In the same boat, I have left oar and you have the right one.
We are missing captain & mate.
I can be the shipmate, so far I have Faris, Shadow and Russell from the free daily pull!
In the same boat, I have left oar and you have the right one.
We are missing captain & mate.
Here's my Orlandu, who has, I think, the best atk you can get without a genji glove (ignoring infernal armlets because who the heck has those). Other than the brave suit, all his TMs come from 4* base or lower units so it should be doable with enough time. What each item comes from is in parentheses, and the rarity if it's from a unit.
Orlandeau 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Excalibur +120ATK+Light Element (Cecil, 3*)
Left Hand: Genji Blade +107ATK (Gilgamesh Trial)
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep (Hayate, 3*)
Body: Brave Suit +51DEF+15%ATK+15%MAG (Ramza, 5*)
Accessory 1: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP (Gafgarion, 4*)
Accessory 2: Ifrit's Claw +30ATK+20%Fire+100%Blind (Dark Esper Trial)
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons (Zidane, 3*)
Ability 2: Large Sword Mastery +50% ATK Great Sword (Dark Esper Trial)
Ability 3: Blade Mastery +50% ATK Katana (Chizuru, 4*)
Ability 4: Quick Assault +30% ATK +10%Evasion (Shine, 4*)
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 34 DEF: 26 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Total Stats: HP: 6217 MP: 207 ATK: 910 DEF: 226 MAG: 172 SPR: 167
In the same boat, I have left oar and you have the right one.
We are missing captain & mate.
I got a good daily but I got Leo as my free pull to join my kains, maria, and russell from the past few days. Can I join lol?
Ok does anyone have a leader than can one shot the plant at the end of Shadow of the Empire's pro difficulty? Unfortunately Orlandeau can't since his damage isn't best when spread out and Noctis just doesn't seem to have the power.QUOTE]
Do use Noctis, but use blizzard flask. Big stupid plant isn't immune to stop.
So what are we expect this Friday, banner and event wise? Please Gumi do not give us Mog King lol. Should be done with the raid by Wednesday but I would like to run it for the full 2 weeks for free stuffs.
Do use Noctis, but use blizzard flask. Big stupid plant isn't immune to stop.
Free Summon: Penelo
Ticket #1: Penelo....srsly???
1/2 Pull: Firion
Man.... this is far and away the worst streak of pulls I've ever had in this game.
I've definitely been there more than once. Feels like summoning goes in ebbs and flows. Sometimes you can't stop getting lucky, and other times you can't even get a decent 3*. It's why I basically only do dailies now. If I spend tickets and get consecutive trash I just get frustrated and end up rage pulling lol (and last time I did that it took 30 pulls before I even saw a yellow crystal).
Fought one of those FFKR people, the dude had 2 Ring of the Lucii on each of his units 0-0
Wouldn't be so bad if they didn't had 6k+ HP too.
It was fun seeing 8 Holy counter elemental chaining.
So your saying there is a chance..
Dream on.
Free pull and daily pull have been nothing but gutter trash. Would like a zyrus but doesnt look like its gonna happen at this rate lol. 3 yellow, all of banner. This is counting 20 tickets, daily, free pull, and that 300 lapis bundle. Disgusting.
I keep pulling out of principle at this point more than anything else. I've dropped so much that I feel like I need to keep pulling to justify everything I've dropped on it without feeling totally like a nincompoop.
Yuuup. Completely understand this logic and it's how I end up spending resources on nonsense. Will never forget spending 20 tickets on Seven's banner for absolutely no reason.
This is why it's nice to have a community to talk to though. It may just be a game but it clearly can affect our emotions. It's nice to know that others are in the same boat. At the very least we have Captain Me (lmao), Left Oar Rixa, Right Oar Celegus, and First Mate Desverger. I'll promote you to Second Mate haha.
I only do arena 5 times a day now but I'm curious to see these FFRK guys. If only I had the time to work my way up.
Definitely level him up! Twist of fate will undoubtedly be able to carry certain battles in the future.Free pull: Xon
Hey, he does exist! Is he still worth leveling?
I now have 3 Chizuru. How many Blade Masteries will I ultimately need?
Omg! My free pull! Also my discount pull was Zyrus
I'm so pleased. I've seen how hard divine retribution hits at the higher end. Now if only I hadn't used my awakening mats on Lightning.
I'm curious about something with the GAF Exvius players. Does anyone here have every single unit in the game?
I'm actually pretty close. Only missing 10 units. Only ones I don't have are,
Demon Rain
Dracu Laswell
Trance Terra
Dark Knight Cecil
Anyone get em all?
This is why it's nice to have a community to talk to though. It may just be a game but it clearly can affect our emotions. It's nice to know that others are in the same boat. At the very least we have Captain Me (lmao), Left Oar Rixa, Right Oar Celegus, and First Mate Desverger. I'll promote you to Second Mate haha.
at least he isnt a limited unit but locking out 20slots to save the moogles is a pain
maybe we will get the QoL update to combine moogles sooon
Olive#2 fuck.
Olive#2 fuck.
Wow! You're sorted big congratulations on this fantastic and extremely useful pull that will take you far! You deserve it for being so into the game after starting not so long ago .
So what's the verdict on the 300 lapis ticket? I've been grabbing it daily since its close enough to a half price pull. Right choice?
So what's the verdict on the 300 lapis ticket? I've been grabbing it daily since its close enough to a half price pull. Right choice?
Curious if others are grabbing this too? I've only bought it twice so far.
So what's the verdict on the 300 lapis ticket? I've been grabbing it daily since its close enough to a half price pull. Right choice?
Ok does anyone have a leader than can one shot the plant at the end of Shadow of the Empire's pro difficulty? Unfortunately Orlandeau can't since his damage isn't best when spread out and Noctis just doesn't seem to have the power.
Damn thing keeps killing me no matter what I try either with a barrage of hits to OHKO or a massive poison attack to do the same. I dunno why he's so damn hard. He's killing friend Orlandeau units with 6k+ in that one hit :/
I'd skip it, but I only need 5 calamity writs and 10 faeries writs to for Orlandeau and was hoping to bag some here.
Ah thanks! I think I've used yours a few times and the build stuck out as a pretty strong one. That will give me a bunch of TM's to work towards.
In my doomed hunt for Zyrus, I've been buying the 300 lapis bundle everyday, basically making it 3 pulls every morning (free summon, 1/2 pull, and ticket). I wouldn't say it was lapis well spent, given that I still haven't gotten the bastard. But with the daily reward being 90 lapis, I see it as a second 1/2 pull.
I've been buying it because I regretted not getting them during the Easter banner. The way I see it is an 11 pull costs around 450 lapis per unit so this is a good deal.
So what's the verdict on the 300 lapis ticket? I've been grabbing it daily since its close enough to a half price pull. Right choice?
Got a 2nd Zyrus on a random 11 pull I decided to do yay. Won't mention what else was in there > >
And I wont ask.
Seriously jk
Given how many times WKN hasn't been mentioned in a "how to" guide and I've breezed it thanks to him, I'm pretty sure almost nobody has him.