Pull on the Rare Summon banner.Here's a question. Let's say I was in the mood to do a random, singular pull. I don't want any of the holiday banner units, so I wouldn't use that link directly. Instead I would be aiming for a generally rare unit, maybe even a rainbow (yeah.... right).
If I were to pull, should I do the 250 pull knowing that the chances are (in theory) greater that I would get someone from the holiday banner? Or should I do a pull from the regular, rare summon banner if my goal is to get someone "off banner", but cost twice as much lapis?
Yeah...We get Ariana grande but not the seiken densetsu characters?????
Alright then...
Pull on the Rare Summon banner.
I still want to know what the fuck happened with the datamined FFV equipments.
They're going to come out the day after you sell your Excalipoors
Hopefully the next banner will be announced tomorrow.
Hopefully the next banner will be announced tomorrow.
Probably not. They sound like moves for Ace and Seven.Do you guys think the datamined abilities from the last maintenance are Ariana's?
Just started the game. I right now am using exdeath, Santa Roselia, Edgar, gaffgarion, and Cecil. It seems Cecil and exdeath are characters that will last me the entire game, so that is nice. How is butz? I keep reading different things about him. I also have ingus, googling around it seems full break is a good skill to eventually have but of course his kit being a red mage is all over the place. Xiao also seems cool because I like monks but her limited equip pool doesn't sound like it would be too good later.
Santa Roselia is a pretty good healer and yeah, Cecil and Exdeath will be great forever. Bartz is alright if you don't have anyone else to level. I'd pass on Ingus and actually work on Rain since he will be getting an upgrade very soon and learns full break and a bunch of other useful things. Xiao is pretty bad too as a character, but don't sell her since her trust master can be good.
Order of when they get their 6*Using Vaan as full breaker right now for events.
During Noctis whaling I got Agrias and a few WoL, worth leveling them as replacement for Vaan or just do Rain 6* when it comes?
Order of when they get their 6*
Rain > WoL > Agrias
Rain should be really really soon (might even be this week with some luck), he can break (170% ST 1 Hit Physical Attack & ST 3 Turn -30% ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR Debuff) and increase all the stats of his party with Leadership (AoE 3 Turn +40% ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR)
Then WoL should get his 6* in 2/3 months and become the best tank with Cecil, WoL debuff, raise and draw ennemies attacks (with a bit of cover)/Cecil buff, heal and cover.
Agrias become one of the best damage dealing base 4* in the game but we gotta wait 5/6 months for that.
So in short, just focus on Rain for now.
Finally finished my first Excalibur last night. Ok, I guess.
Still need a billion and half more TMs to keep up with the Jones and actually have at least one unit with more than 500 ATK.
Can't say I'm musically inclined, so I don't know who this person is. Therefore, I'm indifferent on the matter as a one-off character.
Still rolling my eyes that people are farming Frosty at least 3x on ELT (rip 69 energy) daily. Annoying waste of energy to keep up with the masses who I guess still haven't figured out that the rewards stopped at 12k points.
Finally finished my first Excalibur last night. Ok, I guess.
Still need a billion and half more TMs to keep up with the Jones and actually have at least one unit with more than 500 ATK.
Follow-up question, worth levelling WoL if I have a maxed Cecil already? I'm guessing it'll add versatility down the road especially if there are dual-tank type events.
There isn't a set time. They arrive when some poor sod in gumi offices has gone through and verified them all, and pushed the send button manually, I guess.
damn I got nothing to do right now........ no one to even level up........
Do a lot to max one character, then move on to the next... What does your current setup look like? I have two mostly finished characters through TM, and am working on a third. When I finish the two BM's I'm currently farming along with DW, I will have two 700+ ATK in Lightning and Chiz, and Refia is mostly done.
There are things I could do to improve those characters even further, but after this round is done, I will farm a second DW, Agrias sword (never have enough of those), and Mercedes' axes. I have four of her I will combine into two axes. My goal is to have all of my characters able to hit in the high 700's, except for the tanks and Refia. It will take another couple of months
Also, things could change depending on who I draw. If, for example I draw Rem or Majin Fina, I will start to prioritize the Shantotto's I have sitting in the wings. I have enough to use three Shantotto's for each MAG+30%, and enough for two OmniRods - rather quickly
Got all the lapis from missions?
Yeah but it's not a top priority for now, but when the dual dark espers trial will be released, you will be glad to have a 6* WoL because of this : Pride of Warrior, 30% Chance Counter Magic w/ [戦士の誇り] Self Recover 25% HP/MP
damn I got nothing to do right now........ no one to even level up........
So I just downloaded this game on a whim and I'm enjoying it much more than Record Keeper so far. Not quite sure what I should be doing as far as upgrading equipment, summoning, etc.. but I just killed Siren and got the first esper.
I assume I should keep summoning companions in battle until I have enough friend points to summon someone permanently?
Is there a good beginners guide for this game? And is it still a fun game if you don't spend any money?
Kinda trying to decide between playing this and Kingdom Hearts Unchained, or both...