Congrats guys on your 2Bs!!!!
Thank you sir. But Iam more happy about 2nd 9S
Congrats guys on your 2Bs!!!!
Damn that troll Rosa everywhere.
Anyways now you will hate me more
Make it 2 of those, other one will have Swordbreaker and something else in Body slot. Otherwise same stuff. MP shouldn't be an issue. I just need to get that another Pod done (going to use Lapis for raid).
Noctis it does everything.
Congrats all except Rixa. You arent allowed to pull new units. You are forever our Ace carry!
Haha...nice perfect for Noctis.
I will just have to live my Pod 153 chaining dreams through you lol.
Yea congrats on that second 9S! I got 2 early on and it's been a relief. Definitely don't think I'll be able to max the TM for both with these abysmal rates.Thank you sir. But Iam more happy about 2nd 9S. 2B was the icing in the cake.
Got 2 friends slots open if I don't have anyone anyone here.
632 536 652
So I've been thinking about something recently: when do you think you will quit this game?
Every week we have people saying they'll quit if x y and z happens but it's usually just a reaction to some bit of news. The obvious answer is when the game gets boring but I'm wondering if there is something that will actually trigger you to leave.
For me I've said from the beginning I'll stop when/if 7*s become a thing. The reason I always said that is because it would mark the start of a new, long era in the game, so it would be a good place for me to stop and feel satisfied. At least that was the thought process. Now I play JP too so I may just quit one of my accounts when that happens. Seeing as it would happen in JP first it may be fun to keep going on that account, especially as it's relatively new, and retire my GL account. We'll see when the time comes I guess.
So I've been thinking about something recently: when do you think you will quit this game?
So I've been thinking about something recently: when do you think you will quit this game?
Every week we have people saying they'll quit if x y and z happens but it's usually just a reaction to some bit of news. The obvious answer is when the game gets boring but I'm wondering if there is something that will actually trigger you to leave.
For me I've said from the beginning I'll stop when/if 7*s become a thing. The reason I always said that is because it would mark the start of a new, long era in the game, so it would be a good place for me to stop and feel satisfied. At least that was the thought process. Now I play JP too so I may just quit one of my accounts when that happens. Seeing as it would happen in JP first it may be fun to keep going on that account, especially as it's relatively new, and retire my GL account. We'll see when the time comes I guess.
Dunno, I doubt it's anytime soon, but I will say my interest is probably the lowest it's been in a long time. For instance this Story event coming on Friday, I couldn't be less excited to do another one already. As I said yesterday I think my interest will continue to decline the next few months as their are about 10-15 games coming out I plan on getting that will take up my time. Mario Odyssey is probably going to be the big Exvius time killer for me, I finally plan to start bringing my Switch to work, and will probably play that during downtime instead of this. I still don't think I will quit, but you never know. I have dropped mobile games I didn't think I would quit quite suddenly before.
So I've been thinking about something recently: when do you think you will quit this game?
Before you quit, please provide feedback to your bosses and tell them to remove the whale flag from my account plz![]()
Before you quit, please provide feedback to your bosses and tell them to remove the whale flag from my account plz![]()
So I've been thinking about something recently: when do you think you will quit this game?
This is about right for me. Once I stop enjoying the game overall, I'm done. Though, if I see a lack of improvements, or Gumi kind of phoning it in, this may speed it up.I'll quit when I force myself to play it because of the money spent and not because I'm having fun.
When you're a whale and just want to have some fun.
Ultimate Shadow unlocked, Great Success indeed!When you're a whale and just want to have some fun.
When you're a whale and just want to have some fun
When you're a whale and just want to have some fun.
Well, Hippo was the one who flagged your account in the first place. He's the boss.
I'll put a post-it on Fujimoto's door, or in his jacket pocket for you.
When you're a whale and just want to have some fun.
hahah wow, this is equivalent to dismantling 5 gjallahorns in y1 Destiny. If anyone here plays it like me![]()
LMAO I'm sure someone did it for science! Are you getting D2? I am. Off of work for a nice 5 days for it.
This looks interesting (exp farm):
I set up noctis like that if you guys want to try.
This looks interesting (exp farm):
I set up noctis like that if you guys want to try.
I don't know if you have been following my trials and tribulations on defeating Aigaion elite this week. It's been my goal since I discovered that his arm, and fist mastery are part of the BiS for A2.
Well today I did it. Final party:
Tilith - recovery and MP battery
Rikku - LB when available or hypernullall/ backup megapheonix
Ace - imperil and item whore/MP battery
WoL- light is with us, Bushido-freedom, repeat
A2 - crimson saber equipped,
Friend A2- fire element sword required.
That was nerve racking. I ended up taking two world destroyers, but I double stacked the 80% threshold one with the first turn he would normally do a world destroyer. He was preparing the 3rd one at 8%, but there was no way to kill his arm and body at the same time. So I had to eat the +50% hp on right arm. Took two turns for right and then 2 more turns for left. I was able to get 1 more Rikku LB from killing the body which likely saved me four turns on right arm
Pretty much pre-ordered once it became available. I have a good group on PS4 though and its always fun times. About 8-10 of us on any given night to run any content. If i didn't i'd prob jump on PC.
So I've been thinking about something recently: when do you think you will quit this game?
When you're a whale and just want to have some fun.
I'm planning on being here until the bitter end. You're right though, if 7* units pop up is going to make me want to throw in the towel.
Pretty sure that's when I quit Brave Frontier. It's like a kick in the nuts.
A2 and 2B Moogles have been generous for everybody.
They give you an abundance of them to incentivise you to pull more to get those units.
Meanwhile the easier to get units, Adam (who has no Moogles), Eve, 9S and 21O drop hardly any Moogles.
A2 and 2B Moogles have been generous for everybody.
They give you an abundance of them to incentivise you to pull more to get those units.
Meanwhile the easier to get units, Adam (who has no Moogles), Eve, 9S and 21O drop hardly any Moogles.
BF just got Omni+, in fact. So, essentially, 8* and then special item or duplicate unit (plus a special item) and a ton of zel/karma for increasing an omni unit's stats.
Omni by itself was already 8*, so now you can increase a base Omni even more? So glad I stopped playing that game...what the shit.
Talked this at Discord earlier. Not surprised if its fixed tomorrow and maintenance will last longer than 6h.
So I've been thinking about something recently: when do you think you will quit this game?
Every week we have people saying they'll quit if x y and z happens but it's usually just a reaction to some bit of news. The obvious answer is when the game gets boring but I'm wondering if there is something that will actually trigger you to leave.
For me I've said from the beginning I'll stop when/if 7*s become a thing. The reason I always said that is because it would mark the start of a new, long era in the game, so it would be a good place for me to stop and feel satisfied. At least that was the thought process. Now I play JP too so I may just quit one of my accounts when that happens. Seeing as it would happen in JP first it may be fun to keep going on that account, especially as it's relatively new, and retire my GL account. We'll see when the time comes I guess.