Need that apron for Olive. Need that rod mastery for TT!
My problem is that I have 0 reason to pull. Thus I try to stay that way in this banner, no pulls. Hopefully I can do it
Need that apron for Olive. Need that rod mastery for TT!
Is it safe to discard most 1 and 2* units hanging on to the few with a good TM? My 150 character slots are filling up fast.
Yeah. No reason to keep them. if they are Friend Point gacha pulls. Some story characters came as 2* so don't discard them (Fina for example).
it's another no one pulls on banner but everyone ends up with fohlen anyways episode
it's another no one pulls on banner but everyone ends up with fohlen anyways episode
Hrmmm so the banner has some good TMs. I want an Apron for Olive but I haven't been TM farming for some time and don't really feel like starting again until the NRG increase. The sword is niche but cool, the SPR increase TM will be nice later. Fohlen looks cool, but as a unit I wouldn't use him and I have 5 Black Cowls so his hat is nice but nothing I really need. So I dunno I might pull I might not. /shrug. I will be blowing at least 1k Lapis on the story event for crysts though.
For Tidus , by adding a second sword, you won't be able to equip another weapon type to take advantage of 'mastery' materias (such as blade mastery with Genji blade for instance).
But you do benefit from having two water type weapons on each hand if you equip his Brotherhood/Fraternity TM sword.
There was a thread on Reddit about building elemental chain twice as fast by equipping your chainers with 2 matching elements instead of one. Fryevia with Aqua blade was discussed there as well.
I just want Amelia for my Olive (and Arena fuckery), then I'm tapping out.
Given how many pulls it took me to get Grace (who I wasn't at all trying for) on the way to pick up Wilhelm, though, I'm not optimistic.
Excited for Story Events though.
My problem is that I have 0 reason to pull. Thus I try to stay that way in this banner, no pulls. Hopefully I can do it. Granted I have plan that I might use some Lapis to nrg to speed up my TM train *choo choo choo*. Not sure that I have time to TM farm so hard.
Hrmmm so the banner has some good TMs. I want an Apron for Olive but I haven't been TM farming for some time and don't really feel like starting again until the NRG increase. The sword is niche but cool, the SPR increase TM will be nice later. Fohlen looks cool, but as a unit I wouldn't use him and I have 5 Black Cowls so his hat is nice but nothing I really need. So I dunno I might pull I might not. /shrug. I will be blowing at least 1k Lapis on the story event for crysts though.
I just want Amelia for my Olive (and Arena fuckery), then I'm tapping out.
Given how many pulls it took me to get Grace (who I wasn't at all trying for) on the way to pick up Wilhelm, though, I'm not optimistic.
Excited for Story Events though.
Regarding double elemental weapon, does that mean it will be twice as fast to hit the cap if 2 Orlandus are equipped with 2 Excaliburs?
And there's 2 4* units in this banner as well. Good luck with Amelia.
Need that apron for Olive. Need that rod mastery for TT!
I didn't play Sun and Moon because I wasn't really feeling it (and Nintendo made the mistake of releasing a week late in Europe, by which time the whole story was up on YouTube lol), but if they announce DPP remake I'll come back to the series in a heartbeat.
Hey Gumi, so you said we'd finally get WoL this week right?!
Because I'm a PokeNerd I have both Sun and Moon in English. (Yeah, I know we can pick languages now... but for system wise.) I still need to pick up a copy in Japanese. Not being in Japan anymore now means I gotta import that version.
To be honest, Sun and Moon isn't my least favorite Gen, but it's not my favorite either. I just don't know how to feel about it. But to be honest I'm not really motivated. Think I'm finally almost done with catching the legendaries and whatever else they call them. (Just got up and can't recall off hand.) So while I've beat Sun... I finally gotta get to Moon.
I don't blame ya though. I've kind of fallen out of the Poke Community for most part once Sun/Moon came out. I've just no real desire to talk about S/M. I was kind of hoping a B/W redo. A B/W would be amazing as it's the game that brought me back in hard.
Not sure how to feel about Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon though.
Man the TM grind truly is excruciating. Even with a macro just having all those tasty carrots on sticks waiting for me is a killer. Right now I got Blade Mastery, Excalibur, Dual Wield and Buckler all in the works at about 30%. I want my Orlandeau to hit like a real one already
I expect to be doing this a lot though anyway but just having that one OP unit of my own would really open up some doors. I'd burn lapis on it but with 61 NRG it would feel like a massive waste.
So how does this Kelsius shard thing work out? The way I've calculated it, there's no possible way to get enough shards before the end of the month, even if they keep the daily quest on after Titan raid is finished.
So how does this Kelsius shard thing work out? The way I've calculated it, there's no possible way to get enough shards before the end of the month, even if they keep the daily quest on after Titan raid is finished.
Its a tactic in these types of games to make people log in every day, they will give us 300 shards only and you need to log in every single day probably.
Joke is on them, everyone here still log in every single day regardless!!!
Out of curiosity I tried making a Gilgamesh build with Camille's TM
He's one of the few people with sword mastery and it still isn't very good. I guess it's an easier build to make? All 4* or fewer TM's except the moonblade. The build doesn't use any trial items either, so he could be a good backup DPS alongside Orlandu or whoever.
You have until the end of July. They'll give us enough.
Its a tactic in these types of games to make people log in every day, they will give us 300 shards only and you need to log in every single day probably.
So many king cactaurs, not enough holy/sacred crystals :-(
Word on the reddit street is that Setzer will be a good unit for this trial like he was for the Kefka event as one of the two trial bosses has absurdly high defense. I've got 2 and only one is maxed. Need to level up the other just in case.
-- someone was asking for another Yun to chain with. i can make him my leader if you need, if you agree to show me how to chain with him in return?
what's your setzer build look like?
That was me, but I beat the trial by being a dirty rotten cheater and force closing the app whenever I got a tumult-pocalypse or suicide cover. I had 5-6 tumult turns that left half my team dead and the rest in the red, and 0-1 tumult turns where nobody was below half health. Nobody got time to deal with that kind of RNG.
I hear you on that. Slowly getting mine up. Got Excal and Genji Blade recently which has been a big boost. Demon Mail yesterday. Working on a Blade Mastery now. (Orlandu jacked CoD's DW when I got him.. but have since gotten her a new one.) Slow process but it's exciting.
Once I get mine pretty set up gotta figure at looking to get Large Sword Mastery though.
Alkez, that's what i liked. I was normally never overly into the stories but B/W was just so darn good. Never huge into D/P, but I'd dig a redo of that as well. But yeah, the originals are so good. Think my fav is Silver then Red though. :x (Silver introduced Lugia and Umbreon... ブラキー is the best~)
Word on the reddit street is that Setzer will be a good unit for this trial like he was for the Kefka event as one of the two trial bosses has absurdly high defense. I've got 2 and only one is maxed. Need to level up the other just in case.
Had this error nearly 10 times this morning when trying to use up my full Raid Orbsmanaged to eventually get in later on though.
Hello and welcome!I've made one more spot for you and sent over a request.
Already another Trial and also new Story eventthe content is coming in hard! This is great
. I'll be sticking to Daily pulls in the next banner again and saving up my tickets (71 so far!).
Daily today was Shadow, actually made me lol.
Prob because O'Zack (prominent JP player used setzer cheese to beat the trials), you can't stack killers on GL though so I don't see that happening on GL tbh.
Ultros just has crazy high physical def, it still takes plenty dmg from mag. Meanwhile if I remember right Typhoon will have really high mag def.
I'm guessing Fryevias should be a quite good unit for next trial -- hybrid dmg covering both mag/physical, typhoon already is vulnerable to ice and she has aoe -50% atk debuff.
Hey guys, Look what I created today!
Why? Because I'm insane.Also, costed me 1000 lapis to get 4 G-crysts. Also, wearing 4 x Quick Assaults. His Atk just sucks no matter what.
Up to 200k raid coins, and it has only been 5 days. I can't wait to waste an hour or so of my life pulling and going through all this shit when it ends.
So many king cactaurs, not enough holy/sacred crystals :-(
This is my issue on both my main and alt account.Been working on a list of units on both since I've got free time with NRG lately. (Which I love. Having more units that do other things for possibly future use is great.) But last couple of days stopped opening up EXP and doing Awakening Chamber. Need an unrealistic amount of Sacred Crystals now. Ugh. Will be doing this from now until end of time.
Fortunately, the farming I did yesterday on alt was enough to get Mercedes from 4* cap to 5*. Then with the Cactaur rolled right through 5* and up to cap 6*. Replaced Chizuru right now for Mercedes to see how this goes.
From my understanding both units need to use 2 different elemental weapons, like Excalibur and Deathbringer. The obvious issue is the lack of 1 elemental imperial, and the only units that I know that can do this the fullest capacity are Du and Dark Veritas, as their moves chain, they provide different elemental debuffs, and can both weild each others element.
It's long and boring, but I have a Ling that can solo the Dark Esper trial... do I need to put her back up for people? /edit flist?
Brother Lyrian, I request your mathematical genius in determining if that sword paired with Brotherhood is the optimum setup for Tidus. I've been wondering what's the best option for his other hand for a while now. I have a second Excalibur in the TM farm group just in case or could give him Genji Blade but another water weapon is probably the best option? Does a unit auto chain with itself in this instance no matter what for auto and physical attacks skills?
It's long and boring, but I have a Ling that can solo the Dark Esper trial... do I need to put her back up for people? /edit flist?