You can't beat chaining with your clone.
I don't know if those three have any chaining with each other but everyone does have other options to chain with obviously (Agrias, Lorraine, Onion Knight, etc). You also run into non-imperil synergy unless you do some mess of a weapon swap for those three specifically.
- Edgar's Auto Bowgun (オートボウガン

- Tidus' Quick Trick (クイックトリック

- Blanc's Thunder Clap (サンダークラップ

- Setzer's Prismatic Flash (セブンフラッシュ

- Amelia's Disorder (ディスオーダー

- Rikku's Lightning Bolt (ライトニングボルト

- Prishe's Combo Attack (乱撃

- Prishe's Asura Fist (夢想阿修羅拳

- Chizuru's Pipe Dream (夢幻泡影

- Orlandu's and K. Delita's Lightning Stab (無双稲妻突き

- Gilgamesh's Enhanced Three Part Sword (+1 and +2) (三対の剣
- Orlandu's Holy Explosion (聖光爆裂破

- Agrias' Holy Explosion (聖光爆裂破

- Dark Veritas' Dark Guilt (暗黒の罪科

- Ace's Enhanced Tri-Laser (+1 and +2) (トライレーザー

- Onion Knight's 45 MP Skills, 25 MP Skills, and Onion Cutter (オニオンカッター, ぜんそくぜんぎり, オニオンスライス, XX輝き

- Lorraine's Lightning Storm (疾風迅雷

- Lorraine's Gale Sword (疾風の剣
- Vaan's Assault Strike (アサルトストライク

- Edgar's Chainsaw (かいてんのこぎり

- M. Ramza's Sword of Justice (正義の剣

- Nyx's King's Sword (王の剣

- Lorraine's Blade Prison (ブレイドプリズン

- E. Terra's Chaos Wave 2 (ケイオスウェイヴ 2)
- Gouken's Tiger's Fist (虎剛の拳

- Gouken's Dragon Kick (龍柔の脚

- Eileen's Piledriver (+2) (パイルドライバー