I hope tomorrow is a good day for my fellow base-less 5* crowd.![]()
What I say before Chrono? Believe!!
I hope tomorrow is a good day for my fellow base-less 5* crowd.![]()
He's looking to be very...very strong.
The thing is, Noctis' banner has a lot of great units on it. Chizuru/Mercedes/Charlotte, whereas with Orlandu it's really..just Orlandu. If you want Orlandu, and we all do, it's probably best to wait until he comes back a second time and try then, when he's alongside more desirable characters. My plan is to go all-out for Noctis (but save enough Lapis for continued daily pulls) and then start saving for when Orlandu returns (or we get Rikku's banner, alongside the return of Tidus).
I hope tomorrow is a good day for my fellow base-less 5* crowd.
Actually, I'd like to see everyone pull a Noctis, that would be the ideal outcome. But man, I just want a 5*. Noctis seems like he'd be perfect for that, covering so much utility. I know it's crazy talk, but I have:
Exdeath x2
Firion x2
Cloud of Darkness x2
Ludmille x6
Charlotte x2
Snow x2
Warrior of Light
And many...many more characters, and I'm still considering re-rolling for Noctis. :/
We got this chrono! Going to spend at least 25-30 tickets on this banner, please something good! Noctis looks so sick!
He's looking to be very...very strong.
The thing is, Noctis' banner has a lot of great units on it. Chizuru/Mercedes/Charlotte, whereas with Orlandu it's really..just Orlandu. If you want Orlandu, and we all do, it's probably best to wait until he comes back a second time and try then, when he's alongside more desirable characters. My plan is to go all-out for Noctis (but save enough Lapis for continued daily pulls) and then start saving for when Orlandu returns (or we get Rikku's banner, alongside the return of Tidus).
I hope tomorrow is a good day for my fellow base-less 5* crowd.
Actually, I'd like to see everyone pull a Noctis, that would be the ideal outcome. But man, I just want a 5*. Noctis seems like he'd be perfect for that, covering so much utility. I know it's crazy talk, but I have:
Exdeath x2
Firion x2
Ludmille x6
Charlotte x2
Warrior of Light
And many...many more characters, and I'm still considering re-rolling for Noctis. :/
He's looking to be very...very strong.
The thing is, Noctis' banner has a lot of great units on it. Chizuru/Mercedes/Charlotte, whereas with Orlandu it's really..just Orlandu. If you want Orlandu, and we all do, it's probably best to wait until he comes back a second time and try then, when he's alongside more desirable characters. My plan is to go all-out for Noctis (but save enough Lapis for continued daily pulls) and then start saving for when Orlandu returns (or we get Rikku's banner, alongside the return of Tidus).
I am going hard on this banner. Will never blow everything again, though. I remember WoL
I wish us both luck.We got this chrono! Going to spend at least 25-30 tickets on this banner, please something good! Noctis looks so sick!
I will try to be believe. Cautiously optimistic, as much as I can be.Noctis will be my first 5*....BELIEVE yours too, Chrono! It's about time the game throws us a bone! At least I get a stab at finally getting Chizu and apparently Mercedes can be decent while trying to get him.
I know I can put together an above-average team with my current set of units, but with content out (like the recently buffed, hopefully an error on Gumi's part) Two-Headed Dragon, an above-average team won't really cut it (pun intended?). Above all, it's about the principal of not having a 5* base. To those that haven't played as long as I have, and still don't have at least one, it's terribly frustrating. I don't really care if I never get another after my initial one, I just need my first! Please, not Delita though, as decent as he is he's not exactly one of my wanted characters.How the hell is possible that you can have a good party with those units?!?!?!
Cloud of Darkness
Well... here you need a refia, how you cant pull one??
The fact is, pot'd units grow in attack very well. If you dont draw a top tier unit in this banner, start potting your bartz and chorizo, youll see the difference.
I know that pots, and specially ATK pots, are very rare, but with pots, the lack of equip is less evident.
Cheer up chrono and CCIE, you can do it. And pull with faith tomorrow. The banner is amazing and its worth to go all Ham for it.
Yeah, re-rolling (especially after this far into it) is never an ideal solution. I hope both you and I are successful tomorrow. That goes for the rest of us here at ExviusGAF. Let's hope it's not a day of despair...Chrono - I have considered rerolling for Noctis as well, but after doing three weeks of TM's I think I'd delete the app before doing it all yet again. I'll just hope to pull a Chizuru or a Mercedes, and plod along, putting the next batch of TM's in the oven so that maybe in a month or two I can clear the 2H Dragon. Maybe...
Oh, and my units are nothing to sneeze at. They aren't to the level of the whales on this board, but soon I will have a "Dolphin" Lightning with an ATK in the upper 600's. I need BM to break that barrier, though. And I'm going to make my Refia into something really hard to kill... Close to 100% elemental resistance by the time I am done, and as much HP as I can put on her, with the Aegis shield to boot
But this game is all about luck on pulls, for both units and TM's. Valentus and other whales on here have been invaluable, but at some point I'd like to have a team that can hold it's own. I'm going to need a little "luck" to get there at this point.
I'm tempted, but as CCIE said, I'd probably rather quit the game than start all over. As for re-rolling, as much as I'd like to have Noctis, I'd never re-roll my primary account. I know if I did, I'd start to miss the rest of my current units, not to mention all of the lost time I spent with it.Geez chrono, don't do it. You have all the tools you need in there to be a powerhouse. Dualcast, Tillith, Dual Wield, two tanks. Re-rolling for a unit is going to set you back in more ways than once considering you have been playing since Day 1.
I know it sucks but you will get your day in the limelight someday. It wasn't long ago that I posted this here:
Now look at me, I manage to daily pull not one but TWO base 5* in the span of a month without spending a single cent. I kget is pretty tiring and frustrating to constantly hear this, but all it really takes is some time and patience. For all we know, you could pull Noctis and Orlandu within the next month.
oh man
kinda feeling like blowing everything on him instead of orlandu....
Thanks man, that means a lot. You'd actually be willing to take 10 Anzlems, in addition to 5 Bedile, for me? That sacrifice.Chrono, I really hope you get a Noctis. You deserve it more than anyone here. You know that.
I'll take 10 Analzems in a row for you to get a Noctics, with an additional 5 Bediles on top.
I'll throw 10 Penolos on top of that for you Chrono, I'll be like your FFBE Jesus, Died for your 5*
To be fair, it's a fitting nickname for him, haha.Analzem is Analzem to me.
I haven't played FFXV yet so no Noctis hype lives within me. I'm not sure if I'm even going to do dailies. I already have 5 Charlottes to combine for H Shield some day maybe soon.
Leehorn - I would settle for one Zidane, and a decent physical attacker to use him with
As a F2p I've been extremely lucky. I have a Luneth, Gilgamesh, 5 Chizus, etc etc. No lightning but I can live with that. Only thing I am really really missing right now is a Miyuki? Or a few of her. I need that stinking katana.
On another note, this might not be a popular opinion but I think this was the best event yet. Maybe the drops weren't as high as everyone was hoping, but man the other stuff that came along with it made it Extremely worth it. I think the end tallies so far for me were over 60 sacred, about 30 holy crystals, a tonne of megacities that have almost maxed out all my Esper (other than carb who's still 1 star). I obviously havent cleared out the entire store(maybe I hit 70k moogle) if not I'll use the mats to awaken my chizus to 100.
I pull quite a bit... I have over 130 units right now, of which twenty or so are the useless FP variety... I just am selective about when I pull. I don't pull on banners where the odds aren't good, and I tend to drop dozens of tickets when they are. I choose my spots. I pull until most of the banner units are in my inventory. I don't chase rainbows, though. That might change tomorrow
And thanks, good luck to you as well.
We're not friends? I must correct that!Think I am missing some of you guys as friends (ccie, Chrono?)
My code is 426,196,253
Good luck tomorrow everyone!
We're not friends? I must correct that!
I'll add you in a bit.![]()
I might be wrong, not sure haha. Pretty sure I'm missing some people though!
Maybe I will have to start cheating as well... there seems to be no bans from it. You cannot tell me anyone got five fully geared Gilgamesh legitimately. There isn't enough time in the day to do it...
Many of those "top" teams have to have been cheating through injections.
Actually, I just changed my strategy, and it seems to work very well... First turn I Osmose any Lightning, Gilgamesh, Elza (she's number one priority), or Luneth on the other side. If I go second, one or two osmose while Refia revives Arc ( glass cannon ). By turn three I can start nuking everything around.
Fights are longer, but I just won five in a row against good competition.