Agrias at 6* learns Divine Ruination, enhance it and she can chains with Orlandeau (otherwise it's 5 hits)
Oh sweet. Thanks for the tip! I'm gonna make sure to work on her asap then.
Agrias at 6* learns Divine Ruination, enhance it and she can chains with Orlandeau (otherwise it's 5 hits)
My free pulls have been horrendous on this event, Chiz (my 6th?) Cecil (4th?), Exdeath (5th) are the most notable then the joys of Hope and Maria...
Hoping I might get lucky with a daily or two to get me through this event.
I love how almost everyone was saying they weren't going to pull and then on day 1 almost everyone pulled lol. Classic GAF. Congrats to everyone who got good stuff.
I love how almost everyone was saying they weren't going to pull and then on day 1 almost everyone pulled lol. Classic GAF. Congrats to everyone who got good stuff.
Listen, I'm just trying to fake out the desire sensor. It worked in Monster Hunter ("I don't even want to make this armor set... oh, look, another Rathalos Gem...") and so far it's working here.
Of course everyone that said they weren't pulling pulled that is just the way it goes. If it weren't for the Giancrysts though I wouldn't have cared.
Alright I'm gonna do 1-2 more 11 pulls and see what happens. Eff it.
Listen, I'm just trying to fake out the desire sensor. It worked in Monster Hunter ("I don't even want to make this armor set... oh, look, another Rathalos Gem...") and so far it's working here.
Told you, you wouldn't like itAny new player want my account? Only have noctis. Just find the game extremely boring and no will to play.
Yea boys! I did the daily (250 lapis) pull and got a King. Was satisfied and put him up on my friend unit. Then my FFBE habits got the best of me, and I did a single 11 pull with the 7k'ish lapis I had left.
Not only did I get a Rem (which I'm now sharing), but I also got another Kain and a Zyrus for all those moogles I've been sitting on.
Also another Shine, Cecil, and Sice.
Overall one of my better pulls in quite a while.
FFT0-3 event is ok in my book.
Good analogy.
For me personally, I'm stronger when I don't have lapis, but if I have 5k in stock, consider it burned on the very next banner.
Anyway, thought I'd use around 5 tickets on the Type-0 banner, and on my first one this happened:
Yeynot sure how much I'll use her but I did want the unit!
Luckily I still kept hold of 20 of her Trust Moogles (sold the rest) which got her to 95%![]()
By the way, King's 6x attack animation takes about 20 seconds to resolve. At least on Nox, possibly a bit faster on an actual Android device.
Just a fun fact.
By the way, King's 6x attack animation takes about 20 seconds to resolve. At least on Nox, possibly a bit faster on an actual Android device.
Just a fun fact.
By the way, King's 6x attack animation takes about 20 seconds to resolve. At least on Nox, possibly a bit faster on an actual Android device.
Just a fun fact.
This makes me want to avoid leveling him up. Super-long attack animations are obnoxious. Even Lightning's is really annoying.
Maybe I should really try for a King then.
If I autoattack with him, Yun, and Lightning on my main squad, I might cause a shift in the space time continuum and force the servers to deal me a rainbow just to make me stop.
I wanted some change. So I have new leader, well its my newest Rainbow (from January).
Have fun with Donkey Kong Country. Spam that BladeBlitz...
Let me dig out my old level 1 Hope that I threw Barrage on(his only skill), and throw dual wield on him.
I think it's still the slowest animation in the game (in frames).
Medius might still be the king of slowness.
Strangely enough, my free pull was Miyuki (not bad, can use her Sakurafubuki) and my daily was Sice. Did daily for a go at bonus unit. Goal GET! Still doing Raid just for summon stuff though for the cactaur and turtles. (And Gungnir TMs.. cuz working on my 4th!) So my lead may swap between Orlandu and Sice depending on what I'm doing at time. But do have Sice as my lead on the new event runs.
Funny thing is, first ELT run I got the bonus thing. Didn't realize it until a little later. Did think bonus was too good to be normal.
To be honest, think I'm really only going for 30k Moogle and the tickets. None of the rest are enticing. (ATK maybe, if things work in my favor, but the gear itself is lackluster at best.)
I feel I've been trained too well by Dokkan Battle lol. I'm sitting on 5700 lapis an around 18 tickets. I DO want to pull, but the things I want are off banner so it's hard to justify. I get the feeling my BE account will be like my DB one. Filled with f2p resources waiting endlessly for the unit you need to surface.
If you've got any units that you want to get enhancements for, this is a really good mog king to stock up on Giantcrysts. It's a little pricey, but from the past week and a half of grinding the vortex for them, I can tell you 30k is a great value for these damn things (for now).
Yes it reset, but Japan got an update a few months ago where it doesn't.How exactly does Fire From Below (Emperor), Dystopia (D.Fina) and pretty much every stackable magic work? If I use another skill in between the increase will be gone and I'll have to stack all over again?
People say Emperor is a beast, but he sure doesn't have the stats to survive long enough to get Fire From Below maxed. Same for D.Fina.
Yes it reset, but Japan got an update a few months ago where it doesn't.
The Emperor will be a beast with his enhancement and it happened after everyone and their mother had enhanced Ramza in their team so that helps a lot for survivability (plus his TM gives 10% HP)
I was looking at old pictures and
Make Maxwell great again!
50 Shinryu Celeste clears, and haven't seen the bonus monster yet. Had a couple of bombs, but no whatever the other guy is called. I wanted to get 9 Giancrysts, but damn....
It blows my mind how you burn lapis like it's nothing to even refresh. I'm just going to naturally farm this event for as long as it's available and see what I have to spend in the end. I'm very thankful it costs 25 nrg though, makes farming it go by so quickly. I hope future events are like this.
ehhh I just bought a $10 thing of lapis just to refresh the MK event, but I am about done doing it since I'm not getting shit.
Dragoon banner. over 55 pulls (3x10+1 plus tix). 0 Zyrus. First pull had 3 Golds, Sozhe (my 4th), WoL, Gaffgarion. This last pull makes the day.
Yeah. Iam done.
Free - Gaffgarion
Daily - Zyrus (lol) ok.
3 Tix - Nine, Medius, Queen (lol)
Edit: whoa Giancrysts? Well now I may have to pull some more...
That is hellishly awful. I'm so sorry.
Off banner daily Zyrus? uhh...?
Get Bladeblitz and all the Killer passive, the rest really doesn't matter.So I read somewhere that when levelling Odin it's best to skip one of the ATK+30's since it doesn't actually add anything due to there being a threshold. That true? Also is it worth getting all of the abilities or are some of them not worth it?
It says you have reached maximum request.i have some slots open if you don't have me and need THE CUTEST AND PUREST bonus unit