the free daily summons has been drowning me in Luna units. Now have barrage tm, lol.
Hey Gumi, I deserve this.
Congrats on Rainbows (and Zyrus') guys.
9999 raid coin stacks sucks. I'm either going to have to expand my item slots or spend my raid coins and expand my unit slots for moogles.
Genji Glove Get!
Free Summon: Guy
Daily: Galuf
Comet Get!!
Congrats on your pull! And to UrSuLeTzU glad you got that Rainbow in the end.
Free was Cyan and Daily was Mustadio.
I about to do my first 11 pull since the Orlandeau banner...(I really want Zyrus....because mages are cool!)
Yey! Got Zyrus!! Really wanted that Black Mage
Rest are a bit meh. I have a Zidane at 95% TM so I'll just fuse that one to get a 4th Dual Wield.
Good news for Emperor / Zyrus / Dark Fina owners :
Basically, as long as you don't Attack/Defend/mix spells with dual cast, all spells/abilities with increasing damage when you use them keep their stacks even if you use something else in between.
Hope this fix will come soon in Global.
Good news for Emperor / Zyrus / Dark Fina owners :
Basically, as long as you don't Attack/Defend/mix spells with dual cast, all spells/abilities with increasing damage when you use them keep their stacks even if you use something else in between.
Hope this fix will come soon in Global.
Well then, you're in for the long ride.Omg! My free pull!
I'm so pleased. I've seen how hard divine retribution hits at the higher end. Now if only I hadn't used my awakening mats on Lightning.
I wonder what this FFKR thing that has taken over the Arena is. Some kind of guild perhaps? Hope to all that is holy it's not the same person.
I wonder what this FFKR thing that has taken over the Arena is. Some kind of guild perhaps? Hope to all that is holy it's not the same person.
Well then, you're in for the long ride.
Congrats, you just hit the jackpot!
Omg! My free pull! Also my discount pull was Zyrus
I'm so pleased. I've seen how hard divine retribution hits at the higher end. Now if only I hadn't used my awakening mats on Lightning.
I wonder what this FFKR thing that has taken over the Arena is. Some kind of guild perhaps? Hope to all that is holy it's not the same person.
Yes they are Korean players, some have silly team like 5 DKCecil.I think it is guild like, I've noticed the ones I've seen were using another language, so maybe it's an influx of Korean players?
Bahamut so weak that he gets destroyed even by resisted attacks.
Hey Gumi, I deserve this.
Gold -> Rainbow, Reberta for my half off pull. Neat
Yes they are Korean players, some have silly team like 5 DKCecil.
Omg! My free pull!
I agree that there is something shoddy with all these gold on-banner units, they seem way rarer than they should. Btw got an Reberta too.
1 out of 5 are expected to be Gold. 19%.
I think you guys are just expecting too much out of the banner gold rate. It's 1 out of every 4 golds, and 1 out of about 21 pulls.
Overall, I think I'm pretty lucky getting most of them with dailies, even if I have to burn 40 tickets to get it sometimes.
Reberta's Mystic Thrust is basically an AOE Divine Ruination, she chains with herself, but it requires the proper elemental weapon. In the future there will be a 3* Dragoon named Ryunan with a strong ice spear TM (Norther Lights).
I did this one without a macro. Unfortunately everyone dies with just the Breath move, it would have been nice to see multiples of them chain.
Also, What spark Chain with 3 Rebertas look like
Right, the on-banner gold rate is 1/4th of that though. 4.75%.
People need to chase Zyrus before the raid is gone for the free 107 MAG rod though.Misread, opp.s
I wouldn't worry about chasing every gold too. Over time, you seem to end up with them anyways.
The only current ones I don't have are Sezter, Sozhe, and Zyrus. Prior to spending money on Orlandu, I had all but Agrias and Mercedes.
Save it for the game changes like Tilith. Even Rikku, I wouldn't stress about.
People need to chase Zyrus before the raid is gone for the free 107 MAG rod though.
People need to chase Zyrus before the raid is gone for the free 107 MAG rod though.
Just pulled penelo due to this post.Dat casual Reberta announcement... LOL.
Pulling lately has been uber trash. It's so not even fun to do the free pull. I start off saying out loud "What uber trash is it today?" Then uber trash like Penelo pops out. Husband and I were bitching about it this morning.
Got a couple of Golds today on my main. One was Vanille, other was Shine. Seriously? Who does someone have to kill to get fucking on banner units now?
Edit: On a really good note, I finished my first manual (non specific Trust Moogle) TM today on my Alt. Got Dual Wield. And was surprised to see I'd been waiting on a 5% for a while since my other Zidane is at 30% LOL. Not sure what to work on next, but my Delita traded up the Second Knife for full fledged DW. He's running around like a boss now. Gave Knife to Setzer.
Just pulled penelo due to this post.
Don't worry, my pull luck has been awful since February onwards.
You're welcome? LOL sadly one of my pulls this morning was Trash-elo as well, which is why she was on my brain at the time.
My luck has been awful since start of year for most part. Even more disheartened on my alt, since my one and only rainbow pull since starting it (disregarding initial pulls) has been Ace. :| And I didn't even want his ass. My initial pulls there were Delita (okay) and trash troll Gaffgarion. I only go on in hopes of that when my luck turns there, it'll be awesome. But who am I kidding, I'm going to have most badass Delita at end of it all to show, because he'll still be the only one I have.
My main has had better luck, but in all honesty, I had to pull hard and burn almost all my resources to be granted Orlandu. (Which was totally worth it, because that's what I saved them for.) But I can't even just get random love there. Still want a Noctis. ;_;