Pulled Luneth on a reroll. Is this a keeper? It's not the Trance Terra I was hoping for but its the only rainbow I've seen so far.
He sucks right now compared to the new 5* units and will only be redeemed with very expensive enhancements. I guess he is great for beginners due to innate DW, but honestly if you want to start with the best in the long term, fuck him and fuck Lightning.
You should settle with at least one of these 5*:
-Noctis (most versatile unit by far, he does literally everything, he gets much better with DW but doesn't require it at all to help you begin the game)
-Orlandu (he requeires several TMs to be good so idk about starting with him, anyway he is the most broken unit right now)
-Olive (another one that requires several TMs to be good, she is the best finisher in the game)
Great 4* to begin with:
-Setzer (random damage, ailments, debuffs)
-WoL (great tank and will have AoE debuffs in the near LOL future)
-Luka (best healer with no dualcast)
-Refia(best healer with dualcast)
-Snow (great tank, great damage dealer, counters like a mofo)
-Agrias (debuffs, tanks decently and will be a mini Orlandu soon)
Great 3* to begin with:
-Cecil (great tank, heals and has one of the best LBs)
-CoD (very versatile, has AoE esuna)
-Bartz (very versatile damage dealer and becomes a mana battery)
-Krille (decent healer with innate DC)
-EXdeath (decent mage with innate DC)
There is a plethora of trash units with GREAT TMs that you absolutely need to consider keeping though, so show us all your units before selling or fusing someone.