There may be a new key or two, not quite sure tho! I'm very excited as well.Definitely ready to get some story lapis tomorrow. Anyone know if any good items open up via exploration/vault/silver chests?
There may be a new key or two, not quite sure tho! I'm very excited as well.Definitely ready to get some story lapis tomorrow. Anyone know if any good items open up via exploration/vault/silver chests?
Fully potted :
((300 SPR + 149 (100% SPR of his song)) / 2) * 0.5 mod + 20 = 132.25 on 3 turns -> 44 MP per turns
That's not even counting the MAG stat (it's 10% of the mag stat for healing calculation)
Wait, we get Lapis for redoing FF3?
So what you are telling me, a team of Rem, Ling, and Noctis will be invic.
Definitely ready to get some story lapis tomorrow. Anyone know if any good items open up via exploration/vault/silver chests?
Reddit said:silver chest from all of this continent exploration and town (Part 1 & 2)
Exploration :
Flame Shield Recipe
Golden Blade Recipe
Betelgeuse Recipe
Town :
Circlet Recipe
Golden Shield Recipe
edit : DEF+20% is not a recipe
From Reddit:
That's both parts, so only half of that is available tomorrow. In any case, none of that is terribly exciting. More exciting would be the Fat Chocobo for Gronoa, but that won't be available for another month (Genji Shield, Curaja materia).
Interesting that ELT for this Type-0 event is 25 EN but gives you double the currency of the 13 EN versions. You get 1 EN off. lol
I hope it does, the 25 nrg makes it so much nicer from a sanity standpoint. That's why the lagoon in Mobius is one of my favorite places... costs 60 energy and can clear in a minute or two, just do that twice and you're good.
From Reddit:
That's both parts, so only half of that is available tomorrow. In any case, none of that is terribly exciting. More exciting would be the Fat Chocobo for Gronoa, but that won't be available for another month (Genji Shield, Curaja materia).
Fina1215 said:We will soon get another FF14 raid featuring new units that JP just got.
Also, producer mentioned that 10 man raid system will be available on global version soon.
It looks like we will be getting a lot of things much sooner than JP schedule.
We might have a lot of big surprise for 1 yr anniversary.
Also, producer mentioned that there will be new way to increase Trust Master. Instead of repeating dungeons over and over, there will be "dispatch" system where you send your unit to mission to increase their TM. This is currently planned soon for JP so GL may not get this feature immediately.
New bundle!
If you use a 4 Star Guaranteed ticket, what's the Rainbow percentage? 5%?
I'm not familiar with the numbers... is it worth it? Without being able to look at the shop I feel like it is...
Thinking about it, quite confidant it is... normally $5 for 500 lapis or so, so this bundle is roughly 1k lapis, 1x 4* ticket, and a freebie 5% moogle ahead of the curve~
$10 = 1.5k Lapis @ 150/$
$20 = 3.2k Lapis @ 160/$
$100 = 18k Lapis @ 180/$
$12 = 2.5k Lapis @ 208/$. 4* Tix and the moogle are just sweet bonuses.
Just the Lapis alone is already worth it.
Well, whether it's 11.99 or 16.98... think I'll have to cash in my Google rewards and pay the difference >.>;
Lol 16.98 is the price here in Singapore Dollars.
It's a good deal tbh.
1500000013 Adventurer
Boost ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 10%
1500000015 Adventurer +1
Boost ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 15%
1500000016 Adventurer +2
Boost ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 20%
1500000017 Adventurer +3
Boost ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 30%
1500000018 Adventurer +4
Boost ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR by 40%
No compensation lol. But if they really banned and the ranking is updated, there is absolutely nothing to compensate anyway.Fyi:
No compensation lol. But if they really banned and the ranking is updated, there is absolutely nothing to compensate anyway.
I don't really know how that 10 man raid thing works, but sounds fun!
Will be interesting to see the numbers on Elza's enhancements.
No compensation lol. But if they really banned and the ranking is updated, there is absolutely nothing to compensate anyway.
Yup. All comes down to that.
Based on the ability description text alone, Reddit is highly disappointed atm.
No dark imperil sucks rather hard, as everyone was expecting that. Currently. it looks like she is only receiving minor enhancements, unless the numbers really make up the difference for the lack of any new functionality in her skillset.
SG_MISSION_UNLOCK_TITLE^Unlock this mission for ?
900 Ancient Coin
These odd-looking coins are sometimes discovered from historical sites.
Expedition Guild Masters often offer new contracts to adventurers in exchange for them before auctioning it to other antiquarians for profit.
901 Advance Token
A mystical token thought to bend the passage of time, allowing a party to travel to their destination faster.
Some dispel the myth and theorize that the token helps to energize the party, thus allowing them to travel faster instead.
904 Expansion Voucher
Can be used to expand any slot (units, friends, etc.) by five slots one time.
I have a good feeling about the anniversary
904 Expansion Voucher
Can be used to expand any slot (units, friends, etc.) by five slots one time.[/CODE]
And the Adventurer Materia, might even be Brave Frontier focused.
It's going to be way different than JP for sure, but not necessarily worse.
reallly?!?? Elza please
13 here, since when is more expensive than $ >.<
EDIT : well it's not, might be Apple being greedy
Does VAT get factored in to something like this?13 here, since when is more expensive than $ >.<
EDIT : well it's not, might be Apple being greedy