Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Honestly folks, seeing a rather alarming trend these past two pages.

I agree. I think, going forward, we should mentally translate "10+1 pull" as "probably a $50 investment."

I'm absolutely guilty of this. I don't even mind spending -- will I drop $10 on 1500 Lapis for Maze refreshes? Probably. And I'm not going to tell anyone not to gamble: it's your money (but remember, it's money).

I'm going to make one suggestion. If you're going to pull, set up an Amazon version and use coins. They're cheaper, at least (provided they've fixed it).

I don't know. I was joking when I said buying a PS4 for Noctis would be cheaper, but it seems like a true statement since some folks are doing 100 pulls.




I'm going to have a drink

Hey , positivity. I did 10 pull n 18 ticket. No noctis no Mercedes he'll only 3 Charlotte.

Ludmille dual cast and black cowl for you.

I pulled some TM potentials and trying to be happy with it. Ludmille , chizuru #2 , miyuki #2 , Locke , 3 gaffgarion!! , another WoL and Cod and rest is trash lol


Well that was a fucking roller coaster of a morning. I did some pulls.


Locke (1st)
Mercedes (sweet, axe)
Mercedes (uh, ok!)
Xiao (1st)

Now I think, "My luck has been pretty good. Let's go for that 11x!"

Oh god it's horrible. Dupe Chizuru and my first Garland are the best parts. Yuck.

I've got some tickets left but now it feels like my mojo's gone.

Russel (yep, definitely gone)
oh lord it's a Rainbow
Ramza (He's not Noctis but he's still new to me and great!)
Mercedes (boob pirate loves me)
Rainbow are you shitting me?

TLDR: I thought my luck was good, then I thought it was bad, then I spent all my life's luck in 3 pulls.

You got Ramza, you already won. Singing Ramza is gonna be gdlk when he gets his +2
I agree. I think, going forward, we should mentally translate "10+1 pull" as "probably a $50 investment."

I'm absolutely guilty of this. I don't even mind spending -- will I drop $10 on 1500 Lapis for Maze refreshes? Probably. And I'm not going to tell anyone not to gamble: it's your money (but remember, it's money).

I'm going to make one suggestion. If you're going to pull, set up an Amazon version and use coins. They're cheaper, at least (provided they've fixed it).

I don't know. I was joking when I said buying a PS4 for Noctis would be cheaper, but it seems like a true statement since some folks are doing 100 pulls.

I am all for people paying money in the game as it obviously helps maintain it and I will drop cash as well if it seems worth it...but when people are dropping $500+ for a single unit.....yikes.



Equip H Shield unlocked...

I hate this game. 35 tickets down and 2 11 pulls and nothing but TM trash

Dude, seriously, please stop.

Sleep, go out, or do whatever you can do but stop pulling for now.

Try again tomorrow if you still feel the need to pull.

A few have already been broken by Noctis, too many casualties today....I'm sad :(
I only got 5 tickets left but I still have all my 12000 lapis, unless new years is insane I'll keep my lapis until the Rikku/Tidus banner.(unless I pull her with a ticket)

I didnt get Noctis but i did burn the last of my resources

Got some good stuff though

Sorry to all those that burned on this banner
I learned my lesson the hard way not to spend money on mobile games micro transactions. I spent roughly $800 on Record Keeper and regret it so very badly. I still keep up with the game only because I'm so invested in it , but I want to quit it everyday. Maybe I'll suck it up and drop it soon. Exvius is a much better game overall, but I won't spend a dime because I know the pain of pulling for random shit and not getting what you want. At the very least o don't feel completely gimped in Exvius. I know I got lucky pulling units like Cecil, Refia, and lighting. We'll see if I feel utterly out classed in the future by not spending money to get ahead, but right now I'm perfectly content with my team and don't feel the need to drop money on chasing Noctis. Unlike record keeper, this game seems lenient on power creep. Record keeper you could save mythril for months, not get shit on your pulls and then be grossly under powered unless you pull more and drop money. I don't feel that way with Exvius . unless something really changes later I don't feel like the characters I have now are gonna suck in the future.


Any gaffers have a free slot? I deleted a few inactives and have slots open. I don't have a OP character, only a 500 dmg Elza. Might be able to get up to 700 in a month or two once I farm some TM's for her.

Yeah thats the thing

Its not like any of us cant clear the content. We just want Noctis cuz hes fucking broken and basically would be like turning on easy mode

And we have enough luvky bastards here to loan usa Noctis summon so honestly i would just pull what you are comfortable doing like always and start looking forward to xmas event

Just keep working on the teams you were already building
I learned my lesson the hard way not to spend money on mobile games micro transactions. I spent roughly $800 on Record Keeper and regret it so very badly. I still keep up with the game only because I'm so invested in it , but I want to quit it everyday. Maybe I'll suck it up and drop it soon. Exvius is a much better game overall, but I won't spend a dime because I know the pain of pulling for random shit and not getting what you want. At the very least o don't feel completely gimped in Exvius. I know I got lucky pulling units like Cecil, Refia, and lighting. We'll see if I feel utterly out classed in the future by not spending money to get ahead, but right now I'm perfectly content with my team and don't feel the need to drop money on chasing Noctis. Unlike record keeper, this game seems lenient on power creep. Record keeper you could save mythril for months, not get shit on your pulls and then be grossly under powered unless you pull more and drop money. I don't feel that way with Exvius . unless something really changes later I don't feel like the characters I have now are gonna suck in the future.

Agreed completely. I felt bad after spending like $30ish on loot boxes in Overwatch, spending $50 on a single 10+1 and getting nothing would be awful.

Any gaffers have a free slot? I deleted a few inactives and have slots open. I don't have a OP character, only a 500 dmg Elza. Might be able to get up to 700 in a month or two once I farm some TM's for her.




If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Just beat 2-Headed Dragon Trial in 3 turns w. Rixas Gilga.

Guess they "fixed" him


I'm headed to the gym in a few but ran a quick tally of my 50 or 60 pulls although I can't tell because I didn't record them all on gaf, but from what I can tell

Charlotte - 16 (finished tm)
Bartz - 3
(2) - Mercedes Benz, Kefka, Rydia, Leo, Locke, Gilbert, Vaan, Medius, Rakashasa
(1) - Artemios, Duane, Vanille, CoD, Freya, Ingus, Fririon, Zidane, Tellah, Fang, Xiao, Edge, Alma, Cecil, Arc, Miyuki, Fran, Mustadio, Hayate, Bedile, Lenna, Ludmille

If I can ever get TM farming up and running I might be able to make some half decent units. I'm just trying to get Chizuru and Exdeath to lvl 100 right now. I haven't even spent any money on this game and it's still depressing. I'll have to figure out what to do next and how to make my arena team competitive enough to not die in 1 turn so I can grab the 2 trust moogles for this month and then stop caring about top 3k after that
I learned my lesson the hard way not to spend money on mobile games micro transactions. I spent roughly $800 on Record Keeper and regret it so very badly. I still keep up with the game only because I'm so invested in it , but I want to quit it everyday. Maybe I'll suck it up and drop it soon. Exvius is a much better game overall, but I won't spend a dime because I know the pain of pulling for random shit and not getting what you want. At the very least o don't feel completely gimped in Exvius. I know I got lucky pulling units like Cecil, Refia, and lighting. We'll see if I feel utterly out classed in the future by not spending money to get ahead, but right now I'm perfectly content with my team and don't feel the need to drop money on chasing Noctis. Unlike record keeper, this game seems lenient on power creep. Record keeper you could save mythril for months, not get shit on your pulls and then be grossly under powered unless you pull more and drop money. I don't feel that way with Exvius . unless something really changes later I don't feel like the characters I have now are gonna suck in the future.

See, I have just the opposite opinion! I think the Record Keeper pull rates are much fairer, and the game isn't binary: you don't usually NEED one character or relic, and if you do for a particular strategy, it's a friend unit away. Sure, you can't clear Cid Mission Mote Ifrit, but you also don't need those rewards.

Basically, while I think Exvius is a better, deeper game, it's incontrovertible that: the freebies are worse, the developer has less technical proficiency, the rates are abysmal, and the game is less binary. In RK, if you pull a great relic, now you've got a usable character. Here, if you don't pull Noctis, you've got 8 Charlottes, 2 Russells, and a hefty credit card bill.

This is also anecdotal, but it seems like Gumi alters drop rates on a per-banner basis, which is all kinds of shady. Could be 100% wrong on that, of course; it could also be yet another example of technical incompetence.


Spent another 10 tickets this morning for a grand total of 15 tickets on my main account spent. This mornings 10 yielded pretty crappy results.

- Golbez (New)
- Artemios (New)
- Celes (New)
- Roselina (New)
- Bedile
- x3 Charlotte (should be called the Charlotte banner)
- Penelo
- Miyuki - best pull out of this for a second Sakurafubuki

Done using tickets. I have a lot more, but it's just not worth it on the Charlotte banner. (Because let's not kid ourselves, that is what this is.) Will be doing only daily pulls now.
Yeah thats the thing

Its not like any of us cant clear the content. We just want Noctis cuz hes fucking broken and basically would be like turning on easy mode

And we have enough luvky bastards here to loan usa Noctis summon so honestly i would just pull what you are comfortable doing like always and start looking forward to xmas event

Just keep working on the teams you were already building

This is where I'm at. I'm working on TMs to get my current team up to snuff because if I can get them there, it's actually quite a badass squad. Would I like Noctis? Sure... but I don't need him to stay relevant, especially since we are such a sharing family here on GAF.

So I'm psyched to build up a healthy collection of gigantuars with the maze this week in the offchance I get something good in a daily and otherwise getting psyched for the Christmas event.
So close the the 70k moogle now and I'll be done with this event. Guess I moght start running the maze and then try and TM farm on the off time if Memu doesn't crash often.


Yeah thats the thing

Its not like any of us cant clear the content. We just want Noctis cuz hes fucking broken and basically would be like turning on easy mode

And we have enough luvky bastards here to loan usa Noctis summon so honestly i would just pull what you are comfortable doing like always and start looking forward to xmas event

Just keep working on the teams you were already building

I mean it isn't just that. I want him because I like the character and sprite. I went for lightning because I like the character and sprite . I want tidus because I like the sprite and love ffx.

It's just unfortunate for me they're all base 5s.


Professional Schmuck
Yeah thats the thing

Its not like any of us cant clear the content. We just want Noctis cuz hes fucking broken and basically would be like turning on easy mode

And we have enough luvky bastards here to loan usa Noctis summon so honestly i would just pull what you are comfortable doing like always and start looking forward to xmas event

Just keep working on the teams you were already building

Good post, exactly agreed. Just as an aside some of us want him more than others because 1) no DPS and 2) never pulled a rainbow.

Seeing that rainbow fang on this page again is giving me nightmares though.

That said, the moment i get my lapis I'm doing an 11 pull and a daily. I don't think I can be stopped.


Personally wanted Noctis because I got that damn Platinum and wanted to spend more time with him :lol

Looks like I'll have to settle with base 4* Gladio when he'll be release in 10 month in Global.


Any gaffers have a free slot? I deleted a few inactives and have slots open. I don't have a OP character, only a 500 dmg Elza. Might be able to get up to 700 in a month or two once I farm some TM's for her.


Ur full , add me 871151852

Lightning at but have good TMS cooking to make her much stronger


Congratulations to all who have pulled Noctis so far!

Sorry to the ones who've dumped a lot and not had any luck at all :( I'm sure it'll be worth doing daily pulls at least... Unless mine is anything to go by;

Sabin number 8... (Is Counter worth anything to anyone...?)

I'm waiting until near end of banner to do pulls, and sticking with Daily until then, hoping I have a lucky Christmas pull >_>


I got a raise! Decided to celebrate by grabbing one of the bundles up now to push me over the threshold for an 11 pull and....

... least I got Mercedes? I think I'll leave this banner alone. It's not very nice.

*really really just wants Chizuru above all*
See, I have just the opposite opinion! I think the Record Keeper pull rates are much fairer, and the game isn't binary: you don't usually NEED one character or relic, and if you do for a particular strategy, it's a friend unit away. Sure, you can't clear Cid Mission Mote Ifrit, but you also don't need those rewards.

Basically, while I think Exvius is a better, deeper game, it's incontrovertible that: the freebies are worse, the developer has less technical proficiency, the rates are abysmal, and the game is less binary. In RK, if you pull a great relic, now you've got a usable character. Here, if you don't pull Noctis, you've got 8 Charlottes, 2 Russells, and a hefty credit card bill.

This is also anecdotal, but it seems like Gumi alters drop rates on a per-banner basis, which is all kinds of shady. Could be 100% wrong on that, of course; it could also be yet another example of technical incompetence.

That's really interesting to me how you feel the opposite way about record keepers gatcha. I totally see your view point how in Exvius it's all or nothing while ffrk you can make a lot of viable teams work depending on the equipment you pull. I'm looking at it like how I spent a couple hundred in the first six months of record keeper and all my shit is severely outclassed and effectively worthless. I dropped more money to stay relevant later on and I can already see the cycle repeating. In Exvius even our original day one units are still viable and usable. That's the big difference to me.


Since event is almost over. Swapped back to Gilgy from L. He is not best in newest trial (that was again nerfed) cause Chirijiraden & Excalibur.
Wait I missed this : GL - Christmas Event Placeholders
Basically we're getting a Christmas Event that is very similar to the Halloween one.
Sweet! I refused to do the past couple events with their bullshit systems and requiring units only provided in the latest banner for remotely decent yields. The Halloween event however enabled me to get everything I wanted without driving me bonkers. Bring it on!
Like I said, I will be around. And I am coming to the conclusion the only way I am ever getting a base 5* is by rerolling. That is how I got Light, and I haven't seen a rainbow crystal since then.

I will still be playing to build up lapis and tickets again, as well as more damned TM farming. But I am going through the motions - can't find it in me to give a damn. Games should be fun, and this isn't. It's WoL all over again.

Sorry darling but you will soon have the soothing balm that's kept me busy, FFXV! Then you will have all the Noctis you want :D Actually what you said you're going to do is what I've been doing, just TM farming, friend gifting, and collecting the daily log-in reward because FFXV has been taking up my time. I just last night finally put more time into FFBE to grab some extra lapis from missions. I finally knocked out the rest of the latest story content and the Attack 10% recipe and unlocked the Carbuncle stage.

Anyway, just do the standard maintenance for your account, maybe do the story missions to collect the lapis back up for future great units and have fun with FFXV which should be a great distraction for you.

In fact, I'm going to go ahead and go aggressive for Noctis after work. If I blow it all and end up pissed, I can just take my own advice. FFXV will keep me happy and I'll gradually build the lapis back up in time for the next players choice banner. Although I'm going to use all my tickets first and pray I get Noctis from that or better yet, the half off daily (one can dream). Chin up! At least you have a 5* base :)
I did 11 pulls until I got a rainbow. Ended up with Gilgamesh #3. Guess I'll have dual wield for all of my party soon. Will wait to see what bundles Christmas/New Years bring.
I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been. I've only pulled two rainbows the entire course of the game. It's a stupid low chance. I'd be so upset if I rainbow pulled and it wasn't actually a 5 star base unit.
My rainbow drops,

1 - Lightning
1 - Luneth


I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been.

Let me look at my stats...

Days played - 201
Units summoned - 4998
Rainbow - 6 (Firion in June / WoL&Chizuru in August / Lightning in September / Dark Knigt Cecil in October / Ramza today)

Problem is that is also count FP units, so it's impossible to know our own rates.


Hearty congratulations to those who got the pulls they wanted. To those who didn't, I'm sorry.

I can confirm that the dragon is back to being beatable. Cecil has a whopping 506 def now.

I added some friend slots if anyone wants to hop on. 911,468,888. Noctis is going to be in the incubator for a few days but he'll be ready soon. 677 atk Lightning in the mean time.

I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been.

1 Chizuru
1 Lightning
1 Ramza
1 Noctis (the last two happened this morning lol)

That's out of 153 days played and 3479 units summoned. My fp earned accounts for 1928 pulls but that would mean I've done 1551 premium pulls, aka 10 a day and that definitely isn't correct so I don't know how to count actual pulls.

I'm not looking at anyone's drop totals until I see a dollar sign attached. We wanna talk rates, fine. Totals? Show me the receipts.

Fully FTP here with 13k lapis in the bank. I've been so lucky it's stupid, and I'm terrified for when my luck stops.


Professional Schmuck
I bought $3.99 bag to see if it's working, it is, pulled a daily, grabbed my first Golbez. That's cool, but now I have the scent and I can't shake it.


I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been. I've only pulled two rainbows the entire course of the game. It's a stupid low chance. I'd be so upset if I rainbow pulled and it wasn't actually a 5 star base unit.
My rainbow drops,

1 - Lightning
1 - Luneth

I have lost the count about how many pulls I have made, it is over 500 during 7 months of playing BE.

1. Golbez daily pull during first Lightning banner
2. Gilgamesh made total of 5x 10+1 to it (4th 10+1 was Gilgy)
3. Snow daily during second FFXIII banner first week
4. Lightning made 2x 10+1 during second FFXIII banner 2nd week

So 2 Base 5* 2 non base.


I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been. I've only pulled two rainbows the entire course of the game. It's a stupid low chance. I'd be so upset if I rainbow pulled and it wasn't actually a 5 star base unit.
My rainbow drops,

1 - Lightning
1 - Luneth

Medius (again)
donkey kong
Warrior of Light


Professional Schmuck
I'm not looking at anyone's drop totals until I see a dollar sign attached. We wanna talk rates, fine. Totals? Show me the receipts.
I haven't even been able to get troll rainbows ;p What does a rainbow look like again? I'll see when I draw Noctis tonight!
Is it better to have troll rainbow-ed to have never rainbow-ed at all? *ponder emote*
Hearty congratulations to those who got the pulls they wanted. To those who didn't, I'm sorry.

I can confirm that the dragon is back to being beatable. Cecil has a whopping 506 def now.

I added some friend slots if anyone wants to hop on. 911,468,888. Noctis is going to be in the incubator for a few days but he'll be ready soon. 677 atk Lightning in the mean time.

Congrats on the Noctis! Thanks for your friend unit btw, have used it a lot for awhile.

I haven't even been able to get troll rainbows ;p What does a rainbow look like again? I'll see when I draw Noctis tonight!
Is it better to have troll rainbow-ed to have never rainbow-ed at all? *ponder emote*

Yea I am in the same club... I feel like it would be best to not get a troll rainbow at all, I think that would be even more disappointing than not having even seen a rainbow yet?
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