Anyone else chain well with Orlandeau other than Orlandeau? I read Chiz does but there isn't even a holy katana.
Anyone else chain well with Orlandeau other than Orlandeau? I read Chiz does but there isn't even a holy katana.
Lightning Stab seems like a move that could work well in chain building. I'm not sure how easy that would be with others though.Anyone else chain well with Orlandeau other than Orlandeau? I read Chiz does but there isn't even a holy katana.
Surprised no one here or on Reddit has really mentioned this seemingly obvious connection yet:
-- Garnet 6* should be the herald of the White Magic meta. Not surprising, as to put this in FFXI terms, she is a WHM/SUM (versus Rydia who would be a SUM/BLM). White magic is her dominant ability, not summoning, so she would be an ideal candidate for such a white magic meta shift.
Yun and Orlandu chains well together.
Yun and Orlandu chains well together.
How the helll is this elemental chaining if Yun can use any holy wepon? Are the two Orlandus elemental chaining while the Yuns are normal chaining but somehow all hits are being counted and the chain is not being broken?
Lightning Stab seems like a move that could work well in chain building. I'm not sure how easy that would be with others though.
well first we need offensive white magic that have modifiers that are worth a damn
also splitting the roles of healers seem situational but its nice to have the option to put SPR scaling to more use
maybe modify its effects on other spells as well?
Y'shtola 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Budding Maple Wand +12ATK+30MAG+68SPR+10%HP/MP
Left Hand: Stellar Shield +10MP+28DEF+15MAG
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep
Body: Scion Conjurers Dalmatica +38DEF+45SPR+10%HP/MP
Accessory 1: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Accessory 2: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Ability 1: Shard of Genius +20%SPR w/Staff +20%DEF w/Robe
Ability 2: Shard of Genius +20%SPR w/Staff +20%DEF w/Robe
Ability 3: Shard of Genius +20%SPR w/Staff +20%DEF w/Robe
Ability 4: HP +30% +30% HP
Esper: Carbuncle HP:3350 MP:5780 ATK:1940 DEF:3270 MAG:4450 SPR:6330
Stat Buff: Divine Seal +100% SPR
Total Stats: HP: 5161 MP: 397 ATK: 200 DEF: 340 MAG: 325 SPR: 757
Garnet isn't going to be better than Ayaka. The only thing Garnet will be bringing in might be some offensive ability in Holy and that new Summoning ability that allows her to use any of the teams Espers.
Is any Esper really good in JP? They don't seem very good in GL.
I do something similar. On turn 1, I set 3 of my bonus units to do Deprotect, Deshell, Imperil (Esper abilities) then have friend Cid use Lightning Stab and my Noctis use Lightning Flask. I OHKO everything except the Red Chocobos. When I come across those waves, I just swap Cid to Cleansing Strike and that wipes them all out.I run lightning stab with thundaga on auracite ELT and one shot all bosses using repeat. Sometimes wroth has a sliver though, so I just switch it up to make sure.
I've heard that Poach stacks, too. Why does that stack but normal ___ Killer materias don't?Wait Shard of Genius stacks? If so why the hell do ATK materia's of the same style not stack? Get some consistency asshats.
I do something similar. On turn 1, I set 3 of my bonus units to do Deprotect, Deshell, Imperil (Esper abilities) then have friend Cid use Lightning Stab and my Noctis use Lightning Flask. I OHKO everything except the Red Chocobos. When I come across those waves, I just swap Cid to Cleansing Strike and that wipes them all out.
I've heard that Poach stacks, too. Why does that stack but normal ___ Killer materias don't?
Their damage got upgraded significantly in JP.
so yes? they're worth using over another skill good?
Depends on situation. Summons do an easy 6 digits of damage now so it's no small number. I've seen 400,000-500,000 with Bahamut before? I need to use it again to check.
So, I have a lineup question to ask.
My current lineup I am running is
Ex Death
I just recently pulled Cloud of Darkness. I'm debating if CoD should replace Firion or someone else in my lineup. Any opinions?
not on your list, but Rain is actually pretty useful since you can seal 4 element at once with just a single attack, so that leaves a lot of flexibility for other unit to do.
my opinion : Rain, Lightning, Ling, Refia (with Ramuh) and friend Noctis
past hp 50%, you need to seal Gilgamesh with lightning hybrid or magic attack, so Lightning Elemental Blitz is useless and using Lightning just for Thundaga would probably makes the fight longer than it needs to be, that's why Refia with Ramuh in case friend Noctis needs to do other things thn Thunder Flask.
Good luck.
So now we need to combine a 6 star summoner with max damage bonuses to see what the upper limit of their potential is
Rydia and Garnet have LBs that basically fill the gauge instantly
Garnet being our prime candidate I suppose
I made this, so I'll put it here.
PROTIP: If you're Dual Weilding different weapons with Orlandeau put Excalibur in the LEFT hand. That way it will be used for the second swing of Divine Ruination, allowing it to benefit more from the light debuff and give you a bit more damage.
PROTIP: Marie is one of the best supports in the game, but has no healing spells innately. However, if you equip her with a Healing Staff or the Carbuncle Esper she can get Cura! With her innate Dual-Cast she is a useful backup healer.
PROTIP: Chaining is a great way to blow up some bosses super hard. For two Orlandeaus, the key is to input the Divine Ruinations nearly simultaneously. They will not chain if you Cue + Toggle Auto or by using Repeat. You must manually enter them nearly simultaneously. If you do it just right they will chain to 28. Issue an Olive True Shot right before and you can one-shot even ELT Ifrit! (with the right preparation)
PROTIP: Done with the Ifrit Raid after getting your Trust Moogle? Don't stop farming it! Not only do you aid the rest of the community, but you'll also earn tons and tons of Ifrit Raid coins from clearing PRO and ELT. They sell for 50 gil each! That's 90k gil per run of ELT! I've made 8 Million gil in the last week!
PROTIP: Don't buy the 1% Moogles from the King Mog event! Each one costs 10k Red Stones. Running Elit it would take you over 100 NRG on average to have that many Red Stones. However, if you run Earth Sthrine you can get 0.2% TMR on 5 party members in an average of 20 runs, which is only 20 NRG! That means these moogles cost FIVE TIMES the NRG for the same amount of TMR! Not worth.
PROTIP: What's better for an accessory? +30 ATK or +15% ATK? The break even point is if the unit has 200 base attack. Above 200 base attack take the +15% ATK. No unit in the game has 200 base attack yet (as far as I'm aware), not even Olive or Orlandeau with full Attack pots. Additionally, Doublehand takes into account equipment ATK, making the flat ATK even better for Olive!
Very interested to see how Garnet's 6* is handled.
Her 5* form is already fairly broken in terms of filling the LB bar, as she benefits from both High Tide and a second haste benefit from leveling up her LB. At 6*, the only thing more I can think they can do is to make the LB bar a guaranteed fill on use.
In terms of her summoning potential, she already has EVO MAG +30%, and for whatever reason, abilities don't duplicate innately on units so she needs a new modifier (or just give it the a different name I suppose).
The question really is whether Garnet shifts more heavily towards being a White Mage or a Summoner with her 6* (or stays a middling hybrid). Intuition tells me based on the known patch notes, that it's probably towards being a White Mage. I don't think the devs want to break the mold with a unit that's been out for an FFBE-eternity and is only a gold unit as well.
I guess part of it is I don't really get what CoD does. I know it's a good character but I don't know how it fits in.
But the potential is obvious. Slapping a ton of SPR on a healer can now not only make them great healers, but also now monster mages. That's the short-range outlook. Long-term, this opens up a boatload of potential options for new offensive options based off of SPR on existing or likely new units to leverage this.
Thanks man,
sadly i havent leveled my Rain yet and i just missed the chance to do so since i used all Gigantuar on Ling and Firion. Maybe i will wait with Gilga trial until i can level my Rain and 6* him. So i will farm the current event a bit more and set back my Trial attempt for now xD
Damage. Support.
Only thing is she's a bit tricky to gear up weapon wise as she's really limited. But, you can get the chakram from this event and give it to her. She can also use maces. (Thorned Mace from plant trial is damn awesome.)
I now have the 4 FF9 chars getting a 6-star tomorrow at max. Now to just wait for the update.
Thank goodness for 100,000+ Titan coins and that gatcha tossing out Metal Cactuar Families like crazy.
Double Dice
Randomly Use:
ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 11 Damage Attack,
ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 111 Damage Attack,
ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 5555 Damage Attack,
ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 55555 Damage Attack,
ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 77777 Damage Attack
I'll try again since it went unanswered last night. How many pouches did you guys get from the mog king event? Are they worth it? I heard it's better than a +30% attack if the unit doesn't have that killer already.
10% or 20 atk poach is always better but sort of trivially if attack is less than 500 -> 500 poach gives 6% more damage
20% or 40 atk poach is better if the total attack is at least 550
30% or 60 atk poach is better if the total attack is at least 810
Both are great and situational. CoD is a great support unit with comeback and elemental resists. Firion can be a great DPS when his killers can be used on a kind of boss. Leveling both is a good idea.So between CoD and Firion who do you think gives the most bang for the buck?
See what Setzer can do to the super hard Robot trial (with everyone dual wield and loads of Machine Killer) :
Here's the ability he use here :
Code:Double Dice Randomly Use: ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 11 Damage Attack, ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 111 Damage Attack, ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 5555 Damage Attack, ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 55555 Damage Attack, ダブルダイス (20%) AoE 77777 Damage Attack
I should probably stop getting excited for future units x)
It's better if your units has something like 810+ ATK, looking for that reddit post right now.
There :
I'll try again since it went unanswered last night. How many pouches did you guys get from the mog king event? Are they worth it? I heard it's better than a +30% attack if the unit doesn't have that killer already.
Yeah I guess with the even currency being so generous lolI bought 10 of them because why not.
Not yet, will probably get 2~4 of them just in case they become top tier materia for a future event.Best of all, Setzer is a 4*.
OK so it would be useful, did you get some Kourio? How many did you aim for if you did?
Just got 4. I am milking this event, the currency is so good.Not yet, will probably get 2~4 of them just in case they become top tier materia for a future event.