Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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good night for now. I should be awake around the banner change. best of luck to everyone doing pulls. I hope you get what you are looking for or at the very least something that helps to improve your squad. I look forward to the poster sized imgurs of noctis in a few hours


Ah. I don't know why I thought he was a 4* unit. I guess that makes him all the more difficult to get him. Though, I wonder why he got a push, yet Vaan didn't...? It's criminal how they treated Fran, though. She was my favorite in that game.

Vaan is disposable trash that's why.
after a little bit of thinking, I think im gonna usemy lapis on noctis instead of orlandu

convince me otherwise, gaf! I have a team of gilgamesh, light, cecil, refia and agrias ( and I also have some other chars like bartz, exdeath, chizuru, who i dont use)

You guys think noct fits my team better or orlandu? I dont know much about orlandu tbh

I decided to do the same thing even though I desperately need a top DPS. People pointed out that Orlandu's banner is terrible and it's better to go after him the next time he comes around. Rest assured at a minimum he'll be in the next player's choice that follows his first banner. Meanwhile, there are some great consolation prizes in this Noctis banner.

On top of that, Noctis is a in a sense a better all around character in that Orlandu is like Chizu, pure DPS and nothing else. It's just that Orlandu is number one at that and if you can chain with a friend Orlandu you'll wreck so many encounters and that's why he's so coveted. Meanwhile, Noctus can do a million things well and so fits great with any team providing amazing utility while still being a great DPS. As far as global is concerned right now, he's flat out the best unit period. Orlandu will outclass him in DPS when he hits but that's it. That said, we should all go for Orlandu eventually ;p


I decided to do the same thing even though I desperately need a top DPS. People pointed out that Orlandu's banner is terrible and it's better to go after him the next time he comes around. Rest assured at a minimum he'll be in the next player's choice that follows his first banner. Meanwhile, there are some great consolation prizes in this Noctis banner.

On top of that, Noctis is a in a sense a better all around character in that Orlandu is like Chizu, pure DPS and nothing else. It's just that Orlandu is number one at that and if you can chain with a friend Orlandu you'll wreck so many encounters and that's why he's so coveted. Meanwhile, Noctus can do a million things well and so fits great with any team providing amazing utility while still being a great DPS. As far as global is concerned right now, he's flat out the best unit period. Orlandu will outclass him in DPS when he hits but that's it. That said, we should all go for Orlandu eventually ;p

Hmm, good to hear. Ive been playing FFXV, and I like Noct, I didnt really like his crew at first but they grew on me.

By the way, whats the talk about noctis being nerfed in our version? I know his TM was nerfed, but did his stats/abilities get nerfed too? Thats ridiculous if so...
Hmm, good to hear. Ive been playing FFXV, and I like Noct, I didnt really like his crew at first but they grew on me.

By the way, whats the talk about noctis being nerfed in our version? I know his TM was nerfed, but did his stats/abilities get nerfed too? Thats ridiculous if so...

Yeah I dig Notcis too which is part of the reason I want him and he easily has the best sprite animation in FFBE IMO.

As for the nerf, it's the TM and Japan also gets an extra nuke move we don't but ours is still great, still the best unit in Global when it hits. I imagine Noctis in Global will automatically get what Japan gets down the road when we get to the state of the game they are currently in more or less. Or maybe the eventual enhancements will have the extra stuff they get now for the global version on top of whatever the enhancement will do.


I'll be pulling with tickets from the banner. Hope I can get Charlotte as my only tank is Leo. Keeping my Lapis for the hopefully 10k pull.


Oh, crap, I thought we still have one more day with the FFXIII banner. Should've grinded more gears today.

Says in game it ends 12/16 23:59PST. So indeed, the maint that went on forever extended it a bit.

If I'd remembered that I'd have gone for 70k one. Ah well, it's all good. Gotten a bunch of other shit done. Including capping out 6* Chizuru.


What a day. Finally got 100 wins in arena in one week.

AND I got all ingredients for the Blood Sword which is in the oven now.

Done with Colosseum forever! Until they add a PRO lvl of course!
I might actually fall short for the 70k cause I spent less time grinding when I had to work. I think I can maybe make it by spending some lapis but I will have to go at it hard


Vaan is disposable trash that's why.

I beg to differ. I used him in my team for months until I got WoL a month ago. He has full break and focus. I gave him all hp+ materia and his hp was over 5k. Served me well as a tank/full breaker/focus unit.


Pulled a CoD today, but I'm not sure leveling him up is worth it when my only DW is in use and I have a fairly strong (490 Mag) ExDeath in that position.

edit - Same reason I'm not sure it's worth throwing all my tickets/lapis at Noctis/Orlandu. From what I heard, DW gets a little more common, but it's still pretty rare for how important it is.


Pulled a CoD today, but I'm not sure leveling him up is worth it when my only DW is in use and I have a fairly strong (490 Mag) ExDeath in that position.

edit - Same reason I'm not sure it's worth throwing all my tickets/lapis at Noctis/Orlandu. From what I heard, DW gets a little more common, but it's still pretty rare for how important it is.

CoD is awesome and definitely worth leveling up. She's got a good bunch of skills and can be useful in a bunch of situations even without dual wield. However, with dual wield in the arena she's a terror. Just found that out today when I gave her dual wield. The only real downside to her is her weapon selection. It's pretty terrible.


What a day. Finally got 100 wins in arena in one week.

AND I got all ingredients for the Blood Sword which is in the oven now.

Done with Colosseum forever! Until they add a PRO lvl of course!

Not unless it comes up as a daily?

Pulled a CoD today, but I'm not sure leveling him up is worth it when my only DW is in use and I have a fairly strong (490 Mag) ExDeath in that position.

edit - Same reason I'm not sure it's worth throwing all my tickets/lapis at Noctis/Orlandu. From what I heard, DW gets a little more common, but it's still pretty rare for how important it is.

CoD is worth it. Even without DW right now for her (90% on DW though atm!!!) she is cool. Do you have another Zidane to farm one for her? It'll be worth it. I dunno, I really like CoD though.

*In addition to what EDarkness said about, her weapon selection is piss poor. However, I guess if you get a TM off someone like Fang for Equip Spear or something, it might make it easier to use her.


Not unless it comes up as a daily?.

Since this latest event we have had to complete 5 out of 6 possible quests to get the 50 lapis reward.

So if they change it and make it 5/5 quests for the 50 lapis again and the colosseum is one, then ill do it, of course. Reluctantly lol.

And yes CoD is a very strong top tier character. Besides atk power, her resistances and abilities make her uniquely good.


The more I think about it, the more I have a feeling that an amazing banner will come after Noctis (maybe the guaranteed rainbow for 10k Lapis?) after we spend all we have trying for him.

It won't stop me, I've decided to do 2x multi-pull for Noctis regardless, but I have a feeling I will be regretting that decision in a week. :(


The more I think about it, the more I have a feeling that an amazing banner will come after Noctis (maybe the guaranteed rainbow for 10k Lapis?) after we spend all we have trying for him.

It won't stop me, I've decided to do 2x multi-pull for Noctis regardless, but I have a feeling I will be regretting that decision in a week. :(

Im also prepared to spend 10k of my 12k lapis (if I have to) on this next banner.

The fact that I dont have Chizuru is that much more motivation to pull hard on it.


The more I think about it, the more I have a feeling that an amazing banner will come after Noctis (maybe the guaranteed rainbow for 10k Lapis?) after we spend all we have trying for him.

It won't stop me, I've decided to do 2x multi-pull for Noctis regardless, but I have a feeling I will be regretting that decision in a week. :(

Why not wait Chrono? the banner will last until 12/29


God damn. an they please stop advertising the Taiwanese Channel? I don't speak the language. They aren't going to translate it. But they full well put it out every time. This time the description and crap isn't even in English. Send that shit to folks with that language turned on. FFS


Im also prepared to spend 10k of my 12k lapis (if I have to) on this next banner.

The fact that I dont have Chizuru is that much more motivation to pull hard on it.
Yeah, Chizuru is great (both as a character, as well as for her TM). I hope you get her!

Why not wait Chrono? the banner will last until 12/29
Probably wouldn't matter. If we did get the 10k bundle it likely wouldn't be until after the Noctis banner ends. :(


almost there doods :D
good luck to all of you!

can't wait to see all those noctis pulls :) I know greed and envy will force me to throw lots of tickets at him today :/


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Best of Luck Chrono...and everyone else - we can do this.

This is a good banner - the featured units are nice and with the distribute change on 3* pulls we should have solid results.


About those TM's I have. They ain't so mage focused anymore.

- 4x MAG 30%
- Ultima (useless, so was bad grind)
- 2x Dual Cast
- Genji Glove
- Blade Mastery
- PoC 30% ATK/MAG
- 3x SoD 20% ATK/MAG 10% HP
- 2x Excalibur
- Melody of Life

Some tips about now boosted 2-HD
In 2-HD fight:

- Gilgy had ~765 ATK, ok he had Chirijiraden that was resisted
- Lightning had close to 600 ATK, ok she had 2x Excalibur so was badly resisted but she was crystal maker machine for LB's
- CoD had about 350 ATK + Dragon Killer, Thorned Mace no resists
- Cecil Dual Cast
- Refia Dual Cast, Camouflage, 2 Guardian Authorities
- I dint use Provoke at all.
- Friend L had 786 ATK or something with Sakurafubuki & Deathbringer

The reason I chose L as friend unit is her dodge ability + she generates shitton of LB crystals + Esper orbs. Refia needs to have Dual Cast. One cast goes to Full Life and another to Curaja or another FL or dbl Curaja.

If Refia did dbl FL then my Cecil Dual Casted Curaja. You _need_ to guard the turn after "Boost". Otherwise its close to party wipe. Only unit that didn't Guard was Cecil as he summoned Golem Esper which needs to be done too. So save your Esper Summon to that turn.

Bring MP items + Elixir + Phoenix Down (there is high chance that your Refia will die too). I think that having Camouflage on Refia is a must. My Refia died 3 times during fight.


Daily Pull... Garland. /facepalm This makes my second. He was my first 5* pull when I first started.




Pulled Gilgamesh on a 11 pull! Second rainbow ever for me~ the rest of the pull was lackluster though >.>; 5 Charlottes, Edgar, Rakashka, Anzelm, Vaan, Kain


Daily and a ticket got me Ludmille (3rd) and Locke (1st). Pretty good start. I'll try to save the big pulls until late in the week.

Edit: Ok fine one more pull. Oh shit it's Mercedes! Damn fine start.


Daily: Alma
2nd Daily: Leo
3 Tickets: Firion, Penelo, Charlotte


edit: on more ticket: chorizo ... well that's better
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