This in JP, King Mog stuff:
Maybe this works in JP (no TM farming)
But, the amount of hilarious shitposts if they bring this to global
I appreciate the fact they are making some TMs easily accessible. Macros completely fucked the game's power curve and nothing can change that without fucking people that don't use it.
I think Syntsui nails it here. On one hand power creep (sure). On the other hand, it's really obvious that the overall arching meta of the game is to TM farm macros as a way to more reliably clear ELTs and trials.
It really feels like a concession to that. However, I can also see it as another attempt to try to keep people running grind events instead of TM farming. Why TM farm when you can just earn event currency and specific-target units you want to TM farm?
Those prices though....
100k currency for 5% to Chiz? Wha? At that price, I'm still macroing.
8k for Ludmille's Dualcast or Cecil's Excalibur? I'd bite at that price.
500 for 5* to Shadow? The one true doge (ok, that's Interceptor, but still). Everyone will laugh and then he gets a Zidane or Vivi-like bump to 6*s....
rainbow rates going from 1% to 3%....
7* incoming or am I just being too skeptical?
PAD did a similar move as the game aged. It's both arguments. More units in 5* pull, makes it harder to target a single unit from a banner. Also, it does down the road begin to setup the eventual transition for 6* bases to take the place of the old 5* base rates.
Yuna stats
hmm.... can't be sure if she's good or not.
Looking at Yuna's stat page, I'm happy and pissed off at the same time for the game's first 5* base summoner.
-- Appears to have a unique summon to her? (1* attack at 5* 80, 2* attack at 6* 100). Summon isn't equip-able though; attacks only. Summoning this esper only consumes HALF of the summon gauge.
-- She gains +50% bonus to the stats yielded from equipping an esper (meh?)
-- Can summon anyone's equipped espers
-- Green mage/ white mage/ summoner hybrid?
-- LB is Curada-like with + Mega-Focus.... but incredibly expensive (30! Crystals).
-- Like Garnet, her summoning damage is a sidegrade and doesn't move the meta forward. Disappointing, again.
-- Unlike Garnet, her LB does not fill the summoning bar. This makes it considerably more difficult than via the other summoners to evoke summons. Partially dependent on Garnet to evoke reliably. Filling the LB bar is an ability, which can't be dualcasted.
-- No innate LB fill. Her TM weapon is pretty much mandatory.
Unsure how to feel. Like Garnet and Eiko, this feels like another sidegrade for summoners again. Yuna ends up being a White Mage / Green Mage/ Summoner hybrid... which I guess frees up more room on a team for other DPS?