We shall see. /popcorn.png
Nice analysis there. Hopefully they will be useful.
We shall see. /popcorn.png
The arena has turned into an exercise in getting 5 victories per day and staying around rank 70,000. It's right up there with "kill Shiva twice" and "craft a potion."
I think I've reached my final conclusion about Xon''s Master Thief skill.
I always say on Sundays that I miss discussing NFL on Sundays so I'll bring up some off topic sport: Is anyone currently watching The Masters? It's looking to be a close finish as always.
But back to BE. The more I look at Ayaka the more I feel like I have to pull her. She is the total support package. I'm not looking forward to the day she drops.
Outside of her and Rem are there any other units with ReRaise?
Lool I hear that.
Interesting information Lyrian. Not going to lie, I feel like they're going to just put all the gems in the common loot drop. Make us think Xon is useful and watch us all try to pull him, then hit us with the sucker punch. Sounds like classic Gumi to me lol.
Xon''s Master Thief skill.
I always say on Sundays that I miss discussing NFL on Sundays so I'll bring up some off topic sport: Is anyone currently watching The Masters? It's looking to be a close finish as always.
Checks out with my initial assumption upon seeing that Master Thief's skill description was literally the same as Treasure Hunter's, just with the word "rare" added in.
As for its effect on enhancement gems, while we're not going to know for a while, this post from Rozaliin over on Reddit about the Raven's Manteau (reward for getting all keys, increases enhancement gem drop rate) made me doubt there will be any meaningful change to drop rates from these abilities.
You could argue that Locke and/or Xon are not 'free' in the way that the accessory is, but the fact that it was changed that you would "think of it as a good luck charm" suggests they want minimal, if any, influence on the intake of gems.
In other words, don't get your hopes up and you won't be disappointed. Words to live by, unfortunately.
Checks out with my initial assumption upon seeing that Master Thief's skill description was literally the same as Treasure Hunter's, just with the word "rare" added in.
As for its effect on enhancement gems, while we're not going to know for a while, this post from Rozaliin over on Reddit about the Raven's Manteau (reward for getting all keys, increases enhancement gem drop rate) made me doubt there will be any meaningful change to drop rates from these abilities.
You could argue that Locke and/or Xon are not 'free' in the way that the accessory is, but the fact that it was changed that you would "think of it as a good luck charm" suggests they want minimal, if any, influence on the intake of gems.
In other words, don't get your hopes up and you won't be disappointed. Words to live by, unfortunately.
My team of five, level 80 Lockes never felt like it did anything anyways. Any one want to try a team of 5 Xons?
I always say on Sundays that I miss discussing NFL on Sundays so I'll bring up some off topic sport: Is anyone currently watching The Masters? It's looking to be a close finish as always.
But back to BE. The more I look at Ayaka the more I feel like I have to pull her. She is the total support package. I'm not looking forward to the day she drops.
Outside of her and Rem are there any other units with ReRaise?
Lool I hear that.
Interesting information Lyrian. Not going to lie, I feel like they're going to just put all the gems in the common loot drop. Make us think Xon is useful and watch us all try to pull him, then hit us with the sucker punch. Sounds like classic Gumi to me lol.
Bah, I am stuck at the Airship Factory Guardian battle. I can't even get past the first battle in that round.
It took me two hours but I finally beat that damn robot boss in JP and got all the rewards on one run. I went the long (Left Arm -> Right Arm -> Body) route because of how stable it is. All I had to do was press repeat after my actions were setup and occasionally use Gilgamesh's dispel attack materia to debuff it. I had to focus a little more when it got down to just the body though as it has a super powerful attack at various HP gates that you can reduce with water attacks.
Now I gotta do the damn moon and the stupid ice bird.
All the bosses since the robot have become a major pain in the ass in one way or another. They either take way too much time or with gimmicks that really force you to use specific setups with very little leeway for mistakes. I got lucky with the icebird last week coz a friend lent me his Mystia to act as magic tank but I still had to reset dozens of times just to have the proper party members survive its preemptive attack
Hopefully the new boss in tomorrow's update will bring back the fun again!
I hate that the ice bird is kind of luck based, it's a bit silly but on the other hand, if you get lucky, it's not a long, grueling fight like Aigaion is, lol. I haven't really tried the Moon yet. I'll need more magic power to get it done, I think. However, considering both don't have particularly amazing rewards, I'm not in a rush. The Moon has a better reward than the Birds though, lol.
I'm just glad I now have the Arm and the Marital Arts mastery. When Prishe gets enhancements or a strong Monk unit comes, I'll be ready. Please Sabin get a great 6-star form. ;_;
That comment was meant to be a little sarcastic. It's the best pull I ever got.Pretty decent? Two rainbows is amazing in one pull.
Check your luck.
I'm absolutely fuming!!!That comment was meant to be a little sarcastic. It's the best pull I ever got.
All the bosses since the robot have become a major pain in the ass in one way or another. They either take way too much time or with gimmicks that really force you to use specific setups with very little leeway for mistakes. I got lucky with the icebird last week coz a friend lent me his Mystia to act as magic tank but I still had to reset dozens of times just to have the proper party members survive its preemptive attack
Hopefully the new boss in tomorrow's update will bring back the fun again!
I guess it'll be time for Gumi to fix that instant win glitch for Global or a lot more people will use it.
Hint :It's about using both emulator and mobile version
I'm absolutely fuming!!!
Don't even know what sport that's referring to without googling, heh. The only sport I care about is Heroes of the Storm HGC, which I just got tickets to Blizzcon for the grand finals in November and am psyched out of my mind for!
Sorry I was late to this, I was watching The Masters haha. Glad Sergio won, great 1v1 battle on the final 4 holes.
Also 2nd Fry TM done. Woohoo.
So reddit is saying Xon is the best evasion tank right now......amazingly enough I pulled him this morning after another failed daily, went and bought the 300 lapis bundle and used that ticket to get him. Sadly, no gigantuars right now.
Ah nice. I would like to go this year but I don't have enough money for flights and stuff. Maybe next year will be my year.
Pretty decent pull, I guess o.o
First time I got a rainbow unit, and it's even 2 in a single pull.
Ah nice. I would like to go this year but I don't have enough money for flights and stuff. Maybe next year will be my year.
I thought he choked it when he missed the final putt, but he managed to remain composed in the playoff. Was a really good final round.
Dude I actually had this idea when Xon's skill list was datamined because he has a 100% draw move that lasts 2 turns and would make a good ender, but he also has an 80% chance to not get targeted. I asked on the reddit help thread if it was like Noctis' fish because then it would lower everyone to 0% chance to be targeted so he would still win out, but people said it was like regular provoke so it doesn't work.
Edit: Yeah apparently it's not 100% https://feen.us/wyzbma.gif
Ah nice. I would like to go this year but I don't have enough money for flights and stuff. Maybe next year will be my year.
I thought he choked it when he missed the final putt, but he managed to remain composed in the playoff. Was a really good final round.
Dude I actually had this idea when Xon's skill list was datamined because he has a 100% draw move that lasts 2 turns and would make a good ender, but he also has an 80% chance to not get targeted. I asked on the reddit help thread if it was like Noctis' fish because then it would lower everyone to 0% chance to be targeted so he would still win out, but people said it was like regular provoke so it doesn't work.
Edit: Yeah apparently it's not 100% https://feen.us/wyzbma.gif
Bleh, this event has put me off playing every day. It reminds me too much of Mogcakes, but with added nuisance of RNG & crafting.
Still, least I've got myself up to date with the story now, and a decent amount of Lapis for the next big banner. Also, kind of annoyed at the main mission clear reward no longer being Lapis but random items...
I think the event is great as in, it's a drastic break from the typical event. Three issues though.
1. We have a third grind event in a row. Raid, Mogking, Egg.
2. The rewards are pretty shite. The dagger and hat are alright, but specifically they should have either of made the pots and everything more common. Or offer a second summon pool with just the enhancement and selling stuff.
3. The crafting aspect is sort of worthless. Should have been a straight trade in
Any consensus on best unit to feed Burst Pots for Limit break leveling after Cecil?
People say Exdeath, but I doubt he'll be on my A squad in the long term.
I think the event is great as in, it's a drastic break from the typical event. Three issues though.
1. We have a third grind event in a row. Raid, Mogking, Egg.
2. The rewards are pretty shite. The dagger and hat are alright, but specifically they should have either of made the pots and everything more common. Or offer a second summon pool with just the enhancement and selling stuff.
3. The crafting aspect is sort of worthless. Should have been a straight trade in
Any consensus on best unit to feed Burst Pots for Limit break leveling after Cecil?
People say Exdeath, but I doubt he'll be on my A squad in the long term.
I have a hard time investing any resources in Mages right now. I took Exdeath out of my squad for an event a couple weeks ago and he hasn't made it back in yet.
The crafting rewards are bad, but everything else is actually great.
1/6th trust mastery grind
Gil Snappers and Cactuars
Occasional Limit Break potions
Tons of Megacites
5% Trust Moogles for Aiden
Solid Rank XP
It would probably still be worthwhile at half of that. I'm definitely farming until I get a Vestment at least, maybe 2 of them. For anyone that has Fryevia it's nuts.
I went against the grain and give them all to Noctis. He's currently sitting at 16/25. Almost there!
Guys, if you're sharing Xon for this event, make sure to put an esper with osmose on him for the exploration maps. It's annoying to throw ethers at him
Diabolos and Ramuh.Which ones have Osmose? I'll probably do mine up tonite... if I have the proper 6* materials that is. Not sure what my supplies are looking like atm.
Diabolos and Ramuh![]()
Ah,k. Odin is almost at lv.40. Hopefully I can get Ramuh up to Lv.40 too by the end of this event.
My Cecil is at 23/25... By the time he gets to 25/25, he's going to be off the team for WoL.
The only other character I leveled to max was Fencer (6* plz Gumi).
Not sure who do to next... RIkku? If I had Garnet I'd do her.
Which ones have Osmose? I'll probably do mine up tonite... if I have the proper 6* materials that is. Not sure what my supplies are looking like atm.
WoL won't completely outclass Cecil on his initial awakening. Cecil will still see some use as a top class tank/healer if you need one.
Any consensus on best unit to feed Burst Pots for Limit break leveling after Cecil?
People say Exdeath, but I doubt he'll be on my A squad in the long term.
Did you know that yshtola lb mitigate 20% damage for 1 turn? Just like Golem
And un lvl 25 mitigate 54% damage