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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Here's a question. Let's say I was in the mood to do a random, singular pull. I don't want any of the holiday banner units, so I wouldn't use that link directly. Instead I would be aiming for a generally rare unit, maybe even a rainbow (yeah.... right).

If I were to pull, should I do the 250 pull knowing that the chances are (in theory) greater that I would get someone from the holiday banner? Or should I do a pull from the regular, rare summon banner if my goal is to get someone "off banner", but cost twice as much lapis?
Pull on the Rare Summon banner.


I'm 1% away from my first Excalibur once Gumi sends out the monthly Arena rewards... Hopefully they do it soon. Can't wait!
I wake up after my New Year's date and it's Ariana Grande?

What's next, using her to battle T-Swift in the arena?

... I actually don't mind the unit (though, please tell me she at least provided the vocals for some FF song at some point), but what I'm absolutely dreading are the stupid, misogynistic adverts like Kate Upton's Clash of Clans ones. I'm okay playing a Final Fantasy game. I don't want to play one of "those" games.

I think Ariana's more brand conscious and far more self-aware than that and why are we having this conversation in a Final Fantasy mobile game thread.


Do you guys think the datamined abilities from the last maintenance are Ariana's?




Hopefully the next banner will be announced tomorrow.

Yeah. I want something new to look forward to. Finished the Raid really early and skipped the Christmas banner completely. Even got Noctis on the first day so I didn't pull that banner afterwards.

However, this allowed me to fully concentrate on TM farming. Did a few refreshes to speed things up and got a Genji Glove and an Excalibur once the monthly Arena rewards are sent out.

Sakurafubiki and two Blade Masteries are around 30% now, too. Really seeing some great progress from TM farming 24/7.

Next up will be a Bracer, Brave Suit, Black Cowl and another Excalibur.
Maybe I'll squeeze in a Dual Cast for really tough events.


I'm also enjoying the break but the lack of something new to look forward is a bit boring.
And we can't look at the JP schedule since they are modifying it so much (it's a good thing IMO)
Just started the game. I right now am using exdeath, Santa Roselia, Edgar, gaffgarion, and Cecil. It seems Cecil and exdeath are characters that will last me the entire game, so that is nice. How is butz? I keep reading different things about him. I also have ingus, googling around it seems full break is a good skill to eventually have but of course his kit being a red mage is all over the place. Xiao also seems cool because I like monks but her limited equip pool doesn't sound like it would be too good later.


Just started the game. I right now am using exdeath, Santa Roselia, Edgar, gaffgarion, and Cecil. It seems Cecil and exdeath are characters that will last me the entire game, so that is nice. How is butz? I keep reading different things about him. I also have ingus, googling around it seems full break is a good skill to eventually have but of course his kit being a red mage is all over the place. Xiao also seems cool because I like monks but her limited equip pool doesn't sound like it would be too good later.

Santa Roselia is a pretty good healer and yeah, Cecil and Exdeath will be great forever. Bartz is alright if you don't have anyone else to level. I'd pass on Ingus and actually work on Rain since he will be getting an upgrade very soon and learns full break and a bunch of other useful things. Xiao is pretty bad too as a character, but don't sell her since her trust master can be good.


Using Vaan as full breaker right now for events.

During Noctis whaling I got Agrias and a few WoL, worth leveling them as replacement for Vaan or just do Rain 6* when it comes?
Santa Roselia is a pretty good healer and yeah, Cecil and Exdeath will be great forever. Bartz is alright if you don't have anyone else to level. I'd pass on Ingus and actually work on Rain since he will be getting an upgrade very soon and learns full break and a bunch of other useful things. Xiao is pretty bad too as a character, but don't sell her since her trust master can be good.

Thanks. I'll probably invest in Bartz a bit since some of my characters I don't have mats to awaken. Also kind of miffed I pulled that crybaby Arc. Wish I got a manlier mage like Vivi, I don't care if he is outclassed by other mages, I just like Vivi.


Okay, I don't mind the Arianna thing because her sprite work is pretty awesome. Those that didn't get Fencer should rejoice. Will I pull for her? No, I don't think so... but it isn't totally terrible or anything. I try to limit my units to FFBE or Final Fantasy...

She's just a little waifu character. I also don't think you will see the FF7 characters until the remake is out in Japan. And I'm expecting we get neutered Cloud at the same time while Japan gets the whole set. Like Noctis... and if possible I would pull even harder for Cloud

As for FFVIII, I think we see it soon in Japan. I think updates to FFiX were supposed to be the next group though.

As for FFIX, I am playing it on my phone over the break, and it is WAY better than I remember. The IOS conversion is amazing...


Using Vaan as full breaker right now for events.

During Noctis whaling I got Agrias and a few WoL, worth leveling them as replacement for Vaan or just do Rain 6* when it comes?
Order of when they get their 6*
Rain > WoL > Agrias
Rain should be really really soon (might even be this week with some luck), he can break (170% ST 1 Hit Physical Attack & ST 3 Turn -30% ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR Debuff) and increase all the stats of his party with Leadership (AoE 3 Turn +40% ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR)
Then WoL should get his 6* in 2/3 months and become the best tank with Cecil, WoL debuff, raise and draw ennemies attacks (with a bit of cover)/Cecil buff, heal and cover.
Agrias become one of the best damage dealing base 4* in the game but we gotta wait 5/6 months for that.

So in short, just focus on Rain for now.


Order of when they get their 6*
Rain > WoL > Agrias
Rain should be really really soon (might even be this week with some luck), he can break (170% ST 1 Hit Physical Attack & ST 3 Turn -30% ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR Debuff) and increase all the stats of his party with Leadership (AoE 3 Turn +40% ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR)
Then WoL should get his 6* in 2/3 months and become the best tank with Cecil, WoL debuff, raise and draw ennemies attacks (with a bit of cover)/Cecil buff, heal and cover.
Agrias become one of the best damage dealing base 4* in the game but we gotta wait 5/6 months for that.

So in short, just focus on Rain for now.

Rain it is, thanks.

Follow-up question, worth levelling WoL if I have a maxed Cecil already? I'm guessing it'll add versatility down the road especially if there are dual-tank type events.


Can't say I'm musically inclined, so I don't know who this person is. Therefore, I'm indifferent on the matter as a one-off character.

Still rolling my eyes that people are farming Frosty at least 3x on ELT (rip 69 energy) daily. Annoying waste of energy to keep up with the masses who I guess still haven't figured out that the rewards stopped at 12k points.

Finally finished my first Excalibur last night. Ok, I guess.

Still need a billion and half more TMs to keep up with the Jones and actually have at least one unit with more than 500 ATK.
I really need to get my TM farming going. Anyone have a good guide or reference post? I have a bunch of Zidane and Cecil I think I'll start with...


Finally finished my first Excalibur last night. Ok, I guess.

Still need a billion and half more TMs to keep up with the Jones and actually have at least one unit with more than 500 ATK.

Grats on Excalibur :) Yeah it's disheartening starting new TMs when you have a giant pile to do and knowing they take forever even refreshing lapis >.<


Can't say I'm musically inclined, so I don't know who this person is. Therefore, I'm indifferent on the matter as a one-off character.

Still rolling my eyes that people are farming Frosty at least 3x on ELT (rip 69 energy) daily. Annoying waste of energy to keep up with the masses who I guess still haven't figured out that the rewards stopped at 12k points.

Finally finished my first Excalibur last night. Ok, I guess.

Still need a billion and half more TMs to keep up with the Jones and actually have at least one unit with more than 500 ATK.

I purposely mathed out how much many kills I would need so that I would hit almost exactly 12k from the last round of Daily Dread Frostors. Only going to be 11 points over.


Follow-up question, worth levelling WoL if I have a maxed Cecil already? I'm guessing it'll add versatility down the road especially if there are dual-tank type events.

Yeah but it's not a top priority for now, but when the dual dark espers trial will be released, you will be glad to have a 6* WoL because of this : Pride of Warrior, 30% Chance Counter Magic w/ [&#25126;&#22763;&#12398;&#35463;&#12426;] Self Recover 25% HP/MP


I maxed WoL, and am working on maxing Garland for their awakenings... he's at 5* status today. Rain was maxed weeks ago, and Agrias was my first FB unit.

I'm feeding all the DEF, HP, and SPT pots to WoL in anticipation of his future - he will be my go-to Tank for almost everything. Going to ride that boy HARD for all the Hell he put me through before pulling him ;) Cecil and Refia already fully potted in HP, DEF, and SPR ...

After I finish with potting Chiz's ATK to pair with Lightning, I'm thinking the next one will be Agrias - maybe Garland (want to see his 6* stats). Since I know I won't be pulling Orlandu pretty much ever, I am going to settle for mini-Orlandu instead.

Focusing on TM's these days ...


I thought I was being trolled when I saw all those posts about that singer or whatever she is. That is so bizzare, but I'm 100% for it just because it's looney as shit. Can we get Barney Rubble and Riff Raff next?


This game doesn't seem to work on iOS 10? It just sits on a loading screen for several minutes while it's blinking constantly. I'm on an iPad Pro 9.7.


Professional Schmuck
TIL I'm "delusional" and this game is "struggling" and now Gumi is "desperate"

Maybe I need some time away from such desperation.
ugh I swear at least 3-4 times a day my speed run macro for TM farming gets stuck at a unit bio at random and just sits there. I really wish I could figure out what causes it.


I limit myself to 2-3 refreshes a day for TM's. That way I am keeping up with lapis, and not really draining them. Have to do so, because I was a moron and drained them all chasing Noctis. Besides, my switch control runs the Earth Shrine Exit, which isn't as fast as the entrance, but it also levels LB's as well. I put a good 5 levels on Cecil 6* through TM farming alone, and he is sitting at a healthy LB20 while I pour my pots into 5* Garnet instead.

Chiz 6* isn't even halfway done, and her LB is almost at L3, pretty much all from TM farming.


GAF, I need opinions: I'm on the verge of a breakthrough wih my tms, with Blade Mastery, Excalibur, Genji Glove and Power of Creation "almost"(2 weeks) done, and ribbon, Dual Wield and Dualcast done.

What should I focus next?

I have: 2x Chizurus, 2x Cecils, Agrias, DKC, Snow, Gaffgarion, Ludmille, Zidane and 3x Lockes, alongside other more common units.

Should I focus on equipement for one big DPS solely, two well equipped DPS, or maybe equip (finally) Cloud of Darkness with Lock's TM?

For example, CoD has being my MVP for up to now, even though she only has Dual Wield. Is she still ging to be useful?


Do a lot to max one character, then move on to the next... What does your current setup look like? I have two mostly finished characters through TM, and am working on a third. When I finish the two BM's I'm currently farming along with DW, I will have two 700+ ATK in Lightning and Chiz, and Refia is mostly done.

There are things I could do to improve those characters even further, but after this round is done, I will farm a second DW, Agrias sword (never have enough of those), and Mercedes' axes. I have four of her I will combine into two axes. My goal is to have all of my characters able to hit in the high 700's, except for the tanks and Refia. It will take another couple of months

Also, things could change depending on who I draw. If, for example I draw Rem or Majin Fina, I will start to prioritize the Shantotto's I have sitting in the wings. I have enough to use three Shantotto's for each MAG+30%, and enough for two OmniRods - rather quickly


Do a lot to max one character, then move on to the next... What does your current setup look like? I have two mostly finished characters through TM, and am working on a third. When I finish the two BM's I'm currently farming along with DW, I will have two 700+ ATK in Lightning and Chiz, and Refia is mostly done.

There are things I could do to improve those characters even further, but after this round is done, I will farm a second DW, Agrias sword (never have enough of those), and Mercedes' axes. I have four of her I will combine into two axes. My goal is to have all of my characters able to hit in the high 700's, except for the tanks and Refia. It will take another couple of months

Also, things could change depending on who I draw. If, for example I draw Rem or Majin Fina, I will start to prioritize the Shantotto's I have sitting in the wings. I have enough to use three Shantotto's for each MAG+30%, and enough for two OmniRods - rather quickly

Humm. I'll have Noctis above 750+ attack, but Gilgamesh/DKC/CoD will be below 450 attack.
My Refia is pretty much finished, I think, with Ribbon and Dualcast.
I forgot to mention that I have two Miyukis and a Hayate, so Black cowl and Sakurafubuki for both my DPS would be cool.
Now that I think about, I guess my next list of TM's will be: Deathbringer, 2x Chizurus, Miyuki and...probably Rising Sun for CoD or Black Cowl.

I just wanted to know Cod's utility for future content.


IMO, DW and BM are the best TM's, along with DC... I'm farming all of my Chiz and Miuki's as priority, along with the two Zidane I have at this point.


Yeah but it's not a top priority for now, but when the dual dark espers trial will be released, you will be glad to have a 6* WoL because of this : Pride of Warrior, 30% Chance Counter Magic w/ [&#25126;&#22763;&#12398;&#35463;&#12426;] Self Recover 25% HP/MP

Okay thanks =] Will level him up eventually, gotta get these TMs finished first >.<

I kinda want to blow a TM round or two doing some of these dupes which are crowding my inventory, got:
5 Mercedes
5 Ingus
6 Refia
5 Arc
4 Hayate
3 Chizuru
4 Kefka (got a ribbon already though)
4 Locke
3 Miyuki (got 1 Sakura)
5 Medius
3 Vaan
3 Cecil (got 1 Excal)
11 Shantotto

Or I could be working on some more of the single TMs I have like Deathbringer, Brave Suit, etc -_-

=s The ones I'm doing right now are Power of Creation, Lunge Combo, Bracer, Dual Wield (got Genji Glove already so after this DW my 3 top DPS will all be DWing so not a priority) and Blademastery.



So I just downloaded this game on a whim and I'm enjoying it much more than Record Keeper so far. Not quite sure what I should be doing as far as upgrading equipment, summoning, etc.. but I just killed Siren and got the first esper.

I assume I should keep summoning companions in battle until I have enough friend points to summon someone permanently?

Is there a good beginners guide for this game? And is it still a fun game if you don't spend any money?

Kinda trying to decide between playing this and Kingdom Hearts Unchained, or both...


So I just downloaded this game on a whim and I'm enjoying it much more than Record Keeper so far. Not quite sure what I should be doing as far as upgrading equipment, summoning, etc.. but I just killed Siren and got the first esper.

I assume I should keep summoning companions in battle until I have enough friend points to summon someone permanently?

Is there a good beginners guide for this game? And is it still a fun game if you don't spend any money?

Kinda trying to decide between playing this and Kingdom Hearts Unchained, or both...

Keep your lapis and don't pull on premium banners right now the banner isn't worth it. FF BE will be fun even without being a whale. You get a lot if pulls and even bad units can have good trustmasters.

Also bosses actually need strategies (well not when you are whale). KH, back when i played, is just a grind against a boss were you had to loose most of the time.
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