How is OK banner? Is he the only good one on it? Tidus + Rikku still seems the most appealing to me.
i think aria is a good healer and desch has a 45 atk accessory
How is OK banner? Is he the only good one on it? Tidus + Rikku still seems the most appealing to me.
Spent a daily (down to 430 lapis) and spent 4 of the 8 tickets I got from the new Mog event.
Is she really good? As in better than Refia and 6* Tilith, or will 6* Tilith still surpass her?
Holy shit everyone.
I've been wrestling with Amazon today because I had $10 in credit laying around and wanted to buy a wee bit of lapis to expand some of my slots so I could use my last remaining six tickets and finally do my raid coin summons (sitting at 195k). Normally I game on iOS but I figured why not, especially with the Coin discount.
Got it resolved, expanded the slots, and went back to iOS for the pulls. I wanted to use 4 pulls on the dragon banner in a last ditch effort at a Zyrus and 2 on the current banner for some bonus units.
The first three tickets were two Firions and a Kain. Blah. Fourth ticket was Setzer. Wasn't looking for him, but having 2 will be great for chaining. That left two more tickets.
First one.... RAINBOW!! And..... Delita. I know that's a "troll" rainbow, but it's new to me and I hear enhancements make him viable again. Plus, Moonblade.
Final ticket. ANOTHER RAINBOW!!! Boom.... Rem.
I mean, what are the frickin chances of that??? Not necessarily who I was going for, but what a way to end my week of really shitty pulls. Setzer, Delita, and Rem are WAY better than Zyrus.
Now off to do the raid coin pulls and level these suckers up!!
Used a ticket to make my number a multiple of 5 lol and Rainbow!!!!!!
4th Luneth........yay? 2 off banner Rainbows so no more for me.
Just got Trance Terra (dupe) on a ticket pull and felt lucky so... Did an 11 pull. Two rainbows, both Rem! Not sure how to equip her yet but I put her up as my shared unit. I think I have most of you on my friend's list already but cleared one inactive if any new Gaffer needs her.
TbKGaf: 226,235,707.
How often are you guys getting the mikazichu bonus enemy? Been running ELT all day and only one so far :-/
Free pull: Rainbow.....Gilgamesh!!! Sweet!
Just need to balance this out and say I DID NOT pull a rainbow. Got Cecil on the free daily.
JP getting XIV raid again, kinda fillery lol. At least they're letting us upgrade the TMs from those units I. This even if it's a marginal upgrade prob.
This thread is so funny. For all of hate everyone was giving the type-0 banner they're sure are a lot of pulls being done. Maybe we need a type-0 pt.4 banner?
This thread is so funny. For all of hate everyone was giving the type-0 banner they're sure are a lot of pulls being done. Maybe we need a type-0 pt.4 banner?
At this rate the game will be n.1 on app store and we will get part 4 next month.This thread is so funny. For all of hate everyone was giving the type-0 banner they're sure are a lot of pulls being done. Maybe we need a type-0 pt.4 banner?
Freebie: Terra
Freebie Daily Ticket: Terra
Man, I got like 10 Terras now. Probably should harvest a couple Ultimas someday for the mage arsenal.
Nobody like Machina!
Classic GAF lmao.
At this rate the game will be n.1 on app store and we will get part 4 next month.
How is OK banner? Is he the only good one on it? Tidus + Rikku still seems the most appealing to me.
Exactly what Ken said, also they have nice TM if you miss SPR stuff.i think aria is a good healer and desch has a 45 atk accessory
From what i read they use the actual garuda fight mechanic which is kinda cool.
Also free pull: Gilbert....who? Never seen this guy before.
Free pull: Sazh
Type-0 pull (just want a bonus unit!!!): Sazh many 20 twenty sided die is too many twenty sided die?
Woops >.<
How many Giancryst does one need for enhancing Ramza to +2 Heroes Rime? Debating on if I should go for at least 2.
From what i read they use the actual garuda fight mechanic which is kinda cool.
Also free pull: Gilbert....who? Never seen this guy before.
Gilbert for me too! He's terrible!
Got Aileen on the free draw today. What's her role? Support? Will try get her up to speed. Pretty sure I no longer actually need units, just gear...Wouldn't have pulled it it wasn't free, done with dailies on this banner and saving up...not sure what for now though. Maybe throw it all into the TM farm to feed the macros.
Observation: Lyrian's old theory about the Chamber of Gems launching early in an attempt to divert the GL playerbase's NRG going into TM farming didn't really succeed, but putting Giancrysts into all the Mog King events and delaying story events might work.
Daily pull was Sice, which gives me 275%-300% bonus depending on friend unit. Good enough for a few T4s.
Free: Lani (guh)
Daily: Kefka
Tickets: Xiao (new), Sice
How Xiao evaded me for so long is bizarre.
5x tickets down between yesterday and today. 2x Sice is 100% bonus. Trying to determine if I need more. I need those gigancrysts.