Squall ASF
Valentus, how many x11 pulls did it take to get the first Noctis?
Medius (again)
donkey kong
Warrior of Light
The reward for the Race to 15 disappeared from my mailbox. I never redeemed the contents because I had no space for the 3 cactaurs that came with it. Did it happen to anyone else?
Let me look at my stats...
Days played - 201
Units summoned - 4998
Rainbow - 6 (Firion in June / WoL&Chizuru in August / Lightning in September / Dark Knigt Cecil in October / Ramza today)
Problem is that is also count FP units, so it's impossible to know our own rates.
I just added 5 FL slots, im using a 630 ATK gilgamesh as a leader, will put noctis once I manage to beef him up
also if you add me i'd like you to quote me, because I like knowing whos char is who ( a lot of you guys dont have the same username ingame and in the forum!)
I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been. I've only pulled two rainbows the entire course of the game. It's a stupid low chance. I'd be so upset if I rainbow pulled and it wasn't actually a 5 star base unit.
My rainbow drops,
1 - Lightning
1 - Luneth
Yes, we'll be alright. Definitely alright. That's what I keep telling myself, as I rock slowly back-and-forth in the corner.Not in this thread nearly as often as I used too but it's sadly comforting seeing that you still haven't got a 5* base,bc I haven't either sadly. But don't worry, we gone be ALLLRIGHT
Did daily and 17 tickets, other notables were Miyuki and 2 Zidanes somehow (fed all my moogles to one so he's at 85%). Still no Chizuru or Mercedes, but IT'S PRINCE TIME!!!!!
Sorry for your horrible luck, but don't leave us! I know spending a lot of money (in a single sitting) and not getting what you want can be a disappointing experience, but things will get better (maybe).Ok I lied, I was already angry as fuck and rage pulled more. After more than 100 pulls I just swore to my life that I'm done.
What I got that could be considered interesting:
Another Gilgamesh
7 Mercedes
9 Chorizos
6 Cecils
1 Hayate
1 Firion
2 Miyukis
Enough Charlotte for 2 TMs
I'm calm already and I have conscience that this was one of the biggest financial mistakes of my life. This was money burned and thrown in the gutter. I can get it back operating in the stock market but it won't change the fact that I just lost almost R$2,000.
I'm done pursuing units in this game as I have enough to complete pretty much any future challenge. From now on I'll do dailies and just let the units TM farming. Also, I'll take a break from this thread and just focus on Record Keeper, which proved to be a fairer game even though I talked so much shit about it.
Love y'all.
Congrats on the 5*! d(^_^)v11 pull and got Ramza, what!
Will get my remaining 7k lapis in case of new year bundle.
Why does angry pulls like this never work out for me? Maybe it's because I'm Canadian and can't attain the proper amounts of anger? I need to increase my ferocity meter. Maybe later tonight, when I'm out and about, I'll refuse to hold the door open for someone. True. Evil.Did another angry pull and got Lightning and more Chizuru and Zidane. Sure why not
That rainbow Fang.
BUT OFC IT'S FANG!!! It's not like I pulled 12 of her already in the XIII banner, FUCK YOU GUMI!!!
At least I got a Mercedes-Benz but holy shit was that a heartbreaking pull since I went almost 350 pulls since my last rainbow... Tickets got me Celes(new), Vaan(my turd) and some bediles(one of them was 4*) and a Rakshasa because why not, FUCK YOU#2 GUMI!!!
P.s: my main Charlotte is at 35% with another 4 along her to get that TM for Refia(I think I pulled about 15 in total). So yeah, Chrono&lordcyno, I feel your pain and I sent a rage filled complaint to GUMI for what that's worth...
I'm a mess of emotions.. against better judgement I did 2 10 pulls, and I spent all of my tickets... I didn't get Noctis, or any other Rainbow - seriously fuck this game sometimes. I didn't get Chizuru either, so no BM for me. Never going all out again. I knew better...
Beyond disappointed.
I did get some notables. My first Zidane (FINALLY), WoL (FINALLY), and Garland. Another Miuki, which is useless without Chorizo. 2 x Mercedes. A bunch of dupes for TM's I'll never get around to. I need to spend some attack pots.
Mercedes, or Garland?
Trust me, I know how you feel. I have Chizuru at least, but man, this game! Hang in there, know you're not alone!Well, I spent everything... one more 11 pull out of rage - I have about 500 lapis left. No Noctis, but finally a Chizuru. Now to rerun story for some more lapis...
Wasn't worth it, but at least she will DW Sabuki one of these days. Small consolation I guess.
Noctis get! Nice work.Pulled a Noctis on my third ticket pull... blessed
No Noctis, but a nice set of pulls for sure. You did good!Guys I feel dirty. I put away my pride whaled today to get Noctis and didn't manage to get him.
I spent 24 tickets and spent money to get the 11-pull and I got a ton of stuff no Noctis.even got a troll Rainbow that turned into Agrias
This was the result of the 11-pull
all in all I didn't get Noctis but I got some good stuff out of it. Other noteworthy units not show I got a Miyuki, my 3rd and 4th Agrias, a 2nd Warrior of Light and my 3rd Cecil..Oh yeah and my first Chizzie
Oh wow, this is heart-breaking. Seriously depressing. My condolences. :/
Noctis is better than "good", he's amazing. Congrats to you on your 5* beast!Spent 17 tickets on nothing. Farmed for enough lapis to do my daily. Watched full summon animation and finally I did it. Blue to orange to rainbow to noctis. My team is pretty lit now cecil, exdeath, lightning, tillith, and now noctis. Super excited to see if noctis is any good.
;_;My first rainbow.
My time has finally come.
Fuck everything.
its 5*cecil...
man fuck this game so hard
literally spent all my lapis and only got a fucking 5* cecil to show
Welcome back.I couldn't stay away love the game and the community too much lol. No on the Noctis thing though I already have enough top tier units to waste Lapis on pulling poop at the moment.
Congrats to you on joining that very elusive club. I keep trying to sign up, but you guys keep moving the clubroom.Guys 60 tickets and Noctis is mine :')
My first 5* base.
Funny how that works, huh? When the maze was here last time, I was hoping for the minituar at the end, now I'm all about those 3x cactuar.Also, I wish the last stage of the maze was 3 gigantuars instead of 3 star quartz. I have them pouring out of me at this point
Despair. :/The troll rates are back. This is what I got with 5000 lapis i was storing away for a rainy day on my android device. Didn't even get a banner unit
Charlotte really is overpowering this banner. Damn.Well it took 97 pulls, but I got the prince.
Other notables:
1 Mercedes
5 Chorizo
1 Cecil
3 Miyuki
2 Zidane
1 Agrias
1 Refia
and about 3000 Charlottes. All lapis/tickets saved since the Luneth banner are now part of the ether.
This is likely so true, and equally as depressing.I decided I'm going to spend money for Noctis.
(I'm buying a PS4, it'll be cheaper.)
Congrats on your Ramza! Sorry about the rest, but 5*!Well that was a fucking roller coaster of a morning. I did some pulls.
Locke (1st)
GoldTerraMercedes (sweet, axe)
GoldXiao (1st)Mercedes (uh, ok!)
Now I think, "My luck has been pretty good. Let's go for that 11x!"
Oh god it's horrible. Dupe Chizuru and my first Garland are the best parts. Yuck.
I've got some tickets left but now it feels like my mojo's gone.
Russel (yep, definitely gone)
oh lord it's a RainbowGoldRamza (He's not Noctis but he's still new to me and great!)Rainbow are you shitting me?Mercedes (boob pirate loves me)Noctis
TLDR: I thought my luck was good, then I thought it was bad, then I spent all my life's luck in 3 pulls.
I have a feeling things will turn around for you soon, Whales!...
2nd rainbow this banner...
Wow... so much money and lapis spent for this shit... Im getting real unlucky right now, feel like throwing my phone on the wall
No worries, take whatever time you need. I rarely (if ever) remove GAF members, I'd rather expand my list first. I still have Chilly on there, with the belief that one day he will return to us.I have decided to take a break. TMR farming is burning me out, and 60 pulls with no rainbow, troll or otherwise just pisses me off. I knew better than to go all in.
I will log in for dailies, run TMR on computer, and that is it - please don't delete me... yet. I have zero tickets left and a little over 1K lapis for TMR farming.
This game sucks when you get no shiny units to play with, and I'm screwed if we get any good deals over the Holiday. Wish I'd just stuck to tickets, but I really wanted him.
I'm tired of logging into the Arena and seeing all these base 5*'s. Fuck GUMi, and their BS pull rates
Whales whalin' it up!After spending an embarassing amount of lapis, I finally got him.
Im not even happy tbh... Fucking bullshit rng
So in the end, after spending about 90k lapis, I got a 5* cecil, a 5* alma and noctis.
I will check how many chizurus I got and tell you guys. I think I got about 4 or 5, and 4 or 5 mercedes too. Aka these rates are fucking shit
I got enough charlottes to get two of her tm. Lol
This is why I never whale. If I don't get something after my hoarded in-game currency (and maybe a purchased multi-pull or whatever), I never go beyond that. I know if I do, regardless of the situation, I'll feel as though it's a waste. It's a lose/lose situation, and I'm not about to put myself in that position again. I learned this early on with gatcha games.This is exactly why you never chase the rainbow especially when the gatcha mechanics are still stupid as shit. You're not going to win 95% of the time and in the end, it's only going to make you feel miserable about it whether you get what you want or not.
That Noctis allure too strong!Honestly folks, seeing a rather alarming trend these past two pages.
Ironically, I was getting rainbow crystals pretty regularly BEFORE 5* base characters were a thing. Since they became available though? I've only received Hayate (dupe, and arrived just as Lightning hit on my first daily pull, that was a letdown :/), and Warrior of Light (during a multi-pull, trying for Lightning). No rainbow crystal since.I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been. I've only pulled two rainbows the entire course of the game. It's a stupid low chance. I'd be so upset if I rainbow pulled and it wasn't actually a 5 star base unit.
My rainbow drops,
1 - Lightning
1 - Luneth
Congrats on the Noctis! Thanks for your friend unit btw, have used it a lot for awhile.
Where are you seeing your stats like that?
Zidane has a Godly TM, but if you're re-rolling...aim for Noctis, nothing else.new to this and made a dummy account for rerolls. Got Mercedes and Zidane on my first one? Worth keeping or should i keep rerolling?
Is their an updated tier list somewhere?
168 consecutive login days and total rainbows:I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been. I've only pulled two rainbows the entire course of the game. It's a stupid low chance. I'd be so upset if I rainbow pulled and it wasn't actually a 5 star base unit.
My rainbow drops,
1 - Lightning
1 - Luneth
Home screen -> Menu -> Trophies -> Records
Reroll for Noctis, Greg, Light or Luneth at minimumnew to this and made a dummy account for rerolls. Got Mercedes and Zidane on my first one? Worth keeping or should i keep rerolling?
Is their an updated tier list somewhere?
I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been. I've only pulled two rainbows the entire course of the game. It's a stupid low chance. I'd be so upset if I rainbow pulled and it wasn't actually a 5 star base unit.
My rainbow drops,
1 - Lightning
1 - Luneth
Wow. I login for 210 days and I had no idea this stat tracking existed. I love stats
Happened to me too...
Added you. My name in game is GuiltGaf.
535 960 801
I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been. I've only pulled two rainbows the entire course of the game. It's a stupid low chance. I'd be so upset if I rainbow pulled and it wasn't actually a 5 star base unit.
My rainbow drops,
1 - Lightning
1 - Luneth
Demon Rain
Demon Rain
Demon Rain
Demon Rain
I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been.
Demon Rain
Demon Rain
oh the irony
Zidane has a Godly TM, but if you're re-rolling...aim for Noctis, nothing else.
Good luck to you.
Reroll for Noctis, Greg, Light or Luneth at minimum
*Hug* I know exactly how you feel. I'm glad others are doing well, but shit sucks man. We're cursed.After getting like 10 Noctis (what's the plural of Notis? Noctii? Noctum?) in this thread, you all are very quietly depressing the shit out of me.
I COULD have had two.....
See, what had happened was it was late, I was tired, needed unit space, went to fuse something and something else was chosen instead. Can you take a guess as to what was accidentally chosen?!?!?!?!?
RE: Hippo
I don't like me either right now. 17 tickets and 3 11 pulls for Noctis....that was my Orlandu fund. I really wasn't planning on pulling for him at all. Then everyone started posting his animations and how cool he looked. I gave into the hype. I've spent too much cash on this game. I've got to stop, I NEED to stop.
I COULD have had two.....
See, what had happened was it was late, I was tired, needed unit space, went to fuse something and something else was chosen instead. Can you take a guess as to what was accidentally chosen?!?!?!?!?
RE: Hippo
I don't like me either right now. 17 tickets and 3 11 pulls for Noctis....that was my Orlandu fund. I really wasn't planning on pulling for him at all. Then everyone started posting his animations and how cool he looked. I gave into the hype. I've spent too much cash on this game. I've got to stop, I NEED to stop.
...please dont tell me you used 2 demon rains unTM'd to some garbage unit...
Eh it happens. Orlandu is the exact reason I didn't pull for Noctis...well that and I think he is a shit tier character but that aside he is a good unit but Orlandu...is Orlandu. I refuse to spend anything else on the game until they make a crystal change...*if* they make one. Just do what I did.....on the first Lightning banner and got nothing out of $300. Step back and realize no 1 unit is worth dropping shit tons of cash on it...chances are you will pull that unit or something better eventually anyway.
RE: Hippo
I don't like me either right now. 17 tickets and 3 11 pulls for Noctis....that was my Orlandu fund. I really wasn't planning on pulling for him at all. Then everyone started posting his animations and how cool he looked. I gave into the hype. I've spent too much cash on this game. I've got to stop, I NEED to stop.
It's kind of horrible to see this thread turn from general excitement to depression.
Feels bad, man. I feel like I'm loitering at a casino lobby.
They'll be giving us more opportunities to spend our Lapis (with event-exclusive units), and the same "great rates" we're used to.Should we be expecting anything special for Christmas? Or will Gumi be an Ultima Grinch?
Should we be expecting anything special for Christmas? Or will Gumi be an Ultima Grinch?
Oh right and I've logged in 170 days.
Do obtained units like Gil Snappers, Gigantaurs count towards units obtained total? Friend point units do, so I can only figure they do too which really skews the Units Obatined vs Rainbow obtained rates.
I've only ever pulled 1 Rainbow which was my 2nd Zidane, and I believe that is probably after approx 400 pulls (915 total, accounting for 200 FP summons ((Friend point total - what I have now, divided by 200)) & approx 300 Gigantaur ((200 from events & maybe 100 or so from Dunes/Maze etc))
So 1 in 400? Uhh![]()