,738
Currently leading with 5* CoD but will probably switch to 5* Chizuru once I get her to 80
For the answer to the question, I am moving all the above mentioned units to four star status, and Chizuru to 5*. She requires 15 sacred crystals just on her own. Her level up requirements are STEEP
How does Kuja's Absorb MP work? I wanted him, even though everyone else says he's inferior to ExDeath and Kefka. He's just plain cool
When enemies use abilities that consumes MP, you automatically absorb a part of those mp.
I need to grind for equipment, but he won't be much weaker than ex death and kefka.
The only problem is that they have much more abilities than he does. So to give him decent tools you have to take away some dmg slots.
He lacks trademark abilities from FF9, so I can't believe for a second he's not getting an OP 6 stars version. Unless they hate him.
With basic equipment and espers, he isn't a bad mage at all.
Also Kuja has interestingly decent attack stats, I wonder if there is a way to use hybrids equipment/abilities to do fun stuff with him.
Got to the part where it says too be continued. What should I do now?
What? Vivi gets owned by ExDeathHonestly ? In global, Vivi is definitely one of the best mage. He's better than Ex Death IMO. (currently)
Kefka has far too much tools and raw power. To the point where it's pathetically unfair but whatever.
Vivi is awesome.
What? Vivi gets owned by ExDeath
Actually, if you do the math, I think Vivi may be better currently... He gets to do level two spells twice a turn for 1.4x damage each, while ExDeath gets to do level three spells once per turn at 1.8x damage each. ExDeath will leave Vivi in the dust in the future as he moves to 6* status. Basically, he will be Vivi on steroids as he gets Double Cast, to go along with his high level spells
Kefka probably beats them both at this time with his insane bonuses, level three spells, and the ability to wear magic enhancing robes and such. I know my maxed out level three Kefka is not too damn shabby, and he sucks by most standards on this board. And one of my friends has a high level 5* Kefka. Does insane damage. No Firaga though, which sucks for the Adv Vortex
What? Vivi gets owned by ExDeath
Vivi 4 Star vs Exdeath 5 Star probably works out in Vivi's favor, actually. That's only in damage though. Vivi can cast two Black Magic spells to Exdeath's one. -ra spells have 140% modifier vs -ga's 180% and are a little more MP efficient. There's also the fact that Vivi can wear mage gear that Exdeath can't.
Exdeath can survive better and he will have a 6-star form which is why he's good to have now.
Arc from FF3 will outpace both when he hits until Exdeath gets his 6-star form.
You could still re-roll for ExDeath if you really wanted. I wouldn't worry - pretty sure he will get a rate-up down the line
In my experience, and this goes for basically every type of RPG, specialists are almost always more useful than generalists, and it's better to have a party of specialists in different roles than a party of generalists for each role.
But I've been playing a lot of Fire Emblem lately.
I have been re-rolling for a little bit and finally ended up with;
5 star cloud of darkness
4 star rydia times 2
4 star Golbez
4 star Galuf
3 star Sabin times 2
3 star Golbez times 2
3 star Kefka
I was wondering if this would be ok to settle with?
Thanks for any responses![]()