Not so keen on the Easter event but will keep a open mind and see what it turns out to be like, grind wise.
Yeah I'm really not looking forward to mog cakes 2.0. Unless you have an abundance of time it really wasn't a practical event. We'll see how this one is. Hopefully it won't mean grinding explorations for ages again.
So... this dagger. It gives dual wield, but what's the point? The attack on it is shit. What would the benefit be in this case? I'd want to say maybe a caster that casts a spell twice due to dual wield... but wouldn't it be better to just get dual wield for them if that was the case? Is there something I'm missing?
I'm going to put it on Chizuru in my arena team. Phantom Shadow is strong enough that it should still hit for 999, especially after enhancements.