Did anyone bother to get the x5 1% Moogles? I don't plan on it but was curious.
Ended up buying First Strike and my Poaches a few moments ago. Completely done. Going to continue with event to sell the currency for money.
Purchased: White Staff, Battle Hoop, Durandal, Kiyomori, Crush Helm, Healing Waltz II, x12 Poach (I'm a hoarder), x3 Lifefont, First Strike, HP +15%, MAG +15%, all Remedy, all Y-Potion, all Mega Ether, all Phoenix Down, all Elixir, all Gigantaur (they're being stored until I get something note worthy), all Screamroot, all Fine Alcryst, all Star Quartz, all Megacite (ended up capping Diabolos so they're all 2* lv 40), all Sacred Crystal, all cheap 6* mats, all tickets, and the 30k Moogle.
I feel so accomplished. Especially since last one I skipped 99% of the shit. Kind of wish this had the 70k Moogle. Wanting to work on that second DW.
Will see how Easter event rolls. Have a few characters to level: Y'shtola, Minfilia, and probably Lasswell. (Probably should work on Nichol and Jake as well, right? For the story stuff?)