Yda's TM should stack in GL since they're two different TMs technically. That's how it works for JP. You can't use 2 of the True one or 2 of Yda's standard one but you can use one of each.
Remember that for the next XIV raid, lol.
Hey all, friendly reminder maintenance is in a half hour.
still a bit hope left that Gilga get improved enhancements for Global.....
The dream of a top notch gilga is officially dead ;__;
The dream of a top notch gilga is officially dead ;__;
Confirmed ? Damn....
I wonder why they took so long to drop his enh. then..what a bummer :-/
Thats what datamine suggest, sad so sad.
Thats what datamine suggest, sad so sad.
Total Stats: HP: 5939 MP: 278 ATK: 901 DEF: 404 MAG: 179 SPR: 194
Noctis 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Excalibur +120ATK+Light Element
Left Hand: Aigaion Arm +145ATK+100%LBFillRate
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep
Body: Brave Suit +51DEF+15%ATK+15%MAG
Accessory 1: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Accessory 2: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Use Grappling Weapons Can equip Fists
Ability 3: Martial Arts Mastery +50%ATK w/ Fist
Ability 4: Large Sword Mastery +50% ATK w/ Great Sword
Pot Stats: HP: 450 MP: 75 ATK: 30 DEF: 30 MAG: 30 SPR: 30
Esper: Odin HP:5450 MP:3955 ATK:6250 DEF:4310 MAG:2075 SPR:2270
[B]Total Stats: HP: 4969 MP: 325 ATK: 960 DEF: 389 MAG: 226 SPR: 213 [/B]
Crit Rate: 10% P. Evasion: 20% M. Evasion: 0% P. Counter: 30% M. Counter: 0%
Agrias 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Aigaion Arm +145ATK+100%LBFillRate
Left Hand: Excalibur +120ATK+Light Element
Head: Rider's Helm +28ATK+60DEF+100%Disease/Petrify
Body: Brave Suit +51DEF+15%ATK+15%MAG
Accessory 1: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Accessory 2: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Large Sword Mastery +50% ATK w/ Great Sword
Ability 3: Use Grappling Weapons Can equip Fists
Ability 4: Martial Arts Mastery +50%ATK w/ Fist
Pot Stats: HP: 450 MP: 75 ATK: 30 DEF: 30 MAG: 30 SPR: 30
Esper: Odin HP:5450 MP:3955 ATK:6250 DEF:4310 MAG:2075 SPR:2270
[B]Total Stats: HP: 5157 MP: 278 ATK: 967 DEF: 445 MAG: 189 SPR: 169 [/B]
Crit Rate: 10% P. Evasion: 0% M. Evasion: 0% P. Counter: 0% M. Counter: 0%
Bingo, stronger than Noctis.
Gilgamesh 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Aigaion Arm +145ATK+100%LBFillRate
Left Hand: Deathbringer +120ATK+Dark Element
Head: Onion Helm +15ATK+20DEF +Healthy w/Onion Knight
Body: Demon Mail +10ATK+55DEF+20%Dark
Accessory 1: Genji Glove +10%ATK/MAG & Dual Wield
Accessory 2: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Ability 1: Sworn Six's Pride Dark +30%ATKw/GreatSword+30%ATKw/HeavyArmor
Ability 2: Martial Arts Mastery +50%ATK w/ Fist
Ability 3: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 4: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Pot Stats: HP: 510 MP: 65 ATK: 26 DEF: 26 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Esper: Odin HP:5450 MP:3955 ATK:6250 DEF:4310 MAG:2075 SPR:2270
Total Stats: HP: 5436 MP: 254 ATK: 1029 DEF: 374 MAG: 174 SPR: 164
Crit Rate: 10% P. Evasion: 20% M. Evasion: 0% P. Counter: 0% M. Counter: 0%
Total Stats: HP: 5436 MP: 254 ATK: 1064 DEF: 374 MAG: 174 SPR: 164
On the flip side, Queen's enhancement buffs look really nice, and a huge jump over her JP equivalent. 800% finisher instead of the barrage thing she does, 300% attack 200% DEF/SPR buff when below 15% HP (JP was 6%), and she also get poison/blind/paralyze/confuse resistance plus the death evasion (which wasn't in the JP version).
A 5-hit attack is a finisher nowadays?
A 5-hit attack is a finisher nowadays?
So upgrading Gilga isn't worth it?
Depends on the rest of your team, the ones talking about it before probably have better stuff now, and had hoped Gilga would reclaim a party spot...
Beat the dark esper trial thanks to udca's Onion Knight! Got all the rewards too. Was an intense fight, I brought both WoL and Cecil, plus Rem and Cerius. I was scared because I was about to run out of MP pots near the end but managed to pull it off without anyone dying. I just prayed that OK didn't get confused because that's what stopped my run before the maintenance started lol.
Now on to Octopus trial.
edit: Pod 153 is really amazing. I equipped it to WoL for the damage mitigation and regen abilities. Pretty much allowed me to save some MP on my healers because of it. Really glad I got at least one 9S lol.
Glad I could help! Good job with the trials
I'm trying to wrap my head around how enhanced Queen works now. So presumably you want to open with magic martyr to trigger berserk, then heal her up. Then on the second turn you can either magic martyr -> berserk a second time, or start devastate. On the third turn you definitely want to devastate because berserk only lasts 3 turns. So the only question is if a second devastate at +300% is better than one devastate at +600%? Justice guard will keep magic martyr from killing her as long as she's above 50%, so you don't need to heal her twice which is nice.
Also I'm glad the enhancements got buffed but holy hell they are still expensive. 7mil gil, 36 T4 and 12 T5. At least magic martyr is healing now.
I'm intensely confused by this post. Why would you want to use Magic Martyr twice in a row? 600%? Berserk doesn't stack. It's a self-buff for 300% ATK, the maximum you can buff a stat by. Using it again is only going to refresh the buff, not enhance it.
Magic Martyr -> Devastate x3 -> Repeat.
Magic Martyr damages her for 95% of her current HP, not max. She can't kill herself unless you use it at 1 HP.
Justice Guard prevents her from dying once per "life", same as every other Guts/Resist Death passive.
ffs...i thought i had enough.
I really think im ready to jump ship from my main and and focus on my old/alt.
Man, for the first time since release I let an entire day's worth of stamina rot, because of Destiny 2. Not even that mad.
I think I'm going to try out Aigiaon tonight. Is there a strategy video or writeup with current pool units? Everything I saw was a few meta units ago. Who am I kidding, it's probably still "Fryevia x4 = win"
Man, for the first time since release I let an entire day's worth of stamina rot, because of Destiny 2. Not even that mad.
I think I'm going to try out Aigiaon tonight. Is there a strategy video or writeup with current pool units? Everything I saw was a few meta units ago. Who am I kidding, it's probably still "Fryevia x4 = win"
I wouldn't count Yun entirely out just yet. If they change his frames he could become a fantastic chainer. That said, yeah you should maybe consider swapping. That alt list is pretty strong.
Hey guys. Does anybody know if they fixed the bug where you can't switch characters / go to main menu / use limit breaks / use magic / do just about anything in the game?
I started yesterday with the game and it happened to me today. I found the bug happened to a lot of people but haven't found a solution anywhere.
I'm past the first town and halfway through that Siren tower or something. Am I still in Tutorial mode?I read on Reddit that it happens to account stuck in "tutorial mode", gotta send a ticket to Gumi for that.
You can do that on PC, you have to give your customer id though (title screen -> info -> customer support) -> http://finalfantasyexvius.com/support/
Or you can just do it from the title screen iirc.
I'm past the first town and halfway through that Siren tower or something. Am I still in Tutorial mode?
Yes, most probably.
See if it's the same issue as this https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExv...ible_bug_i_am_stuck_and_can_only_visit_towns/