It says you have reached maximum request.
i need to clear out the requests list and it'll fix. gimme a sec
It says you have reached maximum request.
i need to clear out the requests list and it'll fix. gimme a sec
Holy shit everyone.
Holy shit everyone.
I've been wrestling with Amazon today because I had $10 in credit laying around and wanted to buy a wee bit of lapis to expand some of my slots so I could use my last remaining six tickets and finally do my raid coin summons (sitting at 195k). Normally I game on iOS but I figured why not, especially with the Coin discount.
Got it resolved, expanded the slots, and went back to iOS for the pulls. I wanted to use 4 pulls on the dragon banner in a last ditch effort at a Zyrus and 2 on the current banner for some bonus units.
The first three tickets were two Firions and a Kain. Blah. Fourth ticket was Setzer. Wasn't looking for him, but having 2 will be great for chaining. That left two more tickets.
First one.... RAINBOW!! And..... Delita. I know that's a "troll" rainbow, but it's new to me and I hear enhancements make him viable again. Plus, Moonblade.
Final ticket. ANOTHER RAINBOW!!! Boom.... Rem.
I mean, what are the frickin chances of that??? Not necessarily who I was going for, but what a way to end my week of really shitty pulls. Setzer, Delita, and Rem are WAY better than Zyrus.
Now off to do the raid coin pulls and level these suckers up!!
i have some slots open if you don't have me and need THE CUTEST AND PUREST bonus unit
I can reach 549 SPR with Ramza but it seems super overkill (about 60 MP heal per turns)
Final ticket. ANOTHER RAINBOW!!! Boom.... Rem.
He will be very strong by his own with enhancements. His TM is good for mixed dps.
Grats on the free rainbow!
Like Syntsui said, his enhancements are very solid and turn him into a pretty scary finisher. He also becomes very flexible with his weapon choices.
I'm unsure on the value of his TM these days. Maybe good as a SPR-increasing accessory on DPS or something while still getting some offensive benefit?
That's a lot of Rem for a banner everyone is supposed to skip
Congratulations though, feel weird to have stopped summoning since a few months and see people getting super lucky.
My time will come, I'll be rewarded with 2 Onion for my patience
Current stackJust curious how much lapis you've saved up
Thanks! ^°o°^I believe in your double OK dream.
Current stack
I already got 5 tickets from this event.
Current stack
I already got 5 tickets from this event.
If we follow the JP schedule he'll be released mid August.I will be joining you in the double OK crusade. I shouldn't have wasted 15k Lapis trying to get trash ass mad at myself :/
Thank youNiiiice. Best of luck
OK coming out after the Veritas massacre will be ⚰⚰⚰
There will be a lot of good banner going forward so good luck to you too and stay strong!I will be joining you in the double OK crusade. I shouldn't have wasted 15k Lapis trying to get trash ass mad at myself :/
There will be a lot of good banner going forward so good luck to you too and stay strong!
It helps that I already have Tilith, with some prayer to RNG Goddess I'll also land on Rikku with my 4* ticket.
Rem Rem partyVery late to the pull party but
Thanks for fucking once gumi
Is she really good? As in better than Refia and 6* Tilith, or will 6* Tilith still surpass her?
Very late to the pull party but
Thanks for fucking once gumi
Dropped a ticket in hopes of Firion and got a Setzer! Can't complain I guess. Not sure of his use or anything but it's not a dupe at least.
Very late to the pull party but
Thanks for fucking once gumi
I'm the queen of Britain.Reviews I'm reading online are praising her, saying she became a total monster of a unit with the global exclusive abilities.
Reviews I'm reading online are praising her, saying she became a total monster of a unit with the global exclusive abilities.
Rem should be not be considered healer anymore. A magic attack that consider killerd and element is a monstruosity.
The rem of global is not a main healer anymore. She is a monster damage dealer and a secindary healer
I didn't realize her exclusive skill did that, that sounds really cool. What about her free dual wield for daggers? Is it just to proc the boomerang twice(if possible) or is there another dagger worth equipping besides the event one?
Grats my dude!
DW daggers was her recent enhancement in JP a few weeks ago and it got pretty meh reception. even if GL gave us a second MAG dagger it's hard to beat L&A stacking
I tested with Ken's Rem and yeah, I can see why some would call her a monster. She does 1m damage by herself with no chain with maximum stack.
Very late to the pull party but
Thanks for fucking once gumi
Just got Trance Terra (dupe) on a ticket pull and felt lucky so... Did an 11 pull. Two rainbows, both Rem! Not sure how to equip her yet but I put her up as my shared unit. I think I have most of you on my friend's list already but cleared one inactive if any new Gaffer needs her.
TbKGaf: 226,235,707.
Current stack
I already got 5 tickets from this event.